Only Alice knows the horror of space monsters.

In the endless universe, countless types of life may be born.

The more advanced technology, the more accurate the exploration of too fast.

The more awe.

Because some space monsters, even superman of krypton, can't resist with their own body.

Among the space monsters, the most terrible ones are parasitic monsters.

Exotic animals are just a general term. The terrible thing about parasitic exotic animals is that.

That's some life that can be rushed into other life.

Some parasitic animals are just a pool of water, or a seed, or even a bacterium.

They can sleep in the ethereal space.

Or cling to a meteorite for long-distance interstellar crossing.

If you encounter some fresh life, they will be activated like leeches.

Then quickly occupy the living bodies and make them reborn.

This parasitic beast is the most terrible.

Because no one knows where it exists.

I don't even know when I was living in my body by a space beast.

By the time it was discovered, it was too late.

Therefore, even people from Krypton dare not appear in space without wearing space suits in unfamiliar space fields.

Although you may not encounter parasitic animals, once you encounter them, it's too late to regret.

So Alice asked ye Youran to wear a spacesuit.

But, in theory, it's safer to wear Kryptonian made spacesuits.

But time is too late.

Because Alice is in danger of being knocked down several times.

Hesitation cannot make a sharp right turn.

So Alice can only make a sharp left turn and has a serious yaw except for diving or pulling up.

If you delay one more minute, it will be more dangerous.

"I don't care so much. I'll go out first."

Ye Youran saw the urgency of the situation.

And because he doesn't understand the horror of space animals.

So ye Youran's art experts are bold.

Despite Alice's dissuasion.

After summoning the medicine gas armor.

Ye Youran resolutely opened the hatch and jumped out.

"This bastard, I hope you're okay!"

Alice was worried.

But she's distracted from operating the escape boat.

There is no more time to explain the horror of space animals to ye Youran.

In fact, the more you are in the meteorite rain, the more you have to wear space suits.

Because many space monsters like to go into sleep.

Attached to the meteorite and let yourself fly.

It's like dandelion seeds like to fly with the help of wind.

This is how they look for parasitic life.

But now ye Youran has gone out and it's too late to say anything.

The only thing Alice can do for ye Youran now is to slow down the escape boat as much as possible.

Also try to avoid large-scale subduction or uplift.

Otherwise, she is likely to leave Ye leisurely in space.

Ye Youran can't survive long in space.

Although the medicine gas armor can help Ye leisurely resist some of the deadly rays.

But ye Youran can't hold on for too long.

If she threw Ye leisurely away.

Ye Youran is afraid that it is difficult to return to the escape boat.

Alice can't let ye Youran die in outer space.

Because the seal on her body has not been untied.

She doesn't want to be a loser all her life.

"It's cold."

In the dark space, cold is ye Youran's only feeling now.

Because it's far away from the sun.

The light of the sun can't shine here at all.

Although there are still some luminous stars that can provide weak illumination for ye Youran.

But without the resistance of high temperature, it's freezing here.

Even if there is medicine gas armor, ye Youran still feels the biting cold.

But ye Youran doesn't care about those feelings.

The escape boat is too fast.

Even Alice deliberately slowed down.

The speed of the escape boat can still reach above the speed of sound.

Ye Youran can only grasp the wing, otherwise ye Youran will be thrown far away.

Although ye Youran has the ability to resist Qi and become a boat.

But it will never catch up with the speed of the escape boat.

The huge inertia makes Ye leisurely, even if he is grasping the wing, his arm is still hurt by falling.

Ye Youran can only move to the jet port a little bit.


Suddenly, ye Youran felt a meteorite hitting his head.

And the speed is out of space.

Ye Youran didn't have time to think more, so he could only slightly deviate his head.

The head size meteorite hit ye Youran's arm.

Although it is protected by medicine gas armor, the power of inertia is too strong.

The impact is still too big.

Directly hit ye Youran's arm and dislocated it.

But the meteorite turned into powder in an instant.

Ye Youran is the later cultivation of strong bones.

Under the protection of the first layer of medicine gas armor, ye Youran's left arm was smashed and dislocated.

You can imagine how fast that is.


Ye Youran cursed in his heart.

He slammed his arm onto the escape boat.

Forcibly straightened the dislocated arm.

But even if it is broken, ye Youran's left arm is still weak in a short time.

Time waits for no one. Ye Youran resists the softness on his arm and continues to move.

This time, ye Youran was extra careful to guard against possible meteorites.

Five minutes later, ye Youran's body was covered with a thick layer of ice crystals.

Because it's too cold.

But by this time, ye Youran had seen the meteorite on the jet mouth.

The meteorite looks small, but it is actually thick.

Right on that jet.

The jets were all smashed into shape.

Ye Youran is only one meter away from the meteorite.

Ye Youran tried to fly out two air needles, but he couldn't shoot through the fast meteorite.

"Incredibly so stiff."

Ye Youran was shocked.

Ye Youran's air needle breaks through the face with a point. Even the steel plate ten centimeters later can be easily shot through.

This small meteorite actually bounced off the gas needle.


Ye Youran was shocked and couldn't help but rejoice in his heart.

If you use this thing to make weapons.

That can definitely be regarded as a magic weapon.

Of course, these are later words.

The most important thing now is to take down this meteorite.

Resume normal flight of the escape boat.

"Ye leisurely, fast."

However, when ye Youran tried to knock down the meteorite and keep it for later weapons.

The sound of radio came from inside the spaceship.

It was Alice's voice, over the radio, outside the whole escape boat.

Ye Youran was surprised and suddenly looked up.

I don't know if I don't see it. I'm surprised at it.

"Sleeping trough, it's over."

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