In the eyes of red fire, the six wars of the Viper gang will be a high existence.

But in front of Ye Leng and the black tiger.

But the six of them are as weak as spicy chicken.

Moreover, ye Leng and black tiger shot, beauty death, they didn't even have the chance to use weapons.

The difference in strength is too great.

Just a few breaths.

The six war generals who were once mighty lay on the ground and wailed.

Especially beauty death.

She once attacked ye Youran.

The black tiger has no pity for jade.

She was treated especially by the black tiger.

The palm holding the gun has been bitten off by the black tiger.

Blood shot.

Of course, this beautiful God of death itself is the beginning of the silver warrior.

She was lucky to get a gift from the feather state and got a low-level life source stone.

As long as you give her time, it's not too difficult to be reborn.

The difficulty is whether ye Youran will give her this time.

The rest of the people were also hurt and had no strength to stand up.

Until this time, red fire didn't know.

Ye Youran is very abnormal, but the people around ye Youran are also very abnormal.

And not only people, but also a dog around ye Youran is so terrible.

Red fire has always just regarded the black tiger as ye Youran's pet.

Although it was a little bigger, Chihuo didn't take the black tiger to heart.

Now red fire knows.

He was wrong, and very wrong.

The strength of the black tiger is still far above the gold warrior.

Beauty death these golden warriors are in front of the black tiger.

I can't even fight back.

This... Is really incredible.

As for the six generals, they can't cry at the moment.

They were confident before they came.

What do you say? Even platinum soldiers have the power to fight.

Now they know that ye Youran is not only surrounded by platinum soldiers.

And there's more than one.

But two.

Not to mention ye Youran's strength.

Ye Youran is guarded by two platinum soldiers.

They don't want to move a hair today.

Also, what is the identity of Ye Youran.

They have little information about ye Youran.

But two platinum soldiers can be used as bodyguards.

Ye Youran is so big!

Even a big gang like the Viper gang has only two super elders at the platinum warrior level.

These supreme elders are experts sent by Yu state.

Nominally, he is the supreme elder of the Viper sect. In fact, Yu Guo sent him to monitor the Viper sect.

Even the guild leader Quinn can't command them.

Only when the gang encounters the disaster of destroying the gang will they take action.

If you want to kill ye Youran, you have to do it yourself.

Moreover, even if the two supreme elders came in person, they were not absolutely sure that they could kill ye Youran.

"Ye Youran, how do you execute them? Do you really want to kill them?"

After ye Leng solved the six generals.

Clap your hands, it's like doing a very trivial thing.

Although ye Youran ordered to kill before.

But ye Leng and black tiger didn't kill.

Because they know that ye Youran wants to build strength and even open up a kingdom.

Ye Youran is in need of manpower now.

If you encounter all the enemies, you will kill them blindly.

It is difficult for ye Youran to have the power to open up a kingdom.

So they only wounded six generals.

Whether to really kill him or not.

You have to say a word from ye leisurely.

"The one in the dark, aren't you ready to show up?"

Ye Youran didn't answer Ye Leng's question.

But asked faintly.

It's like talking to yourself and talking to someone.

Ye Youran's words surprised many people.

Ye Leng and black tiger immediately made an offensive posture.

There were people in the dark, which they didn't expect.

But they believe ye Youran's judgment.

Ye Youran said such words for absolutely no reason.

They were also surprised at the sixth World War.

Ye Youran found the sect leader?

How is this possible?

The guild leader is wearing a invisibility cloak.

Theoretically, even if the crystal warrior level exists, it is impossible to find the leader's.

Unless it is scanned by cutting-edge scientific and technological instruments, it is possible to find the guild leader under the invisibility cloak.

And Quinn in the dark was also surprised.

Quinn's character is very cautious.

That's why he was chosen as the leader of the Viper sect.

Feather country will not send a straw bag to be the leader of viper sect.

For the sake of safety, Quinn put on his invisibility cloak.

Didn't show up with the beautiful God of death.

He was secretly waiting for an opportunity.

But the two platinum soldiers around ye Youran are too powerful.

So strong that Quinn didn't dare to do it.

He wanted to stay quiet all the time.

It was not until ye Youran and they left that he withdrew.

But ye Youran seems to know his existence.

This is unscientific!

But anyway, Quinn didn't move.

He dared not show up. He even suspected that ye Youran was cheating him.

So Quinn made up his mind.

As long as ye Youran didn't find him accurately.

It's impossible for him to show up.

"Don't show up? Let me find you!"

Ye Youran suddenly sneered.

Because ye Youran has found Quinn.

Quinn's invisibility cloak is really angry.

It should belong to the type of magic weapon of science and technology.

It insulates Quinn from heat and breath.

And the invisibility cloak can change color according to the environment.

It's like a chameleon.

He is invisible to the naked eye.

And ye Youran can't feel him without breath.

But the invisibility cloak is thin.

It can isolate many things, but it can never isolate the sound of heartbeat.

Ye Youran's previous words are indeed suspected of cheating Quinn.

Quinn wasn't fooled.

But there was an obvious fluster in his heart.

This fluster made Quinn's heart beat a lot faster.

The beating sound has also become much louder.

With ye Youran's concentration.

Even if the heartbeat is still very subtle.

But ye leisurely caught it.

Ye leisurely walked towards Quinn.

Ye Youran's move made Ye Leng and Chihuo focus on ye Youran.

At the same time, they are also secretly on guard around.

Because they don't know whether ye Youran is playing tricks or whether it's true.

If there is someone, that person may appear at any time.

But the Sixth General and Quinn himself were not calm.

Because the direction Ye leisurely goes is the direction of Quinn's invisibility.

See ye Youran coming to him.

Quinn's heart beat harder.

Can this be a coincidence?

The idea came up in the minds of the Sixth General and Quinn.

The sixth general was so nervous that he forgot to wail.

Under the invisibility cloak, there was a fine sweat on Quinn's forehead.

His gun hand tightened.

Ready to fire at any time.

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