Ye Youran did not find Quinn at first.

Because Quinn is the peak of the golden warrior after all.

Under normal circumstances, he can control his heartbeat and make it slightly invisible.

Just before the sixth World War.

Ye Youran's mental power has found them.

And I'm sure they're seven.

The sixth world war will appear. Where else has someone gone?

Ye Youran was not sure that the man was hiding in the dark.

It is because I am not sure, so ye Youran has been on guard.

Even against the six generals, ye Youran let Ye Leng and the black tiger do it.

Because only in this way can ye Youran have enough time and preparation to deal with any emergencies.

But from beginning to end, the seventh person did not appear.

So ye Youran decided to cheat the man.

Sure enough, Quinn's psychological quality is not hard.

He was in a panic.

So I forgot to control my heartbeat.

It was this heartbeat that exposed Quinn's position.

At this time, I saw Ye leisurely walking towards me step by step.

Quinn was even more nervous.

And the more nervous he was, the more obvious the sound of his heartbeat was.

At least for ye Youran.


Suddenly a gunshot sounded asymptomatic.

Quinn fired.

The gun in Quinn's hand is a real sniper gun.

It is a special powerful sniper gun.

It has the function of automatic locking.

Within a distance of 10000 meters, even people who have never used a gun can hit 100 shots.

But Quinn just shot.

He didn't mean it.

He's really too nervous.

He watched Ye leisurely approach himself step by step.

He knew he was exposed.

The tension made Quinn fire involuntarily.

Because only shooting can give him a sense of security.


However, almost at the moment of the gun.

A clear sound also sounded.

It's fish intestines sword.

The bullet made a loud sound on the fish intestines sword.

Quinn's shot was asymptomatic.

But ye Youran raised his fish intestines sword accurately.

Fish gut sword took down Quinn's special sniper gun.

"The power is really strong enough."

Although ye Youran took the bullet from the sniper gun.

But ye Youran's heart is not calm.

The technology of krypton is terrible.

If it were on earth, even mortars would not cause any damage to ye Youran.

But on Krypton, a small bullet.

But let Ye leisurely retreat three steps in a row.

Most importantly, ye Youran's arm holding the fish intestines sword was numb.

If it weren't for ye Youran's mental strength, he would first find the action of Quinn pulling the trigger.

The bullet of the sniper gun is afraid to completely pierce ye Youran's body.

There is a danger of falling.

But what ye Youran doesn't know is.

While he was shocked by the bullet power of the sniper gun.

More people looked at him like hell.

The sixth general was already stunned.

The red fire also widened his eyes.

"The bullets of the sniper rifle were taken by him. How strong is his strength?"

Red fire stared at Ye leisurely and whispered incredulously.

The name of the sniper rifle can tell how powerful it is.

A rifle that can be sniped at even a God.

Ordinary armor can be pierced.

Within ten thousand meters, automatic calibration, for example, the sniper God rifle without false hair was followed by Ye Youran.

Ye Youran's strength once again refreshed the cognition of the people on the scene.

Quinn is no exception.

Although Quinn is not a subjective shot.

But the power of the sniper rifle should be able to snipe and kill the strong below the crystal warrior.

But ye Youran was unharmed.

At this moment, Quinn's hands and feet were trembling.

"Put down your gun, or you'll die before you pull the trigger next time."

Ye Youran didn't come forward again.

But staring at Quinn.

Ye Youran suffered a small loss.

Fortunately, the fish intestines sword in ye Youran's hand is not ordinary.

Otherwise, ye Youran was really dangerous just now.

But no matter how powerful the sniper gun is.

Ye Youran has enough confidence before Quinn takes another shot.

Kill him with an air needle.

"I... I surrender."

Quinn's inner defense line was finally broken by Ye Youran.

He took off his invisibility cloak.

Put your sniper gun aside.

Hands above your head.

Quinn is really scared.

In his eyes, ye Youran is God.

Is an invincible God.

Although Quinn is also a cruel character.

But he dares to be an enemy of man, but he dares not to be an enemy of God.

Even the sniper rifle can't kill ye Youran.

Quinn has no courage to fight against ye Youran again.

Quinn didn't dare to kill ye Youran before.

It is because he is afraid of Ye Leng and black tiger around Ye leisurely.

If he Snipes ye Youran, he will certainly expose his position.

In front of black tiger and ye Leng.

Quinn is not sure of getting away.

But now he knows.

Ye Youran's strength is probably still above black tiger and ye Leng.

The sniper rifle can't kill ye Youran. He has lost his qualification to be the enemy of Ye Youran.

Surrender is his only wise choice now.

"It's Quinn. He's the leader of the Viper gang."

See Quinn show up.

Red fire was immediately surprised.

At one time or another, quian was an unattainable existence in red fire's mind.

Viper sect leader, one of the four strongest gangs in mountain city.

Quinn can be said to be the idol of red fire.

But now Chihuo's Idol First surrendered.

The red fire's heart thumped wildly.

Everything that happened today is beyond the scope of red fire's understanding.

Also let red fire deeply realize.

He took refuge in ye Youran, perhaps the wisest choice in his life.

"Quinn? It's you."

Ye Youran looked at Quinn in surprise.

Take the peak cultivation of kui'an's Valley realm as a step to the existence of the innate realm.

It's enough to be a puppet of Yuguo.

"Quian sect leader, right? Come here! Let's talk about it."

Ye Youran looked at Quinn and hooked her finger.

Ye Youran really wants to talk to Quinn.

I happened to meet you here. How could ye Youran miss this opportunity?

"Ye... Master ye, you and I have no hatred. I can't help it. I hope master ye can understand."

Quinn walked to ye Youran with some trepidation.

Quinn is honest.

Because he knows that in front of absolute strength.

He dared not have any illusions about making waves.

"I understand that injustice has a head and debt has a owner."

Ye leisurely and lightly said:

"But I also hope you understand that now you fall into my hands, your life is in my hands, and you should do whatever I want you to do."

"Ming... I see. I don't know what elder ye needs me to do?"

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