The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1148: Dare to move her, this king will destroy you

On the ice field, the sky is full of ice and snow, accompanied by wind and frost. If you sit still, in a moment, the sky can completely cover people.

Emperor Xiao Qing went to find Fang Yuxue, while Li Yuanji sat cross-legged to restore her cultivation.

At this moment, she had a bad premonition in her heart, "I am almost exhausted in her cultivation, but she is too careless. I hope there will be no other dangers."

"The strength must be restored as soon as possible."

This place is not the wild Li imperial family, but within the mountains of the two worlds.

Although in recent years, Liangjie Mountain and Liangjie Mountain have also been connected, and the two sides have interacted with Tianjiao, but, really speaking, Liangjie Mountain and Liangjie Mountain are still opposites.

She is a savage queen who appears in the range of these two mountains, and is still in the domain of the Ice Demon Sect. If she is encountered by the Ice Demon Sect master, the consequences will be unimaginable.

She closed her eyes and ran her own practice, absorbing energy as quickly as possible to restore her own cultivation.

Fortunately, in these two mountains, there is a lot of aura, even in the ice field, there is also a aura that is a hundred times stronger than that of the wild, and her exercises are running, and there is an infinite aura.

"Within three hours, he will definitely be able to return to his peak state."

She breathed a sigh of relief, even if she couldn't restore her peak immediately, as long as she could restore a little bit of strength, she would have enough confidence.


At this moment, accompanied by a roar, a figure rushed from high above and landed on the ice sheet in a very violent manner, causing the infinite ice sheet to burst.

"Not good." Li Yuanji's face changed.

The other party's aura is extremely powerful, it is not an ordinary Nashen Realm powerhouse, but has reached a very terrifying realm.

At this moment, she and each other looked at each other.

The other party was a silver-haired man, covered with cold devilish energy, and his body was condensed with frost, and a terrifying aura burst out, making the surrounding void tremble.

If Li Yuanji was in the peak state, although this man was terrifying, he would not put it in her eyes.

However, at this moment, she was not even as powerful as Yicheng in the heyday, facing this man, she had no power to fight back at all.

"A woman, and still..."

The silver-haired man looked at Li Yuanji, and when he saw Li Yuanji’s face, his face suddenly showed a happy expression, "Well, I can meet these superb beauties just after I leave the customs, God is really to me. Not thin, hahaha."

While he was laughing excitedly, he walked towards Li Yuanji step by step. After a long distance, he opened his hand and grabbed Li Yuanji. "Woman, this seat is the Xuanpeng Ice Sage of the Ice Demon Sect. Becoming a woman in this seat allows you to enjoy the supreme glory."


The wind and snow condensed, turned into a big hand, domineering, crushing the surrounding frost, just grabbed towards Li Yuanji.

Seeing that when it was about to fall on Li Yuanji, Li Yuanji's eyes flickered, a scimitar appeared in his hand, and amidst the roar, he slashed directly on the large hand of frost condensed, and at the same time, he retreated quickly.

Xuan Peng, the silver-haired man, obviously did not expect that Li Yuanji would dare to resist. This hand did not expend much effort when he grasped it. Suddenly, his big hand was broken, allowing Li Yuanji to retreat three miles.

He smiled with interest, "It's interesting, it's still prickly. I like it."

He took a step forward and instantly appeared in front of Li Yuanji, with both hands domineering and ready to take Li Yuanji into his arms instantly.


The cold light flashed in Li Yuanji's eyes, and the scimitar slashed down in the air. At the same time, she patted it with a slender hand.

The two sides held hands, Li Yuanji spurted blood, but his figure also used this counter-shock force to shoot away from a distance.

"Okay, interesting."

After blocking Li Yuanji’s attack, the man easily stretched out his hand to clamp Li Yuanji’s scimitar. Under this look, his face suddenly showed a strange look, "What a scimitar, unexpectedly You are a superb spirit weapon level magic weapon. It seems that your status is extraordinary."

Looking at Li Yuanji who was retreating extremely fast, he faced Li Yuanji's cultivation for the first time.

From this look, the light in his eyes flashed, and he laughed loudly, "I understand, your strength is very strong, not even weaker than this one, but I don't know why you have exhausted your strength, good."

The more he watched, the more excited he became, "If your cultivation is too weak, this seat doesn't want you yet, since you are a strong man, and you just lost your strength, then you belong to this seat, hahaha... ."

This time, he was no longer holding the cat and mouse mentality, but was very fast, stepped out, and instantly appeared in front of Li Yuanji.


Li Yuanji screamed and mobilized the only remaining power in the body to bombard the past.

At the same time, her figure once again ejected in the direction of Emperor Xiao Qing. She knew that her cultivation was exhausted now, and she could not be the opponent's opponent. Only by finding Emperor Xiao Qing could she escape the danger.

Otherwise, with her identity, with her physique, if it falls into the hands of this demon master, it will definitely be worse than death.

"Little Pepper, I like it."

Xuan Peng, the silver-haired man, laughed and waved at random to block Li Yuanji's attack, but he caught up again, and put his hand on Li Yuanji again, wiped her face with a hand, and smiled, "It's so pretty, I like it."


Li Yuanji didn't say a word, but made a decisive move, mobilizing the power of the ice from the four directions, blasting to the four directions, and at the same time, her figure fell into the sky and disappeared directly into the void.

She even knows the law of space.

"Hey... I still have the strength to escape, I underestimate you." The silver-haired man Xuan Peng sighed and felt a little before he stepped out, instantly crossing dozens of miles of distance.

Seeing, Li Yuanji was running fast in front of him.

"Emperor Xiao Qing, if you don't come yet, something will happen to the emperor."

Li Yuanji never thought that one day she would be fleeing like this, and the other party was just a fellow in the realm of the four heavens.

This realm is an invincible strong for other people, but for her, it is really too weak.

However, as she is now, she is exhausted in her cultivation, and she is not a cultivator in the body, and she does not have much resistance.

"I knew it, I should have cultivated the body at the same time."

Most of the savage human races are body-refining powerhouses, especially the royal family, and almost everyone is a cultivator.

Like Li Ba, his strength is terrifying, and he can fight the enemy even higher.

However, Li Yuanji is an exception. Her cultivation talent is really too strong, with multiple physiques in one body. If she is a cultivator, it will be a waste of time for her.

This time, taking Xiao Qingdi across millions of miles on the road, she forcibly broke the rules of the void. Although it seemed nothing on the surface, it actually exhausted her power. At this moment, facing this silver-haired man, There is no way to resist.

When Li Yuanji ran away quickly, the man followed up quickly, smiled and said, "I don't want to play with you anymore. I can't wait to turn you into my seat. Come with me."


Shot again, no longer a tentative attack, but a burst of monstrous power.

Amidst the roar, an extremely violent force broke out instantly, directly shaking Li Yuanji's whole body immovably.

"Could it be true that only the primordial spirit can come out of the body and fight against the primordial spirit?"

There was a look of helplessness in Li Yuanji's eyes. Before the last moment, she would never use the primordial spirit easily. After all, the battle of the primordial spirit out of the body is the most dangerous. If the opponent is strong, there is even a treasure that can deal with the spirit. Then, she is really finished.

"come on."

The silver-haired man Xuan Peng laughed loudly. When Li Yuanji was thinking about it, he sacrificed a blue rope to tie Li Yuanji's whole person.

"Fight." Li Yuanji gritted her teeth, her eyes flickering, "If he does not use the power of the original spirit, the consequences will be disastrous."

With a resolute expression on his face, he was about to use the power of the soul to kill the opponent.


Suddenly, a sword roar came from a distance, and then, a Nine-Colored Sword Qi slashed from the void, amidst the ice and snow, the Nine-Colored Light was shining brightly.

"If you dare to move him, this king will destroy you both!"

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