The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1132: A thousand guards, but forgot to guard against relatives

"Strange, doesn't it mean that there will definitely be other temple phantoms appearing? Why didn't you see it along the way?"

Everyone continued on the road. Originally, Li Ba, the old guy, and Li Yuanji were ready. If they saw the phantom again, they would definitely rush down to see if they could win the Spirit Spring.

As a result, after tens of thousands of miles away, the phantom of the temple never appeared again, which made them extremely disappointed.

"Master, do you know why there is no phantom of the temple again?" Li Ba looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with a look of expectation on his face.

"There is a valley of flames ahead. Go and help as a teacher to see if there is a Vulcan Stone." Emperor Xiao Qing pointed forward.

"Why me?" Li Ba was dissatisfied.

"Huh?" Xiao Qingdi just glanced at him with a smile.

"I'm going now..." Thinking of what I had said, from now on, after pomming in front of the horse, never disobeying the master's words, Li Ba had no choice but to rush toward the flame valley in front of him.

After some investigation, his heart was shaken, "There is actually a Fire God Stone. My master must have been aware of it a long time ago. Did he already know that there will be a Fire God Stone here?"

Along the way, Emperor Xiao Qing either didn't show up, or he would only act if there was a treasure, which was extremely accurate.

Moreover, following Li Ba's search, it was discovered that a large Vulcanite vein actually existed here.


He took a deep breath and couldn't help looking deeper and deeper. The more he looked at it, the more his mind was shaken.


However, before he had even waited for Emperor Xiao Qing to notify Xiao Qing, he heard a loud roar. In the valley, the endless Vulcan Stones merged directly into one stone monster burning with flames.


Li Ba's face changed slightly, his fists were like rainbows, and he killed him directly.

However, what shocked his heart was that this monster was extremely terrifying, powerful, and invulnerable, almost indestructible, even if it was shattered by him, it would regroup and regroup, unless it was completely destroyed. These Vulcan stones were all crushed.

"In that case, don't blame me."

Li Ba's eyes were fierce, and he only felt that if he couldn't even deal with this monster, it would be too bad.

The whole body burst out with monstrous power, and he was ready to use all his strength to completely crush the spirit that had condensed nearly 80% of the Vulcan stone in the valley.


However, before he could do anything, he heard a roar, and a flame furnace burning with skyfire descended from the sky, directly incorporating the stone monster composed of the thousand-meter-high Vulcan stone.

Emperor Xiao Qing took Fang Yuxue and stood on the sky-fire furnace, shook his head, "Let you explore the Vulcan stone, not let you destroy my Vulcan stone."

"I also want to get these Vulcan stones, but this monster can't be killed, I can only find a way to destroy it." Li Ba touched his head.

Emperor Xiao Qing ignored him, but directly let Skyfire melt into the shrink, and put it into his body.

Feeling the fire energy contained in the Skyfire Furnace, his eyes lit up, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, revealing an intoxicating smile.

The Skyfire Furnace was originally the treasure of the great Zhou royal family. After he obtained it, it had many functions and contained powerful space, but it was possible to receive these treasures.

"By gathering the power of all kinds of spirit stones, you can refine them in one fell swoop and hit the original spirit realm."

With a plan in his heart, he returned to the back of the red carving, and once again moved forward with everyone.

"Master, you are too loyal, right? I helped you to find the baby hard, but you didn't give me a stone." Li Ba murmured, with a look of dissatisfaction.

The Vulcan Stone is also very useful for him.

"Want, find it yourself."

Emperor Xiao Qing ignored him. Li Ba was born in this wild, and I don't know how many years he lived. Will there be fewer wild ‘special products’ energy stones?

The red eagle continued to fly forward. Then, he didn't encounter any large-scale mineral veins. However, many refugees were seen on the road, unclothed, hiding in some pits waiting for rabbits, waiting for hunting.

Their situation caused Fang Yuxue's pity in her heart, and Emperor Xiao Qing frowned and looked at Li Yuanji and the others, only to find that the others were all indifferent.

"These people are humans?" he asked.


Li Ba replied, "However, they are just the most humble human race. They are not qualified to enter the town and can only survive in the wild. Of course, if they can get some treasures, they can still enter the town."

"Blood is humble?" Xiao Qingdi looked at Li Ba, his eyes slightly cold.

"Yes, the bloodlines of generations have been so humble, and living is a waste of food." Li Ba said naturally.


As soon as his voice fell, a slap fell directly on his face.

"Why are you hitting me?" Li Ba covered his face, furious.

If Xiao Qingdi were not his master, and someone dared to slap him like this, he would have smashed the opponent long ago.

Emperor Xiao Qing's eyes were cold, a killing intent spread out, his eyes were fixed on Li Ba, and he said coldly, "Remember, all beings are equal, not to mention the same human race, no one has more blood than others. Noble, no one is more humble, everyone is equal."

"But, they are humble, this is the rank division known to everyone in the wild." Li Ba refused.

"If this is the case, I have abolished all your cultivation skills as a teacher, and interrupted your limbs, and will not give you any possibility of continuing to practice. If you throw you down below, what is the difference between you and them?" Xiao Qingdi Leng Soundtrack.

"There must be a difference." Li Ba flushed, and said angrily, "My blood is noble than them. I am the descendant of the ancient emperor."

"Ha ha..."

Emperor Xiao Qing sneered, "That's because you came from a royal family and you have the best cultivation environment. You don't have to worry about food or clothes. The education you get since childhood is more noble than others. If you are sealed with all power, would you dare to go on? Try it?"

"I don't need to be with them." Li Ba raised his head with disdain.


However, as soon as his voice fell, a ray of light fell on him, forming a golden phoenix, which directly sealed all the power in his body.

The soul, energy, and physical strength are all completely sealed, leaving nothing.

At this moment, Li Ba completely turned into an ordinary person.

"Emperor Sister!"

Li Ba looked at Li Yuanji on one side incredibly.

The latter looked indifferent, "I suddenly felt that what he said was very reasonable, but it needs to be verified whether you are like them under the same conditions, so you go down."


With one kick, Li Ba was kicked directly.


Poor Li Ba, guarding against Xiao Qingdi, guarding against the old guy, but he didn't even think about guarding against his sister. As a result, he was sealed and thrown away by his sister.

"After three days, I will come to you again."

The red eagle rose in the air and went away in an instant.

Only Li Ba was left stunned, "Why..."

He fell from the air. Although there was no injury, he was still ashamed and covered with mud. He didn't look very different from the ordinary people around him.

Seeing the curiosity and fear on the faces of the people around him, he couldn't help but feel disgust in his heart, "I can never be the same as you, you humble people, I have noble blood, I am the emperor. Descendants, even if all the power is absent, I am also different from you."

"I want to prove to you that there are indeed high and low bloodlines."

"I want you to admit to me personally that you are wrong."

He held up his head proudly and walked quickly towards the distance.

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