The escape boat suddenly trembled violently.

And the shaking was great.

Ye Youran, they are now on interstellar flight.

In case of a crash in such a place, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Therefore, ye Youran rushed out of the gravity chamber at the fastest speed.

While the leaves rush out leisurely.

Alice and ye Leng all rushed out.

Everyone rushed to the cab.

Through the thick glass of the cab.

Ye Youran finally knew why the escape boat trembled violently.

Because they met meteorite rain.

In the universe, we don't know how many planets collide every day.

And the debris after the collision will form meteorite rain in the universe.

When on earth, ye Youran often saw meteorite rain or news about meteorite rain.

But the meteorite rain on the earth is not big.

Moreover, after the friction of the atmosphere, it can not pose a great threat to human beings on the earth.

But at this time, ye Youran they are in space.

The meteorite rain encountered was extremely huge.

Looking around, there is an endless meteorite rain.

Fortunately, the size of the meteorite rain is not very large.

The defense capability of the escape boat is OK.

The fist sized meteorite rain hit the escape boat, and all of them were bounced away.

However, ye Youran, they have just come into contact with meteorite rain.

The meteorite behind is bigger.

Ye Youran can even see some like a hill.

If you were hit by such a meteorite.

Don't say it's an escape boat.

Even a spaceship will be smashed into a hole.

But spaceships have defensive weapons.

When encountering a giant meteorite rain that can't be avoided, he is fully capable of smashing it with shells.

But the escape boat has no such ability.

Although there are some small attack weapons.

But obviously there is no way to smash those meteorites as huge as mountains.

"Cancel autopilot."

Alice is obviously more experienced than ye Youran.

She sat in the cab.

With the sound of "automatic driving has been cancelled and changed to manual mode, please pay attention to driving safety", the prompt sound starts.

A driving handle appeared in front of Alice.

Alice controls the driving handle.

Make evasive actions flexibly.

One advantage of escape boats is that they are smaller and can be operated more flexibly.

There is no way for spacecraft to operate some difficult evasion actions.

But a careful escape boat can.

Just let Ye leisurely have something that she can't adapt to.

Alice manipulated the escape boat and made a thrilling move.

Or 90 degree sharp turn.

Or a sudden 90 degree dive.

Sometimes the escape boats almost skimmed the huge meteorites.

The danger is extreme.

As long as there is a slightest difference.

Can destroy the boat and kill people.

However, at this time, ye Youran and them depend on Alice.

There is no way.

Because they don't know how to fly an escape boat.

Alice is the only one who can operate it manually.

This feeling makes Ye leisurely not used to it.

All along, ye Youran is used to holding his life and death in his own hands.

Only in this way can ye Youran be the most practical.

Now ye Youran can only entrust her life and death to Alice.

The feeling that life and death are not under your control, ye Youran's palms begin to sweat.

"Be careful."

Ye Youran suddenly exclaimed.

Because Alice made a dive and looked to avoid a huge meteorite.

But there is another huge meteorite.

Seeing that the escape boat was about to hit the huge meteorite.

"Hoo ~"

Alice was not in a mess.

As if everything had been expected by her.

Immediately pull the escape boat up.

Just experienced a 90 degree dive, and suddenly another 90 degree pull-up.

This time, even ye Youran almost couldn't stand steadily.

"Bang Dang."

With a loud noise.

The escape boat shook violently.

The escape boat scraped the previous meteorite and avoided it.

But it was clear that the escape boat had been damaged.

It's just that no one knows the extent of the damage and which part is damaged.

At this time, everyone's heart is pressed with a huge stone.

Because now they are still in the meteorite rain.

There's no way to stop and check.

If it didn't affect the flight, they might survive.

If the damage just affected the flight.

Then they're in danger.

There are huge meteorites all around.

Without escape boats to rely on, they can't stop these meteorites.

"No, the jet port of the left wing is blocked by meteorites."

Just when everyone is looking forward to nothing.

Alice suddenly changed her face.

Although Alice's previous operation was calm and calm.

But there was sweat on her forehead.

It can be seen that her previous series of beautiful and risky operations are not easy for her.

"What do you mean?"

Ye Youran asked:

"You tell me directly, what impact does this have and what I may need to do?"

Ye Youran doesn't know much about these high-tech things.

He doesn't want to move.

He just wanted to know what effect the jet port of the left wing was blocked on the escape boat.

"The main jet port at the tail of the escape boat is used to push the escape boat forward. The jet ports on both sides of the left wing and right wing are used to make left and right turns of the escape boat."

Alice explained:

"Now the jet port of the left wing is blocked. I can only make a sharp left turn, not a sharp right turn."

Alice said somewhat anxiously.

The reason why the escape boat can operate so flexibly.

Because it has countless jets.

Use the reaction force to adjust the course.

The function of the jet port on the left wing is to make the escape boat make a right turn to avoid the need.

Now Alice can't avoid turning right.

It has no impact for the time being.

But if suddenly there is a huge meteorite on the left.

Alice can't do it if she needs to make a right turn to avoid it.

At that time, we can only watch the escape boat collide.

"What about that?"

Ye Youran didn't make a decision because he didn't understand.

You can only rely on Alice to give orders.

"Someone must go out and remove the meteorite from the jet of the left wing."

Alice said anxiously as she continued to operate.

"I'll go and tell me where it is."

Ye Youran said almost without thinking.

Because at this time, the leaves have no choice.

They are all grasshoppers on the same boat.

Someone has to take risks.

Ye leisurely's cultivation here is the highest.

So ye Youran deserves it.

"This is the plan of the escape boat. This is the opening of the left wing. Put on your spacesuit."

Alice waved and a projection appeared in front of Ye leisurely.

The position of the left wing jet port is clearly marked on it.

"I don't have to wear a spacesuit."

Ye Youran is about to rush out.

Because ye Youran has medicine gas armor.

This is much more useful than any space suit.

Alice suddenly stood up and said in a harsh voice:

"No, you have to wear a spacesuit. There are parasitic animals outside space."

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