The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1001: Domineering, cold, ruthless

With one hand, Emperor Xiao Qing directly abolished the ancient Qin imperial clan who had abolished several princes of the Xiao imperial clan, leaving only the part above the chest intact, and everything else was broken.

It stands to reason that a person should be dead if he is dethroned.

However, the prince of the ancient Qin imperial clan still had a weak breath, his heart was still beating, and he didn't even die.



"You killed someone directly, and violated the rules of the ring. Two referees, are you just watching him kill like this?"

Below, the people of the ancient Qin imperial clan were all furious and shouted.

The two old referees also showed helpless expressions on their faces. They looked at Emperor Xiao Qing's imprisonment. Only one-third of the people were left. They sighed and said to Emperor Xiao Qing, "Little friend, you break the rules. Up."

"Where does this king break the rules? Why don't I know?"

Emperor Xiao Qing smiled indifferently, "Excuse me, what are the rules of the ring?"

"You can't kill." The old man on the right said concentratingly.

"The king killed someone?" Xiao Qingdi asked again.

"He can't live anymore." The old man on the left shook his head and said, "You have done too much. Such behavior is equivalent to murder."

"There is still breathing and heartbeat. Is this death?" Xiao Qingdi smiled indifferently, his eyes bloomed, "Second, you are bullying no one in my clan? Do you want to unite Gu Qin against my Xiao clan?"

"People of the Xiao clan, I have beaten several members of our clan to the last breath. If you don’t say that he violated the rules, this king also beat them to the last breath. You even said that the king violated the rules. Think this king is a bully?"

He looked at the two elders, and if he spoke deeply, "Since you are a referee, you must be fair, otherwise, you will die."

"You threaten us?" Both old men were furious.

Their status in the Xuanyuan imperial family is also high. No one has ever dared to threaten them like this, and Emperor Xiao Qing dared to be so rampant.

At this moment, the two elders simultaneously exploded with a terrifying aura and locked Emperor Xiao Qing.

"Why should this king threaten you?"

Emperor Xiao Qing shook his head indifferently, and threw the man of the ancient Qin imperial clan who had only one last breath towards the ancient Qin imperial clan.

Then, he looked at the two old men with his hands on his back, "If you want to do it, hurry up, this king doesn't have so much time to accompany you."


The two looked at Emperor Xiao Qing angrily, and their figures trembled, "Well, what a crazy kid, it's too much."

Originally, when they looked at Emperor Xiao Qing, they felt that Emperor Xiao Qing was very good. He was an incomparably outstanding young man second only to the Xuanyuan imperial family, and he would have a bright future in the future.

At this moment, they angrily wanted to kill Xiao Qingdi.

"Second old man, he didn't foul."

At this time, a voice came from Ji Xinyao.

Her voice was incomparably flat, "The ring rules, you can’t kill, so as long as you don’t kill on the ring, the prince Xiao Qing of the Xiao clan just abolished the other party, the other party’s heartbeat is still there, breathing is still there, proving that there is no death. Then, there is no killing."

"However, that person can no longer be cured, and he will undoubtedly die." The old man on the right said.

"I can't cure and live, it's the incompetence of the treatment person. How can I blame Emperor Xiao Qing? Elder, since you are the referees, you should understand that everything should be done in an official manner and should be truly fair."

Ji Xinyao's voice was cold, and she looked at the two elders fearlessly, "As a referee, you shouldn't be involved in too many things."


The expressions of the two old men changed, staring at Ji Xinyao closely, looking at the big prince on one side, and found that the big prince of the Xuanyuan clan also shook his head, and they recovered their calm.

"In this case, it is considered that we have not considered it well, and you have not violated the rules."

After the two had finished speaking, they sat cross-legged on both sides and closed their eyes, and stopped looking at Emperor Xiao Qing.

In fact, they have not been confronted by anyone for too long, and it has been too long for no one to threaten them. Emperor Xiao Qing dared to threaten them like this in front of so many people. If they look at Emperor Xiao Qing again, they are afraid that they will be angry. Desperately with Xiao Qingdi below.

Emperor Xiao Qing didn't care about the two of them, but looked in the direction of the ancient Qin imperial clan, and said calmly, "Does anyone dare to come on stage?"


The people of the ancient Qin imperial clan were surrounding the guy who was abolished two-thirds by Emperor Xiao Qing. He saw his eyes widened, and only one last breath remained. Suddenly, the whole person suddenly opened his mouth, "Ah. ..."

A word fell, his head tilted, and there was no sound in the whole person.


Seeing this scene, how could the people of the ancient Qin imperial clan hold back.

"I'm going to kill you."

"You dare to kill in the ring, you **** it."

"Asshole stuff, Emperor Xiao Qing, today you will definitely die."


One after another, the princes of the ancient Qin imperial clan rushed to the stage in a rage, including the winning iron, which was bestowed by the great prince with sword energy.

They all looked at Emperor Xiao Qing murderously, their eyes seemed to eat Emperor Xiao Qing.

"Emperor Xiao Qing, you will definitely die."

Standing in the crowd, Ying Tie looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with a cold expression, "Not only you, but also the Xiao Clan, no one can leave alive. Today, I want you to know that it’s just a third-rate family like you, What are the consequences of daring to be an enemy of the ancient Qin clan?"

"Yes, first abolish him, let him live better than death, and then take action to abolish everyone from the Xiao imperial clan, and then take action to erase the entire Xiao imperial clan, let him see, dare to offend my ancient Qin imperial clan What's the end?"

"kill him."

The others also yelled angrily.

At this moment, they all looked at Emperor Xiao Qing murderously. People who didn't know thought they were bullied by Emperor Xiao Qing.

Emperor Xiao Qing with his hands on his back, glanced at the great prince of the ancient Qin clan below, grinned, "You will regret it."


Both the eldest prince of the ancient Qin clan and the others were stunned, not understanding what Xiao Qing said.


However, the next moment, Emperor Xiao Qing moved.

He opened his big hand, and a terrifying force burst out in his palm.

He didn't use sword energy, but his power was unmatched.

This palm covers the world.

Bang bang bang!

The next moment, a scene that shocked everyone appeared.

All the princes of the ancient Qin imperial clan, except that a powerful sword aura appeared around Ying Tie to help him block this terrifying power, all the limbs of the others exploded.

Moreover, not only the limbs, but just like the previous one, the parts below their chests were all blown to pieces, leaving only the parts above the chest, leaving the last breath.


At this moment, everyone was inhaling.

"Too ruthless."

"These are more than a dozen princes of the ancient Qin imperial clan, all of them were left with his last breath, and there are not a few minutes to live."


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