The domestication of goblins is extremely difficult.

But now ye Youran doesn't have much, just more time.

In this escape boat, ye Youran only has the fun of taming goblins and monsters in addition to cultivation.

Although the current goblin monster is not very strong, its strength is directly linked to how much magma it obtains.

As long as there is enough magma, goblins and monsters are invincible in theory.

And right now, what it lacks most is magma.

So it's also the best time to domesticate.

When ye Youran finds enough magma for it in the future.

It will definitely give ye Youran a great surprise.

At present, ye Youran has developed feelings with goblins and monsters.

Or goblins and monsters regard ye Youran as a free meal ticket.

So it will follow ye Youran's instructions.

But it is only limited to the two instructions of "killing" and "receiving".

On the battlefield, in addition to fighting and strike, there are more important defenses.

The defense of goblins and monsters must be very good.

If you can let it spit out the magma and quickly cool it into rock.

Even krypton shells don't necessarily explode.

Therefore, ye Youran now takes goblins and monsters as a life-saving card.

Just when ye Youran was ready to train goblin monsters to defend.

The door of the gravity chamber was knocked.

"Ye Youran, come out quickly. We're in trouble again."

Alice shouted outside ye Youran's room.

Ye Youran quickly received the goblin beast into the jade bottle.

Came out with the black tiger.

"What's the matter?"

Ye Youran asked with a frown.

Because when Alice said it was trouble.

It must be a lot of trouble.

"I have a solar storm."

Alice and ye leisurely walk to the cab.

He explained.

Originally, ye Youran and they are not far from Krypton.

It will take more than half a month to reach krypton.

Their trip was fairly smooth.

It was not intercepted by hostile forces on Krypton.

But krypton's Galaxy is called the feather snake galaxy.

It is named because it looks like a flying giant snake with wings.

The feather snake galaxy also has a sun.

And the sun is much larger than the sun in the Milky way where the earth is located.

Solar storm is an energy release phenomenon with short duration and large scale in the solar atmosphere.

It is mainly released in three forms: enhanced electromagnetic radiation, high-energy charged particle flow and plasma cloud.

The detection equipment of the escape boat detected that a strong solar storm was breaking out directly ahead.

And the solar storm is coming in the direction of the escape boat.

The area covered by the solar storm is too large.

With the ability of the escape boat, it is impossible to avoid.

If it's hit by a solar storm.

The escape boat will be paralyzed in an instant.

All the equipment will fail.

At that time, ye Youran, even if they are lucky to be alive.

It will also lose its way in the feather snake galaxy.

You may never find your way to krypton.

"How about that?"

Ye leisurely asked helplessly.

Because he didn't understand what Alice explained to him.

So ye Youran doesn't know how to get through this crisis.

"Now there are only two ways left, one is gambling."

Alice explained:

"We stopped flying and faced the solar storm. After the solar storm, the equipment for gambling on the escape boat can still be used."

Alice thought for a moment and added:

"But the losing side of this bet is very large, the winning side is very few, and it is almost negligible."

"What about the second way?"

Ye Youran asked.

Since it is a negligible win, there is no need to gamble, because this is a doomed game.

"Forced landing."

Alice accused the radar instrument in the cab and said:

"The escape boat has detected three small planets. It is not clear whether there is intelligent life on these three planets. It is certain that these three planets have an atmosphere and should be able to resist some solar storms. At least it can ensure that the escape boat can operate normally."

The equipment of the escape boat is too rudimentary.

It's good to detect three planets with atmospheres.

As for whether there is intelligent life on those three planets.

That's not what the escape boat can detect.

Therefore, this is also a huge hidden danger.

If the planet they crash landed on has intelligent life, and the scientific and technological power of intelligent life is very powerful.

They are likely to be arrested.

Even killed.

"Is it possible for us to go to a planet without an atmosphere and hide behind the planet to get through this crisis?"

Ye leisurely asked tentatively.

The universe is full of too much ignorance and too much uncertainty.

A little carelessness is death.

Especially when he became a father, ye Youran cherished his life more.

So ye Youran doesn't want to take risks.

"It's possible in theory. But we're not sure how long this solar storm will last."

Alice said:

"Even if we hide on the back of the planet, without the protection of the atmosphere, the solar storm will still cause great damage to the escape boat."

"If the time is short, there may not be much problem."

"But if it lasts too long, our escape boat will still face the possibility of paralysis."

A solar storm is not a gust of wind.

Just blow it.

Many times, solar storms hit, often for several years, even 20 or 30 years.

For such a long time, let alone the escape boat.

Even ye Youran's body will certainly be greatly affected.

Krypton once experienced a solar storm.

It lasted more than a hundred years.

Within a hundred years, many technologies on Krypton were almost paralyzed.

It took three or four hundred years to recover.

Of course, today's krypton has the ability to withstand solar storms.

As long as the solar storm is not too strong, it will not have any impact on Krypton.

"Alice, you'd better make up your mind! You know these things better than us."

Ye leisurely said helplessly.

There is a saying that books hate less when they are used.

Ye Youran is too short of these knowledge.

Ye Youran simply can't make correct judgments or suggestions.

So Alice has to make up her mind.

"The safest way is to find a relatively smallest planet for forced landing, regardless of the concentration of the atmosphere."

Said Alice.

Relatively speaking, the comprehensive strength of a small planet will be weaker.

Because there are few resources, the speed of development is certainly not fast.

Some planets with a thin atmosphere are often not backward because of it.

Often because it is too developed.

Uncontrolled and large-scale logging leads to the thinning of the atmosphere.

Therefore, it is relatively safe to find a small planet.

"OK! Then listen to you."

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