"Ye Youran, tell me, have you really met goblins before?"

Alice suddenly looked into Ye leisurely's eyes.

Asked solemnly.

"I'm not sure if it's a goblin monster. I was burned by something like magma before. Fortunately, I reacted quickly enough and broke free."

Ye Youran lied.

Because ye Youran heard it from Alice's previous explanation.

This goblin is very precious and rare.

Developed planets such as krypton can't catch a goblin beast alive.

But ye Youran has caught one alive now.

With such a treasure, ye Youran is not sure whether he should share it with Alice.

After all, she's Kryptonian.

Not earthlings.

Although ye Youran is very grateful to Alice, she also trusts Alice.

But under the heavy treasure, can the people's heart maintain the innocence at the beginning.

Who knows?

This is outer space.

Where they are going is krypton.

That's not ye Youran's home.

Ye Youran had to grow a heart.

He didn't want or dare to test Alice's essence with heavy treasure.

So ye Youran hid the things about goblins and monsters.

"You're really lucky."

Alice heard the speech and exclaimed:

"If I guessed correctly, the meteorite rain before should be the planet where the goblin monster used to be. I don't know what was willing to explode before it was blown out. It's a miracle that you can survive when you meet it."

But then Alice said with some regret:

"But... Alas! What a pity!"

"What a pity?"

Ye leisurely asked tentatively.

"It's a pity you didn't catch it alive, but it's not easy to catch it alive?"

Alice said:

"In fact, there were experts on space monsters on Krypton long ago. Many experts put forward a bold idea that goblin monsters can be tamed."

Ye leisurely stagnated.

Can such a terrible goblin beast be tamed?

Ye Youran hurriedly pressed down the surprise in his heart and remained calm on his face.

"Goblin monster is actually a very low-level space monster. It has almost no IQ, and some have only instinct."

"It's not really big. It's actually only the size of a thumb. But it can manipulate magma."

"So its combat effectiveness is extremely terrible. It can destroy a planet in an instant."

"I, the space monster experts of krypton, have made research and found that many similar space monsters without intelligence quotient have been tamed."

"As long as this type of animals are repeatedly induced with what they desire, they will form a conditioned reflex after 10000 times."

"Even remember the master's instructions, and once the instructions are remembered, they will never forget and never betray the master."

"Of course, these are just theories. Although goblins and monsters also have no IQ, no one can guarantee whether this method will work."

"What's more, it's no use talking to you now. Maybe it's the only goblin beast you've ever met in your life."

Alice rejoices for ye Youran and regrets for ye Youran.

Fortunately, ye Youran can survive in the hands of goblins.

And ye Youran meets only goblin monsters, if they are other parasitic monsters.

Maybe ye Youran will die miserably.

After all, goblins and monsters parasitize the planet, not the human body.

Unfortunately, ye Youran missed such a good opportunity.


Ye Youran smiled and did not argue.

With the help of Ye Leng, he stood up:

"Well, I'll go to heal first. You continue to observe. Don't encounter another meteorite rain."

Ye leisurely walks to the gravity chamber.

Ye Youran is in such a hurry to go to the gravity chamber to heal.

That's for a reason.

Theoretically, ye Youran's fish intestines sword can't store living creatures.

Before, ye Youran didn't know the value of goblins and monsters, so he didn't bother to care about its life and death.

It was bottled in jade and thrown into the fish intestines sword.

Since the goblin beast is so powerful, ye Youran can't let it die.

Ye Youran closes the door of the gravity chamber.

The first time was to take out the small jade bottle containing goblins and monsters.

At this time, the goblin beast was in the small jade bottle and did not move.

Ye Youran was surprised.

Pour it out quickly.

However, the goblin beast, which was no different from the red cockroach, came alive in an instant.

It even makes a move and pours on ye Youran.

Moreover, the intense high temperature also comes leisurely to the leaves.

Ye Youran quickly released her mental strength.

Wrapped in spiritual power, the goblin beast was suspended in mid air.

It kept struggling with its eight feet.

But he was indifferent.

"Can this little thing really destroy a planet?"

Ye Youran looks at the red cockroach floating in front of him.

I still don't believe it.

Of course, although ye Youran was suspicious, ye Youran almost died in his hands before.

Fortunately, ye Youran has spiritual power.

And obviously the goblin beast is weak.

There is only a little magma left on it.

Now it is also deprived by Ye Youran.

Thought of the magma.

Ye leisurely thought and took out the magma in the fish intestines sword.

Now the magma has solidified.

It turns into a rock. Even ye leisurely's air needle can't penetrate.

Ye Youran tried to put the goblin beast on the previous hard rock.

At Dayton time, something strange happened.

The cooled rock suddenly melted.

It melts into magma again, and the temperature of magma soars in an instant.

And the goblin beast fought his life to drill in the magma.

This leaves leisurely can be seen clearly.

The goblin beast itself is actually very weak.

All its capabilities depend on magma.

Without magma, it is no different from ordinary cockroaches.

It's just that it's difficult for ordinary people to separate it from magma.

But when you meet ye Youran, it's a goblin beast that has poured blood berries for eight generations.

Because ye Youran has spiritual power.

It can be accurately found from the magma and stripped out.

"If the world is really big, there are all kinds of wonders!"

Ye Youran exclaimed again.

Then he picked up the goblin beast again.

Ye Youran dare not put it into the magma.

With the protection of magma, this little guy is extremely terrible.

Ye Youran doesn't want to be burned again.

"Little thing, follow me later!"

Ye Youran looked at the goblin monster in front of him and said with a smile:

"You can live for thousands of years without air and water in outer space. I think there should be no problem with my fish intestines sword. When I recover from my injury, I will tame you well."

Ye Youran said and threw the goblin beast into the jade bottle again.

Also put away the magma that cooled and solidified again.

Is to begin to enter the state of healing.

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