The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1133: Arrived, Demon Emperor's line!

"Bloodlines are divided into high and low, but there is no difference between high and low. All beings are equal."

In the high altitude, the red eagles shuttled between the clouds, and Emperor Xiao Qing stood with his hands holding hands, looking at Li Yuanji with a calm expression.

The latter looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with a strange look, "This emperor... I am also the first time I have heard of your theory that all beings are equal. However, in my wild thinking, there are all kinds of wild people. The difference in bloodline, within the human race, there is also a difference in bloodline level."

"So, the savage human races in the towns have a carefree life, can practice, can eat and drink, and even have fun, while those outside the towns can only suffer like this?"

Emperor Xiao Qing sneered, "As an emperor, you should have the world in your heart and be compassionate to the people. No matter who is your citizen, you should be treated fairly."

The old guy on one side and Wang Mo both showed strange light. Obviously, the words of Emperor Xiao Qing shocked them greatly.

Only Luo Jing and Fang Yuxue showed the natural color on their faces.

"It is difficult for me to accept your statement for a while, because the world and everything is unfair, and there is a difference between high and low. This is not something you can change with a word of mouth."

Li Yuanji shook his head.

"Then wait and see, see what your brother will look like in three days."

Emperor Xiao Qing's expression was indifferent, he glanced at a few people, and directly took Fang Yuxue into the sky, flashed and disappeared instantly.

"Three days later, this king will come back again. I hope that at that time, your thoughts can be changed. Otherwise, you are not worthy to walk with this king."

His voice came from far away, making Li Yuanji's eyes condensed, and a domineering aura of the emperor rose into the sky, gritted his teeth and said, "You are too presumptuous, you dare to say that I am not worthy to walk with you?"

"Maybe, he is correct." The old guy whispered.

He was also a person in the secular world who had been to the outside world. He was very clear about the concept of human existence in the outside world. At this moment, thinking about it, he couldn't help sighing, "Although there are gaps in every place, the rule of the secular world is indeed It’s better than Liangjieshan and Wilderness."

"Do you agree with his point of view?" Li Yuanji looked at the old guy in surprise.

"If you take a look at the secular world, you will understand why he has such an idea." The old guy said.

"This emperor is a little curious about the secular world."

Li Yuanji's face showed a curious look. Originally, in the news she received, the so-called worldly people from the outside world were all rubbish, had no ability, and occupied the precious land without any use.

Now it seems that the outside world is different from what she imagined.

On the other side, Luo Jing and Wang Mo suddenly realized that Li Yuanji's identity was definitely not Li Ba's ordinary sister, but it might be the overwhelming empress of the Li royal family!

"See you in three days."

The old guy laughed and left directly with Luo Jing. This barrenness, although barren, didn't have much spiritual energy, but the victory was that there were some treasures that Liangjieshan didn't have.

If he follows Emperor Xiao Qing, maybe he won't get anything. It's rare for Emperor Xiao Qing to leave, so he naturally has to use these three days to find the treasure.

"Second ancestor, wait for me."

Wang Mo's face changed drastically, and he hurried to catch up.

Let him stay with the queen, let alone three days, even if it is a quarter of an hour he can't bear it.

As a result, only the Red Eagle was trembling with Li Yuanji, flying aimlessly in the high sky.

Li Yuanji sat cross-legged on the back of the red sculpture, looking down, his eyes flashing endlessly.


Three days passed in a flash, and Emperor Xiao Qing took Fang Yuxue to hunt for treasures on this wild land. During this time, he saw the phantoms of two emperor halls.

At the same time, every time he found some spiritual veins that had been absorbed by the emperor hall under the virtual shadow of the emperor hall, and after absorbing them, the energy in his body had reached a saturated state.

Then, he encountered a **** sun burning the sky again, obtained a batch of blood flame crystals, and helped Fang Yuxue refining some on the spot, so that her physical strength officially followed.

However, other than that, I didn't find anything useful.

On the contrary, when I encountered some wild beasts, it was really terrifying, and once I encountered a terrifying breath, even Emperor Xiao Qing was shocked and avoided it far.

Then, when the time came for three days, Emperor Xiao Qing and Fang Yuxue returned to the agreed place, and the old guy also returned with Luo Jing and Wang Mo. As for Li Yuanji, she never left.

"Three days have come, how is he?"

Emperor Xiao Qing looked at Li Yuanji.

The latter's face suddenly showed a strange look, "Also, okay..."


Emperor Xiao Qing was a little surprised at Li Yuanji's answer, lowered his head to take a look, and immediately found Li Ba in the crowd.

Under this look, he was immediately stunned, "Is this what you say is OK?"

Compared with three days ago, Li Ba simply changed his appearance.

The clothes on his body were shattered, the whole person was ashamed, with blood stains on his forehead, and his nose and face were swollen. It seemed to be no different from those outside the city.

However, Emperor Xiao Qing was relieved that at this moment, Li Ba was talking and laughing with the ordinary refugees.

If this were placed three days ago, it would be absolutely impossible, but at this moment, it really happened.

"Really, kind of interesting."

A smile appeared on Emperor Xiao Qing's face.

Li Yuanji's expression has always been weird. In the past three days, she was not worried about the safety of her brother, so she had been observing Li Ba's situation in the sky, and seeing Li Ba's changes with her own eyes, she was really touched too much.

"Come up."

She waved and brought Li Ba up.

"Three days, have they finally passed?"

Li Ba was still a little dazed until he stood on the back of the red carving and felt that his cultivation had recovered. Then, watching Emperor Xiao Qing and Li Yuanji who were nearby, he was moved with tears streaming down his face.

"I, I finally came back, I finally regained my strength, ahhhh..."

It is hard to imagine that the overbearing prince of the Li imperial family, the existence of the wild and invincible Primordial God Realm, really shed tears at this moment.

"Emperor sister, I'm so miserable."

This guy, forgot Li Yuanji's majesty, but looked at Li Yuanji with a miserable look, "I thought it had been several years, it was like a year..."

"Originally, I thought my bloodline was noble. Even in the same environment, I would definitely be different from them. I can still maintain my nobility, but after the actual practice, I understood. It turns out that I am no different from them. ."

He turned to look at Emperor Xiao Qing with a firm look on his face, "Master, I finally know that I was wrong, I'm sorry..."

He can be regarded as a wonderful person. After three days of experience, he realized his mistakes, and even Xiao Qing emperor was surprised at how he knew his mistakes could be corrected.

Immediately, he laughed, "Okay, knowing a mistake can be corrected, and doing something good is great."

"Maybe, I should also experience it." Li Yuanji's heart unexpectedly gave birth to such an idea, which made her feel shocked.

"Let's go."

The group of people continued on the road, but nothing happened next. Two days later, they reached the territory of the human demons, the race where the passage was located.

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