The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 112: Medical shock

Whether it was Fang Xiong or Tang Manhao, when they saw Li Gang bowing respectfully to Emperor Xiao Qing and Xiao Qi, they all collapsed.

"Haha, ahhaha... I thought I was already strong enough, as long as I didn't offend some of the rich men in the East China Sea, it would be enough to be carefree. I didn't expect, I didn't expect..."

Fang Xiong smiled sadly.

Although Emperor Xiao Qing had already let go of him and didn't continue to step on him, but at this moment, he was truly desperate.

The same is true for Tang Wanhao. He stared at Li Gang and the group of people behind Li Gang blankly, not only at a loss, but also desperate.

If it is in a big place, they are naturally not counted, but in this small county, they can be said to be superior.

Now, once fell to a high position, was trampled underfoot, and even how he would be treated next, I don’t know how to deal with it. The collapse in my heart can be imagined.

"Grab it."

Emperor Xiao Qing waved his hand without mercy.


Li Gang turned around and looked at Fang Xiong and Tang Manhao. Suddenly, his face showed a serious look, and he waved his hand directly, and his guards stepped forward and directly detained the two.

"The rest is up to you."

Emperor Xiao Qing said to Xiao Qi.


Xiao Qi bowed respectfully, and then turned to look at Ye Xing'an, "You still need your help in this matter. I will arrest all the people involved and deal with it."

"Uh...oh, good..."

Ye Xing'an's brain was still in extreme shock.

He would never think of why his cousin would become so terrible to meet again after eight years.

Invisibly, he felt a sense of awe towards Emperor Xiao Qing and Xiao Qi, especially when Xiao Qi was talking to him, he was even more cautious not to be careless.

Emperor Xiao Qing threw the burnt cigarette butts into the trash can, looked at Tang Manhao and Fang Xiong, smiling, "Second, it’s easy to walk on Huangquan Road."

Fang Xiong, "..."

Don Marriott, "..."

Although they were arrested, they never thought that they would end in death.

However, at this time, Emperor Xiao Qing actually said to let them walk on Huangquan Road easily, especially, this is really killing them.

"no no..."

At this moment, both Fang Xiong and Tang Manhao were frightened. Their bodies were sweating profusely, and they looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with pale faces, no longer the domineering look that was high above them.


"I have money, no matter how much money you want, I can give it to you, just ask me to survive."

"I would like to be your subordinate, I can do things for you, I can do anything for you..."

"Don't kill me, don't..."

Both of them were trembling and weak. If they hadn't been caught, they would have collapsed to the ground.

However, their begging for mercy didn't have any effect, and Emperor Xiao Qing left with nothing but Xiao Qi and Ye Xing'an.

Xiao Qi smiled and looked at Ye Xing'an, "I would also like to trouble you to tell me the whole story so I can arrest someone."

Ye Xing'an, "..."

Although he was shocked in his heart, he dared not conceal the slightest bit, and quickly told Xiao Qi the whole thing.

"It's so courageous, even the old man dared to beat him, but it is a pity that the prince trampled him to death first, otherwise, if it falls into my hands, he will regret coming to the world."

When talking about Yang Da Pao daring to push the old man to the ground, Xiao Qi looked at Yang Da Pao, who had been dead for a long time, with a cold color on his face.

This gaze carries a murderous aura of Ling Ling and is extremely sharp, and seems to be able to destroy everything!

It was Ye Xing'an who saw him, and his face was pale.

On the other side, Tang Manhao and Fang Xiong were already speechless. They knew that begging for mercy would have no effect. Waiting for their fate might be just as Xiao Qi said, and they would regret coming to the world.

Xiao Qi looked at Tang Manhao and Fang Xiong, "The person I respect most is kind people. If you are innocent, I will not only do nothing to you, but I will even take the initiative to let you go and apologize to you. ."


After speaking, they looked at the two with a smile, with a ray of cold light in their eyes, "If you did evil in the past, I am sorry, good and evil are rewarded, and the law of heaven is cycled. Now, the retribution is on you!"


Hearing the words behind Xiao Qi, Tang Manhao and Fang Xiong were all limp, their legs trembling, water stains soaked the ground, they were scared to pee...

If the two of them hadn't done something in their past, how could it have been mixed to the present?

If those who are turned out, the crime is enough to cause them to be cut.

"take away."

Seeing this, Xiao Qi sneered, already thinking about it.

With a wave of his hand, Li Gang and his party left directly.

Ye Xing'an, who was standing alone on the balcony, turned pale and trembling.

The person Rao Xiaoqi brought was not aimed at him. The whole process also made his heart beat faster. At this moment, after seeing everyone leaving, he was the only one who leaned on the wall and slowly sat down.

Zhidao was already weak.

"Big brother, are you okay?"

Ye Xingning walked out and found that Ye Xing'an was pale and sweating profusely sitting against the wall. He was shocked.

"No, nothing..."

Ye Xing'an was unable to wave his hand, with a dry mouth, "I, I'm just weak and scared..."

He said, looking at his sister, "Little cousin... Ye Qing, is he still inside?"

"Yes, he is treating our dad."

Speaking of this, Ye Xingning’s face was filled with excitement, “Ye Qing not only has become more handsome now, but also has become so powerful. I don’t know where to learn Chinese medicine, but he knows how to fix bones, and he just pressed on his father’s body. After a few clicks, Dad woke up. I was just about to come out and call you in to see this miraculous scene."

"Go on, go in and see..."

Ye Xing'an wanted to stand up, but he was weak, he could only hold on to the wall, and continued to say, "Help me, I have no strength..."

Ye Xingning, "..."

Seeing her brother was so scared and sweating that he couldn't even stand up, she really didn't know what to say.

However, if she and Ye Xing'an also experience the same scene just now, it might be even worse.

When the brothers and sisters entered the ward, they saw Emperor Xiao Qing sitting beside the bed, kneading his hands on their father's legs. At the same time, they were shocked that the plaster on their father's limbs had been removed. .

Even their father's hands can be slightly raised.

"This this..."

Ye Xingan's eyes widened, with an incredible color, "How is this possible?"

No one knows his father's condition better than him, but the real limbs have been discounted. Even the hospital can only fix the limbs first and recover slowly over time.

After such a short time, his father's hand could actually move?

"Do you feel your legs?" Xiao Qingdi raised his head and looked at the excited little uncle.

"Yes, there is a feeling, and there is almost no pain, I feel as if everything is all right." The younger uncle Ye Chenbin looked excited.

When the limbs were interrupted, I thought I was going to be useless, but I didn't expect to be able to recover in such a short time.

At this moment, his heart trembled, and his whole person was extremely excited.

"It will be almost in a few days."

Emperor Xiao Qing smiled softly.

His medical skills have reached the pinnacle, even if he hasn't performed such earth-shattering ancient stunts like Youlong Nine Needles, he only needs to supplement his own energy to heal his younger brother's injuries.

"Good boy, you are so amazing. How did you come from this medical skill?" At this moment, let alone Ye Chenbin, even the old man was equally shocked.

Although he saw his grandson's extraordinaryness last time, he didn't know that his grandson had such a skill in medicine.

This is the true legendary genius doctor.

"I learned some skills abroad in recent years." Emperor Xiao Qing smiled, looked at the swollen face of his younger uncle, and whispered, "I'll help you massage your face."

While speaking, his hands were already placed on my uncle's face and pressed.

"His... it hurts... no, no, it doesn't hurt anymore, it's comfortable..."

With his movements, the uncle, who felt pain in his face at first, gradually felt a cool breath flowing on his face and couldn't help making a comfortable sound.

However, the onlookers looked surprised, especially Ye Xing'an couldn't help but exclaimed, "It's alright, it's getting smaller, it's swollen, my God, how come..."

I was so shocked that the swelling of the face that had been red and swollen for several days, and even the use of ointments and infusions did not have much effect, gradually disappeared!

"It's really amazing."

Ye Xing'an and Ye Xingning's brothers and sisters only felt as if they were in a dream at the moment, watching with their own eyes that the father who had never seen the way he was restored to his original state was a little bit excited.

"When such a big thing has happened, why is there no one in the uncle's family?"

After the treatment was over, Emperor Xiao Qing got up to wash his hands out, looked at the crowd, and asked at will.

"Your uncle..."

Uncle Ye Chenbin's face showed a complex color, and it seemed unspeakable.


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