Among the three planets.

The smallest is also relatively close to the escape boat.

It is a planet similar to the earth from a distance.

Seeing this planet, ye Youran finally pressed down, and the longing for his hometown came to his heart again.

If this is really the earth, how good it would be!

It has been more than four months since I left the earth.

Ye Youran really missed it.

Miss your wife and children.

Those little things should be able to walk!

After all, with ye Youran's medicated body.

That's definitely smarter and better than ordinary children.

It's not surprising that you can walk at the age of four or five months.

Even if you are talented, you will speak in four months.

It's a pity that ye Youran can't accompany them and witness their growth.

"Hold on, we're going into the atmosphere."

An hour later, Alice's voice suddenly interrupted ye Youran's mind.

Then the escape boat vibrated violently.

This is a normal vibration caused by friction with the atmosphere.

Soon, when the vibration disappeared.

Ye Youran and they saw a beautiful scene.

This is a thick virgin forest.

Looking around, it is all blue sea water and green trees.

There are no tall buildings and no lights.

There is no sign of human activity at all.

"Well, what do you think that is?"

Ye Youran was suddenly stunned.

Because ye Youran saw a huge... Dinosaur.

Yes, dinosaurs are not much different from dinosaur models on earth.

And incomparably tall, its body is not much different from the surrounding trees.

Ye Youran really saw such a huge creature for the first time.

"It's nothing strange. It seems that we have arrived at a planet that has just formed."

Alice said calmly.

"How do you know this is a newly formed planet?"

Ye Youran asked suspiciously.

"You study too little about the history of the universe."

Alice explained:

"At the beginning of the formation of a planet, it must be accompanied by a large amount of oxygen, which is the origin of life."

"It is only through the evolution of time that some life can survive independently without relying on water, sunshine and air."

"The same is true for people on Krypton, just because we have mastered the power of origin, and we have changed our genes."

"That's why we can survive in space."

"At the beginning of the formation of a planet, there were relatively few harmful gases and more oxygen."

"High concentration of oxygen is bound to give birth to huge life."

"It's like a fire. The more oxygen, the stronger the fire will burn."

"The more the fire burns, the more oxygen it consumes. This is a vicious circle."

"In other words, the size and quantity of life on this planet will be larger and larger."

"Maybe in a few hundred thousand years, these life will be extinct because of lack of oxygen. Because life evolution is easy, but degradation is very difficult."

"In your Earth's words, from thrift to extravagance, from extravagance to thrift."

Ye Youran and ye Leng were stunned.

Ye Youran is fine.

After all, the life history of the earth can provide a reference for ye Youran.

Ye Leng is no different from an ancient man.

So it's like listening to the book of heaven.

I have no idea what Alice is talking about.

"Why is the life on this planet so similar to the dinosaurs on earth? Is there any connection between here and the earth?"

Ye Youran swallowed his saliva and asked a question that even ye Youran felt silly.

But what ye Youran saw was really a dinosaur!

There are dinosaurs on the earth, and there are dinosaurs here.

"There is a fart connection. The evolution of life is the same. The evolutionary history of each planet is almost the same."

Alice said:

"Human beings will always be the primate of all things. It is difficult for human species to adapt to high concentrations of oxygen, so there will certainly be no human beings at the beginning of the formation of the planet."

Alice said:

"The dinosaur you mentioned is actually an alien, an alien that can only survive under high concentration of oxygen."

"Because of the high oxygen concentration here, this type of beast will be born."

"When these strange animals consume all their oxygen, new life will be born."

"There will probably be humans."

"Only when you earth people are ignorant, will you vilify aliens or even turn them into beasts."

"In fact, all human beings will look the same. For example, the people on krypton are no different from those on your earth."

"Do you know why monsters will turn into human shapes as long as they cultivate to a certain extent? Why not human beings turn into animal shapes when they cultivate to a certain extent?"

"Because only human genes can create countless possibilities and conform to the way of heaven."

Alice's words are a little abstract, and ye Youran and they also understand it.

Ye Leng didn't understand a word.

But he also said indifferently:

"In fact, we don't have to break this. This is a planet without humans. It must be safe for us to crash land here."

Ye Leng won't think about those useless things.

We will not pay attention to the origin and evolution of life.

He only cares about safety.

However, Alice controls the escape boat and hovers in mid air.

On the other hand, he said not optimistically:

"That's not necessarily true. These animals are huge and powerful. We're not safe."

Only Alice knows.

These monsters are terrible.

If she had known at first that this was a newly formed planet.

She might not choose to be here.

A planet inhabited by humans is dangerous, but it is much safer than a planet infested by animals.

After all, human beings are highly intelligent creatures, and they don't kill without asking.

But these animals are different.

The larger the size of the beast, the lower the IQ and ferocity.

A bad one, they may all be buried here.

"What about that? Why don't we find a mountain top, on the top of the mountain..."

What else does Ye Leng want to say.

But he stopped talking before he finished.

Because except for dinosaurs running on the ground.

He suddenly saw a group of pterosaurs roaring in groups in the sky.

Although these pterosaurs are not as large as those on the ground.

But the volume is not small, at least not much smaller than the escape boat they are now riding.

And when Alice saw the pterosaurs.

Her face also changed dramatically:

"No, if the escape boat is destroyed, we may be trapped here forever."

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