"Let go of our boss."

The dozens of subordinates Fang Xiong brought were all brothers who followed him to fight the world, and all of them were extremely brave. After they were shocked, they rushed towards Emperor Xiao Qing with a roar, and they carried white blades in their hands.


When did Ye Xingan ever see such a scene, he was trembling with fright, and he almost fell to the ground.

This is dozens of guys rushing over with murderous aura, even if his cousin can fight, can he stop so many people?

At this moment, he looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with a hasty look on his face, "What, what to do...you, you have to hit someone, this is over..."

For his cousin's fear, Xiao Qingdi didn't blame him, but comforted him softly, "Don't be afraid, everything is with me."

"Yes, you are here..."

Ye Xing'an really cried, your sister, you have a fart, of course I know you are here, and the boss of this group of guys is still stepping under your feet.

But, wait a moment, I don't know whether you are standing or lying down.

After you're done, it's my turn...

He was crying and his face was covered with water stains. He didn't know whether it was tears or sweat. He was trembling and leaning against the wall. If there was a road next to him, he would definitely run away.

Unfortunately, he had nowhere to go, he could only watch the dozens of guys rushing over.

"Hahaha, are you good at fighting?"

Fang Xiong, who was run over by Emperor Xiao Qing, was still bleeding from the corners of his mouth, but he laughed proudly when he saw this scene, "What's the point of being able to fight? Can you beat my brothers? Is it? Let go of me, kneel and beg for mercy, maybe I can survive..."


However, before he could finish his words, Emperor Xiao Qing's eyes flashed cold, and his right foot smashed down hard. Suddenly, Fang Xiong screamed and blood spurted out of his mouth.


Fortunately, Fang Xiong is a practicing family. He is strong and well maintained. Otherwise, after vomiting so much blood, he would have lost too much blood and fainted.

"You, you, they are coming..."

Seeing that Emperor Xiao Qing hadn’t made any moves, he even had leisure to deal with Fang Xiong at his feet, and the group of guys with weapons in their hands had rushed forward, Ye Xing’an was so scared that he couldn’t speak, even his eyes They are closed.

"I want his life!"

From the rear, Tang Manhao was extremely excited to see this scene.

He was also stepped on the ground by Emperor Xiao Qing. This time, he saw Fang Xiong as well, but he did not gloat for misfortune. Instead, he gritted his teeth and must look at the opponent being hacked to death.

Seeing these dozens of people rushing over, Emperor Xiao Qing frowned and said softly, "It's almost time to arrive."


Sure enough, as his voice fell, a figure suddenly flashed at the elevator entrance in the distance, and instantly crashed into the dozens of people.

Bang bang bang!


"Who is it? Who beat me?"

"Ah, it hurts..."

That silhouette rushed into the crowd, and in an instant knocked dozens of people to the ground and screamed and screamed. Then, the silhouette appeared in front of Emperor Xiao Qing with a respectful look. Lord, I'm late."

It was Xiaoqi who just rushed over.


"how can that be?"

At this moment, everyone was stunned.

Tang Manhao and Fang Xiong, who originally had the look of expectation on their faces, thought that Emperor Xiao Qing was about to be hacked to death. What did not expect was that in the blink of an eye, the young man who appeared would directly take all of Fang Xiong’s men. All fell to the ground.

Especially Fang Xiong, when he saw all his subordinates fell to the ground and screamed, obviously when he could no longer use his hands, his face suddenly lost all the blood, and the light in his eyes became dim.

Now, even he didn't know what to do.

"It's not slow to come."

Ignoring the thoughts of the two pale-faced local bigwigs, Emperor Xiao Qing smiled and looked at Xiao Qi.

"The people from Li Gang will be here soon, so I will arrest people first." Xiao Qi said.

"Everyone is here."

Emperor Xiao Qing couldn't laugh or cry, although Xiao Qi had a lot of power in his hands, but in such a short period of time, it was really impossible to know that Tang Manhao was here.

Even Xiao Qi didn't even know what Tang Wanhao looked like.


Xiao Qi touched his head a little awkwardly, and smiled in a jealousy, "It's too rush, I haven't had time to take a closer look at the photos of Tang Wanhao sent to me by his hand."

"It's okay."

Emperor Xiao Qing waved his hand, he naturally couldn't care about Xiao Qi because of these things.

He looked at Ye Xing'an, who was still pale, but was shocked to speak, "Cousin, this is my brother, you will tell him the whole story, and then all the people involved Catch them all."

The next sentence was addressed to Xiao Qi.

"Oh ah..."

Ye Xing'an was still in extreme shock. After listening to Emperor Xiao Qing's words, he couldn't help but look at Xiao Qi, then looked at Emperor Xiao Qing, and carefully asked, "He, who is he? Can you arrest people?"

Xiao Qi smiled, "Don't worry, just catching a few bad guys will not have a big impact."

"But, but the empire's laws are strict, how can you..." Ye Xing'an still couldn't understand what was going on.

Is the opponent the enforcer of the imperial law?

No, this is obviously impossible.

However, why can kill people at every turn, just a word, seem to start to arrest people and decide the life and death of others?

"Follow your cousin's words."

An old but excited voice came not far away, it was Ye Xing.

After hearing that there was no movement outside, the old man couldn't help but walk out to take a look at the situation. From this look, he was both gratified and shocked.

At the same time, he already understood that, just like last time, his grandson's strength is really very powerful.

"Grandpa..." Ye Xingan frowned. Although his face was still pale, he didn't know what to say.

And Xiao Qi, at the moment when he saw the old man appear, there was a respectful smile on his face, "Xiao Qi has seen grandpa, grandpa is well?"

"Haha, very good, very good, seeing you as a well-behaved child, everything will be fine."

The old man laughed haha.

He is no stranger to Xiao Qi, but Ye Xingning and his daughter-in-law beside him were shocked when they saw this scene.

"Grandpa... Dad, here, what's going on?"

The two of them watched this scene blankly, only to feel that their whole hearts were pulled up.

"It's okay, it's just a small matter, they will take care of it."

Father Ye Xing waved his hand, "Let's go inside and talk."

Several people turned back and returned to the ward, while Emperor Xiao Qing and Xiao Qi looked at Ye Xing'an at the same time.


However, they hadn't spoken yet, Li Gang with resolute faces led a group of people out of the elevator.

"Grab it."

With a wave of hands, a group of people swarmed out and directly grabbed all the punks who fell on the ground.

And the moment Fang Xiong and Tang Manhao saw Li Gang, they were staring at Li Gang's clothes that represented the captain of the Empire, both of them were dumbfounded.

"Ten thousand, captain ten thousand!"

At this moment, both Fang Xiong and Tang Manhao were completely confused.

A general at the rank of commander, but the real power, the existence of tens of thousands or even tens of thousands of elite soldiers.

This is the real figure in the empire who holds the military power.

The so-called big fist is the last word. Although the captain is not the largest among the generals, he holds a good soldier. If it is placed in a small place like Yunde County, the identity of such a captain is unimaginable. .

However, these powerful existences will appear here, and will they participate in such small things as them?

"It's not just an accident."

The two looked at each other and whispered to themselves.

The status of the captain is high, who can be called?

They didn't believe that the captain was called by the other party.

With a fluke in his heart, Tang Manhao even screamed, "Master Wanfu, help, these two people are inhumane and kill at will. My brother-in-law was killed by him. He still wants to continue the murder. Please maintain the imperial law. Law, catch them and bring them to justice."

"I beg Master Wanfu for a clear lesson!"


Screaming sadly in his mouth, he was very proud.

No matter how powerful the opponent's personal force is, it will not be able to compare with the marquee who really holds the military power. As long as the marquee who doesn't know why he appears in the hospital, the two will definitely be dead.

When the time comes, he only needs to use a little trick, maybe he can still get along with the ten thousand chieftain.

From then on, that was truly the pinnacle of life.

However, the next scene immediately made Tang Manhao and Fang Xiong dumbfounded.

I saw the imperial Wanfu Changli just strode forward, with a serious and respectful look on his face, saluting Xiao Qingdi and Xiaoqi.

"I have seen the prince, I have seen the Seventh Young Master!"

Fang Xiong, "..."

Don Marriott, "..."

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