Ye Youran's injury is not very serious.

It was all skin trauma. In one day, ye Youran completely recovered.

After the injury recovered, ye Youran didn't start the gravity chamber to practice again.

Instead, he began to devote himself to domesticating goblins and monsters.

The domestication of goblin beasts can not be completed overnight.

But, as Alice said.

Goblin monsters can indeed be domesticated in theory.

Not to mention the alien research experts on Krypton.

On earth, experts have domesticated animals such as earthworms.

After thousands of drills, even earthworms can form conditioned reflex.

Put the earthworm in the maze, it can accurately remember each route and find the place where the food is located.

The food of goblins is magma.

Ye Youran borrowed the magma into marble sized particles with a fish intestine sword.

Tens of thousands.

It's also because ye Youran has a magic weapon such as fish intestines sword.

Otherwise, ye Youran really can't cut up the solidified magma.

With these magma particles, ye Youran finally began the road of domestication.

It's hard to domesticate. First, goblins are hostile to Ye leisurely.

Because ye Youran stripped it from the magma.

So it has a strong attack on ye Youran.

Therefore, in the first step of domestication, ye Youran must eliminate its hostility.

Ye Youran throws a magma particle to the goblin every other hour.

As feeding it.

But what makes ye Youran wonder is.

This time, the goblin beast did not integrate his body into the magma particles.

As soon as the magma particles approached the goblin beast, they began to melt into magma.

Then it was swallowed by goblins.

You know, every magma particle is no smaller than the body of a goblin beast.

However, no matter how many magma particles ye Youran gives it, it can swallow them all.

And there is no sign of swelling.

Ye Youran tries to get close to the goblin with his body.

It just opened its mouth and vomited.

Spit out magma and attack Ye leisurely.

"It seems that this goblin monster can not only integrate its body into magma, but also swallow magma and store it in its own body! It can spit it out as a weapon in battle."

However, the more the goblin beast goes against the sky, the more ye Youran likes it.

Ye Youran doesn't tease it, so as not to increase its hatred against ye Youran.

Ye Youran follows the principle that well water does not invade river water.

For a long time, give the goblin beast a magma particle.

A month later.

The tens of thousands of magma particles in ye Youran's hand are almost exhausted.

But after a month of getting along day and night.

The goblin beast is much closer to ye Youran.

As if it knew that the man in front of it could constantly give it magma particles.

And it also knows that ye Youran won't hurt it.

So it sometimes even crawls in the palm of Ye leisurely's hand.

Rub the two small claws in front.

It seems to be asking Ye leisurely for magma particles.

The body of this goblin beast doesn't know how much magma it can hold.

Anyway, after the thick magmatic rock is cut into particles by Ye leisurely.

It has eaten two-thirds.

But its body still doesn't look like a cockroach.

The remaining third of the magma particles must be saved.

If there is no magma particle in the future.

Ye Youran also wondered whether the goblin would turn his face and disown people.

On the escape boat, ye Youran really had no way to get magma for goblins and monsters.

And krypton should be two months away.

By this time, the initial domestication had ended.

The next step is to train it to fight.

"Black tiger, come to my gravity room to practice!"

Ye Youran went out of the gravity chamber and called the black tiger into the gravity chamber.

Black tiger is a monster, and its body is also very powerful.

Practicing in a gravity chamber is only good for it, not bad.

So it didn't make Alice and ye Leng suspicious.

Ye leisurely sent the black tiger to the gravity chamber not for cultivation.

For domestication.

And when the goblin sees the black tiger.

It immediately showed a strong aggressiveness.

Because it only knows ye Youran.

It is hostile to other lives.

Seeing goblins and monsters that are no different from cockroaches, there is a color of doubt in the black tiger's eyes.

Ye Youran did not explain.

But constantly appease goblins and monsters.

Even give it rock particles to appease.

First of all, ye Youran needs to let the goblin beast know that he can't attack indiscriminately without his instructions.

The command not to let goblins attack is easy to remember.

The difficulty is that when you want it to attack, it doesn't attack.

"Black tiger, attack me."

Ye Youran said to the black tiger.

Although the black tiger didn't understand, it took Ye leisurely first.

It thought ye Youran wanted to fight and train with it!

Ye Youran constantly pointed to the black tiger and shouted the command of "kill".

But the goblin beast just didn't respond.

Therefore, ye Youran can only stop feeding goblins.

Don't give it rock particles.

If you "starve" it, it will become more violent.

Finally, he attacked the black tiger.

It opened its mouth and spewed out a large piece of magma.

The black tiger was startled.

He hurried aside, his eyes full of fear.

Black tiger can't imagine that this little cockroach is so terrible.


Ye Youran quickly stopped it, and then immediately gave a rock particle to the goblin beast.

With the rock particles, the goblin beast immediately calmed down.

This product only recognizes food, not people.

If it doesn't remember that only ye Youran will give it the magma particles it wants.

Maybe it even dares to kill ye Youran.

In this way, ye leisurely kept training.

Every time you have to starve it, it will attack.

As soon as he attacked, ye Youran shouted "close", and then gave it rock particles as a reward.

Half a month later, the goblin monster finally remembered this instruction.

Once ye Youran shouted "kill", he simply meant to fight everywhere.

Ye Youran shouted "close", and the goblin beast immediately stopped.

Then fly back to ye Youran and wait for ye Youran to give magma particles.

After nearly two months of training, we have achieved initial results.

In the past two months, it seemed as if every instruction ye Youran had been remembered nearly 20000 times.

This shows that the intelligence quotient of goblin monsters is lower than that of ordinary monsters.

However, the more intelligent the beast is, once domesticated.

It will be more obedient to instructions.

Even sometimes ye Youran doesn't give magma particles as a reward.

It will still execute ye Youran's instructions in general.

And just when ye Youran is ready to continue training it and let it understand the command of defense.

The door of the gravity chamber was knocked.

"Ye Youran, come out quickly. We're in trouble again."

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