The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1187: This king sends you on the road

"Emperor Xiao Qing, this sect killed you with your divine sword. I wonder how you would feel?"

Sect Master Ice Demon held Emperor Fenjian at Emperor Xiao Qing, with a happy smile on his face.

Although Xiao Qing emperor slayed four ice saint-level powerhouses, she completely seized Yuxue from the room, and reached the peak of her cultivation. In the future, as long as she retreats and cultivates for a period of time, she can completely break through to the soul The realm of seven heavens.

Moreover, with this supreme sword, everything is enough.

From then on, her one person and one sword were enough to calm the Liangjieshan and unify the wilderness.

The world is so big that no one is her opponent anymore.


However, when she was proud, Emperor Xiao Qing shook his head, showing regret.

"Don't regret it, you are already very powerful, and you can call it the first person in history. However, you met this sect. This sect is your natural nemesis and the natural enemy of all practitioners in the world." Bing The demon lord thought that Emperor Xiao Qing had lost, and regretted that he pretended to comfort him.

"I have an apprentice whose name is Natural Enemy. He is also known as the natural enemy of all cultivators." Emperor Xiao Qing touched his nose and said with interest.

"It's not just the benefit of your tongue." The Ice Demon Sect Master was not angry, but considered, "How can I deal with you?"


In the distance, Qingfeng confronts the Great Elder, and the second ancestor Tianhuan confronts the masters of the Yuanshen Realm Seventh Heaven in the Forbidden Land of the Ice Demon Sect. The battle between the two sides is earth-shattering, even if they are far away, the aftermath of the battle spreads out.

However, all this did not affect the excitement of the Ice Demon Sect Master.

Emperor Xiao Qing was not in a hurry, he smiled slightly, and asked with interest, "At this last moment, you should tell this king your name, right?"

"Is this your last last words? This sect fulfills you."

Sect Master Ice Demon wore an indifferent smile, "This sect is the most magnanimous. Since you want to know the name of this sect master, then, listen up, this sect is called Bing Xinyue. From now on, these three words , Will resound through the mountains of the two worlds, the wild and secular world, but you can’t hear it anymore.”

"go to hell."


She directly exploded with the strongest power, holding the Emperor Burning Sword and displaying the supreme sword technique.

With one sword cut out, the 10,000-zhang Frost Sword Qi was generated out of thin air, wherever it passed, the void exploded, and then it was frozen again. Moreover, the scope of this frozen ice continued to expand, and it seemed that it would never stop.

The ice contains sword energy.

Sword Qi Break can destroy all things, while ice can freeze all things, making the power of this blow extremely powerful.

"This divine sword is really the supreme divine weapon."

Sect Master Bing Xinyue of Ice Demon was even more excited when she saw the power of this sword.


However, her smile had not fallen yet. Suddenly, the void shuddered. The ice that was continuously spreading out in all directions not only directly stopped the spreading trend, but even dense cracks appeared on the frozen ice.

And the power of this sword seemed to dissipate silently.


Her expression changed, she glanced at the Emperor Burning Sword that had been refined by her, and realized something was wrong.

Before she could do any substantial behavior, suddenly, the Emperor Burning Sword that had been refined by her trembling at this moment, and then a terrifying evil spirit rushed into her body.

Even if she was the Sect Master of the Ice Demon Sect, she was shocked by this suffocating aura, and she was dizzy briefly.

"not good..."

At the same time she was in a trance, she realized that something was wrong, her heart trembled, and she tried to get her spirits up. She recovered in just a few breaths.

However, many things can happen during these few breaths.


Swords roared loudly.

The Emperor Fenjian flew up suddenly, trembling with excitement, and directly turned into a ray of light slashing towards the soul of Bing Xinyue.

The incomparable sword energy was cut, and Bing Xinyue's soul was about to be split apart.

"Don't cut through the soul of the soul, just cut off the connection with Bing Xinyue."

At the critical moment, Emperor Xiao Qing spoke, silently, he had appeared in Bing Xinyue’s soul, and directly surrounded Bing Xinyue’s six souls with his own two souls. .

Such behavior can be described as bold.

If ordinary people did it like this, using two to six, it would have been broken long ago, but Xiao Qing Emperor's soul world was extremely stable, even more majestic than the opponent's Six Heaven and Earth.

Just like that, I wrapped the six-fold primordial spirit world, and then stretched out my hand, carefully took Fang Yuxue's true spirit, pampered it in his hand, and whispered, "Yuxue, you have suffered."

In that beam of light, Fang Yuxue's appearance was looming, but her true spirit was too weak to speak temporarily.

"All the suffering you have suffered is worth it. After you recover, you will be a peerless powerhouse in the Sixth Heaven Realm."

A cold light flashed in his eyes, looking at Bing Xinyue who had been stunned by Quasi-jian, her figure flickered, and she appeared in front of the opponent instantly.


At this time, Bing Xinyue was already awake. When her expression changed drastically, she saw Emperor Xiao Qing who was close at hand. She was shocked and inexplicable, and she was about to step back without thinking.


It's too late.

"Sect Master Bing Xinyue, this king will send you on the road."

Emperor Xiao Qing smiled softly, his left hand opened, and a seal with nine-color light looming, it was the seal of the emperor.


"Do not..."

As soon as the emperor's seal was released, a monstrous and terrifying aura burst out, and the mighty emperor's might shocked Bing Xinyue's mind and almost worshipped.

She yelled in horror, she was about to use hell, but it was useless at all.

The next moment, the emperor's seal was directly imprinted on her body, making her whole body momentarily sluggish.

"No, no, I am Bing Xinyue, I am the Sect Master of the Ice Demon Sect, I can't be destroyed like this, break it for me."

Her mind was trembling, she couldn't move her whole body, her heart kept roaring.

However, no matter how she fights, how to use all kinds of terrifying secret methods are useless.

Within the emperor seal, a statue of the emperor emerged, and the terrifying emperor suppressed her true spirit, causing her true spirit to be compressed and wiped out a little bit.

"no no..."

"Emperor Xiao Qing, if you dare to destroy my true spirit, I will explode this physical body, don't push me."

While Bing Xinyue tried her best to resist, she suddenly opened her eyes and roared.

A breath of self-destruction continued to spread out of her body, terrifying.

"Not good." Even Emperor Xiao Qing's expression changed drastically, and he roared, "Bing Xinyue, if you dare to explode this fleshy body, this king will definitely make you suffer forever."

"Then you stop, otherwise, this sect will be suppressed by you, why didn't you blew yourself up?" Because Emperor Xiao Qing had slightly relaxed the suppression of the emperor's seal, Bing Xinyue could barely speak.

She looked cold, the secret method was already prepared, she could explode herself at any time.

"This king lets your true spirit leave this physical body, and promises not to hurt you." Emperor Xiao Qing muttered for a moment before speaking.

"Only the true spirit is left. If you let this sect leave, what is the difference between killing this sect?" Bing Xinyue roared.

"Woman, don't challenge this king's patience."

The cold light flashed in Emperor Xiao Qing's eyes, and the emperor's seal, the light was great, majestic and mighty, and he was about to suppress it.

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