The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1002: Xiao Qingdi

"Ahhhhh... I killed you."

When Ying Tie saw that everyone around him had only one breath left, he was furious and slashed towards Emperor Xiao Qing with the sword spirit that the great prince of the ancient Qin clan gave him.

With this sword, he would definitely behead Xiao Qingdi.


However, Emperor Xiao Qing only slightly sighed his fingers, and shot out a nine-color sword aura, directly breaking the sword aura.

At the same time, this nine-color sword energy slashed across the air, directly smashing the parts below the chest of the winning iron.

Then, with a wave of his hand, a gust of wind blew through, and all the people of the ancient Qin imperial clan with only one-third of their bodies left in the field were swept into the ancient Qin imperial clan.

"With the background of the ancient Qin imperial clan, there must be a holy medicine that can bring them back to life."


Below, Atari laughed and added a sentence.

"Damn it."

On the side of the ancient Qin imperial clan, everyone's expressions changed drastically. Looking at the princes who are still dying and howling in pain, with only one-third of their bodies left, the older generations can’t wait to rush to Xiao Qing. Emperor desperately.


The big prince waved his hand directly, and a powerful force broke out, directly beheading everyone.

Then, he suddenly raised his head to look at Emperor Xiao Qing standing on the ring, and said with an extremely cold expression, "You, **** it."

With a loud noise, the place where the great prince of the ancient Qin clan was standing burst directly.

He shot up directly, rushed to the ring, and looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with murderous aura.

"You are good, dare to kill so many people in my clan, you are the first person to make this prince so angry." His voice was cold, as if he had come from Jiuyou Hell.

Emperor Xiao Qing was still calm and calm, and said calmly, "This king is naturally very good, but there is one point that needs to be corrected. Those people were killed by you, not this king."

"Hahaha, yes, so many people at the scene can see very clearly that you killed it yourself. You are so shameless that you blamed all of this on Elder Xiao."

"It's shameless."

"It's no wonder these guys have the last name to win. I think they are used to losing and can't afford to lose, so their ancestors changed their last name to a winning last name. Constantly hypnotizing themselves is the most powerful, and they will win whatever they do."

Atari and Kong Shuai laughed, their mouths are too cheap.

At this moment, everyone around was speechless, even Xiao Wu shouted, "Don't talk nonsense."

It is wrong to criticize other people's surnames. After all, this is the surname that the ancestors have already set. This is equivalent to offending all the people who win the surname in the world.

"Oh, sorry, I am not aiming at people with the surname Ying in the whole world, I am only aiming at the great prince of the ancient Qin clan, yes, it is him."

Atari smiled, not afraid of the cold eyes of the great prince of the ancient Qin clan.

Now that he was in the ring to confront Emperor Xiao Qing, he didn't believe that the prince could leave safely.

"Very well, Emperor Xiao Qing, Emperor Xiao Clan, you made this prince angry." The great prince of the ancient Qin clan was furious, but still maintained his prince demeanor.

He looked at Emperor Xiao Qing and sneered, "Shoot first, otherwise, if you let this prince do it, you won't have any chance."

"This guy is really looking for death, his brain is disabled." All the members of the Xiao Royal Clan below shook their heads.

"How do you want to die?" Xiao Qingdi's expression was very calm, and he didn't immediately make a move.

"Sign the status of life and death." The prince flashed his eyes, and directly took out a status of life and death, and said coldly, "The strong witness of the four-party royal family, today, the prince will fight with you Xiao Qing and will never die."

With a big wave, he directly signed his name on it, and then threw the life and death status to Emperor Xiao Qing.

"Just to my liking."

Emperor Xiao Qing nodded, glanced at the content above, signed his name, and then delivered the life and death status to the referee on the left, and asked, "So, this king kills, is it not a foul? "


The two referees had no choice but to agree.

After all, people have already signed the status of life and death, the big deal is not to borrow this ring, and the people who do it are the elder prince of the ancient Qin clan and the prince of the Xiao clan, and whoever lives and lives has nothing to do with them.


At this time, the eldest prince of the ancient Qin imperial clan started first.

He raised his hand and blasted towards Emperor Xiao Qing with a fist.

The domineering and unmatched fist power turned into a golden dragon of hundreds of feet and howled and rushed towards Emperor Xiao Qing.

"In the early stage of Yuan Ying, it's interesting." Emperor Xiao Qing nodded calmly, did not underestimate the other party, but shook his right hand, and the Emperor Fenjian flew out of the sky and instantly penetrated the golden dragon.

"You got Fooled."

A sneer came from the top of Emperor Xiao Qing's head, but the ancient Qin prince did not know when he had appeared on top of his head. He was driving a three-ancestor two-eared bronze cauldron towards Emperor Xiao Qing. Suppress it.

"I have known that your swordsman is unparalleled and reached the realm of the sword emperor. Do you think this prince will give you the opportunity to use the sword? This tripod is enough to shock you."


The three-legged tripod is unparalleled, and with unparalleled pressure, it is suppressing Emperor Xiao Qing, like a million-jun sacred mountain suppressing it.

"This is the **** of the ancient Qin clan. It is said that under its suppression, no energy can be used, and it will definitely die." Under the ring, Ji Xinyao's expression changed and she exclaimed.

Hearing her words, the expressions of everyone in the Xiao royal family changed.

"No way, Boss Xiao was just like that?"

"This is how to do?"

The people living on the ancient Qin imperial clan looked at Ji Xinyao with dissatisfaction. Someone sneered, "Even if you know the function of our clan's gods, it's too late."

Indeed, although Ji Xinyao deliberately reminded Emperor Xiao Qing, it was indeed too late.

Emperor Xiao Qing only felt that all the power in his body was sealed by a mysterious energy, and even he couldn't use any of his energy.

There was a look of surprise on his face, and he looked at the suppressed great cauldron, "It's a bit interesting, it's not weaker than the Heavenly Fire Furnace of the Emperor Zhou."

"Go to hell."

The great prince of the ancient Qin imperial clan broke out with all his strength, and a golden dragon surrounded him by a thousand feet, making the power of this tripod tripod even more powerful.

Amidst the roar, the entire big tripod headed directly towards Emperor Xiao Qing's town.

"Hey, it's a pity that this guy was crushed to death like this."

"Originally, the prince wanted to take revenge himself, but he didn't expect him to be so short-lived that he was directly shocked and killed."

"Dragon King Xiao Qingdi, hey, I think he should be called the short-lived ghost Xiao Qingdi."

On the side of the Xuanyuan imperial family, Ji Ming and his brothers all smiled disdainfully.

Although it was regrettable that he could not kill Emperor Xiao Qing himself, he was very happy to watch Emperor Xiao Qing being shattered.


However, just when he was excited, a roar rang, which caught their attention.

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