The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1147: Fengshuang dance, looking up at the sky

"Do not..."

That sword qi has been passively used, this is Fang Yuxue's last reliance, if there is any danger, she really can only die without a place to bury her.

At this moment, with despair in her eyes, she slowly turned her head to look.

I saw a woman covered in black robe walking slowly from the wind and snow.

The opponent's speed is not fast, but it is very frequent, wherever it passes, the ice and snow freezes, and it seems to be frozen in mid-air.


Seeing humans appearing, Fang Yuxue's face suddenly showed surprise, but before she could ask for help, she saw the other party waved her hand, a powerful force submerged in her body, causing her to faint instantly. .

"Normal Demon Cultivation in the Yuan Ying Period, no, this physique..."

The woman covered in black robes appeared in front of Fang Yuxue. Originally, her eyes showed disdain, but she glanced at her and her expression suddenly changed.

"Innate demon spirit body! Unexpectedly, it would let me get the innate demon spirit body here..."

With a wave of her hand, the wind and snow rolled up Fang Yuxue, causing Fang Yuxue to levitate beside her, just like that, following her towards the distance.

In the blink of an eye, she disappeared.

In terms of the pathogen, only countless ice wolves fell to the ground, and there was no breath.

The wind and snow rolled up in the sky, and after a while, it covered everything.

At the same time, in the east of the city, Emperor Xiao Qing, who was waiting for news, changed his heart, his expression changed greatly, "Yu Xue!"


The sound fell, and his figure disappeared instantly.

"what happened?"

Seeing Emperor Xiao Qing disappeared, Li Yuanji's expression also changed, "Did you find her?"

Her figure also disappeared in place, only Wang Mo stared blankly, "Why are you running again? Then if you find Girl Fang later, how should I notify you?"

Then, thousands of miles away, the figures of Emperor Xiao Qing and Li Yuanji appeared. Emperor Xiao Qing had anxious eyes and turned to Li Yuanji, "Emperor Li, is there any way to reach infinity in an instant?"

"What do you mean?" Li Yuanji frowned and looked at Emperor Xiao Qing.

"The sword aura I left in Yuxue's body was aroused. She was in danger. I could only sense that she was in the north, very weak and very far away." Xiao Qingdi's face showed anxious expression.

"Could it be Jibeichuan?" Li Yuanji frowned. "That is the backmost part of the entire Liangjie Mountain. The distance from this place is millions of miles."


Sword Qi was aroused, and it must be a life and death crisis. At this moment, Emperor Xiao Qing was anxious, wishing to be in front of Fang Yuxue all at once.

However, the distance was too far away, even if it was him, he could not cross a million miles in an instant and appeared in front of Fang Yuxue.

"Come with me."

Li Yuanji stretched out a slender jade to hold Xiao Qingdi, and the other hand was a stroke against the void, and the void suddenly shattered.

The two entered it and disappeared.

After a while, hundreds of thousands of miles away, the void was cut open again, and Li Yuanji appeared in it with Xiao Qingdi's figure. Her breathing was a bit unstable, but she continued to cut through the void and drive on.


After rushing several times in a row, even if Li Yuanji was such a supreme being, her face was pale, her breathing was short, and she was holding Xiao Qingdi's hand, shaking a little.

"You are exhausted, don't use your strength anymore."

Seeing that Li Yuanji was still trying to drive through the void, Emperor Xiao Qing quickly stopped her, "It's not far, I'll take you on the road."

"No, I'm fine."

Li Yuanji spoke stubbornly, and a thin sword appeared in his hand, slashing into the void, and then split a crack again, bringing Emperor Xiao Qing into it again.

Next, every time she shot, she split the void with that slender long sword, and then took Xiao Qingdi to drive.

Her breath became more and more unstable, and her face became paler, and finally, after splitting the void four or five times in a row, she rushed to Jibeichuan.

The two stood in the void, Li Yuanji staggered and almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, Emperor Xiao Qing supported her so that she did not fall.

"Are you okay?" Xiao Qingdi asked.

"I'm okay, just a little bit out of strength."

Li Yuanji shook his head and grudgingly smiled at Emperor Xiao Qing, "Next, I can only rely on you to protect me."

"With me, you will definitely not be in danger." Xiao Qingdi showed a solemn expression on his face.

If he drove on his own, I am afraid that he would not be able to feel this glacier land for three days, but Li Yuanji broke through the void and drove on the road too quickly, and it took less than three hours to rush to the present.

The time has been shortened dozens of times.

He remembered this kind of grace.

No matter who it is, Li Yuanji cannot be injured at this time, unless he, the Dragon King Xiao Qingdi dies!

"Hurry up and find someone." Li Yuanji smiled. With the words of Emperor Xiao Qing, she only felt that everything she did was worthwhile.

Emperor Xiao Qing stopped talking, looking at the vast ice field, frowned slightly, and whispered, "The breath is getting weaker..."

With anxiety in his eyes, his body instantly disappeared in place.

After a while, he and Li Yuanji had appeared at the place where Fang Yuxue appeared before. Below them, it was covered with ice and snow, but this did not hinder the two's feelings.

He stretched out his hand and shook, and immediately, the ice and snow covered below shattered, revealing the corpses of the ice wolves and the blood stains that had turned into ice.


Emperor Xiao Qing appeared on the ground in an instant, looking carefully, but Fang Yuxue was nowhere to be seen.

However, he sensed the place where his sword qi had come up, and saw the ice wolf that was split by a sword and hit the iceberg on one side.

However, even though it had not been killed before, this ice wolf was also seriously injured and died at this time.

"I'm late."

Emperor Xiao Qing's voice was low and full of anger.

Around here, the ice wolves in the same place even retained Fang Yuxue's power. He could sense how desperate Fang Yuxue was and how panicked.

"She, a woman living in the city, would be scared to see a cockroach. Now, she is alone on this ice sheet. There are no one else. There are only these beasts, and even, were injured... At that time, how should it be? Afraid..."

Emperor Xiao Qing closed his eyes, and his whole body trembled slightly.

With his strength today, this kind of eclipse is rarely seen. However, when he remembered Fang Yuxue's despair at the time, he could no longer maintain his consistent image.

The whole body, a murderous aura spread out, extremely cold.

"Don't be nervous. If she is not there, she will be fine. She should have been rescued by a passing powerhouse." Li Yuanji, who was sitting cross-legged not far away, was comforting.

However, there was hesitation in her eyes.

In the end, he didn't tell Emperor Xiao Qing that this icefield was the base camp of the Demon Dao. With Fang Yuxue's physique, he arrived here. If you encounter someone with the Demon Dao, I am afraid the consequences will be disastrous.

"There are footprints."

Emperor Xiao Qing looked at the footprints under the frost, covered by the ice and snow. His steps were not heavy or even very light, but he could see that there was indeed someone passing by at the time, and they also left footprints.

He moved, chasing his footprints away instantly.

Wherever he passed, snow and ice flew up, revealing a row of shallow footprints.

However, as he walked hundreds of miles away, he found that his footprints had disappeared.

Ahead, the ice and snow are still there, the ice sheet is vast, but there is nothing, and I can no longer feel the breath of Fang Yuxue.

Emperor Xiao Qing went away in an instant, and he explored in all directions. However, he was looking for thousands of miles in every direction. He still did not see the footprints, nor did he feel Fang Yuxue's breath.


He stood still, feeling lost.

Finally, I found Fang Yuxue's figure, but the clues were interrupted, leaving only endless disappointment and worry.

Around, the ice sheet is vast, and you can't see the end at a glance, the wind and snow are all over the sky, the white mist is confused, you can't see anything, and his heart is also empty.


Suddenly, a loud noise came from the rear, and a terrifying breath erupted.

"not good..."

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