The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1188: Holy sword, return!

"No, sister Yuxue's true spirit is getting weaker and weaker, and she is about to dissipate. She must be sent into the flesh immediately."

At this time, Li Yuanji's expression changed drastically, and she exclaimed.

Seeing this, Bing Xinyue still had a fierce face ready to explode and threaten herself, while Fang Yuxue's true spirit was as weak as a candle in the wind.

A cold light flashed in the eyes of Emperor Xiao Qing, "Bing Xinyue, this king will suppress you first. If you dare to explode, this king will smash your true spirit on the spot. You can try to see if you explode fast or this king shakes. Kill you fast."


On the emperor's seal, a shadow of the emperor was holding the law jue, a beam of light circulated, bursting out with a vast and boundless aura.

Then, one by one, the seals were branded on Fang Yuxue's body.

Bing Xinyue hesitated for a short time, and then she was fiercely motivated, "Then let it die..."

Such a moment of hesitation has made it impossible for her even if she wants to die together.

The light flashed, and the nine-color runes were branded on her body, directly imprinted into her true spirit, causing the light in her eyes to gradually dissipate, becoming more and more absent.


Li Yuanji hurriedly shouted.

As soon as Emperor Xiao Qing pointed, he instantly sent Fang Yuxue's true spirit into her body, and then Li Yuanji directly used secret methods to help stabilize Fang Yuxue's true spirit.

"Well, sister Yuxue's physical body contains Bing Xinyue's true spirit power that was crushed and dispersed. After she absorbs it, the true spirit will not only recover to its peak, but it can even become stronger."

Li Yuanji breathed a sigh of relief and turned to look at Emperor Xiao Qing with a strange light shining in his eyes.

Just now, she sensed that the big seal in Emperor Xiao Qing's hand was very terrifying, and it contained the aura of the infinite emperor, and the shadow of the emperor sitting on it made her mind shake.

"Inheritance of the Great Emperor of the Temple!"

She was sure in her heart, "That is definitely the inheritance of the legendary temple emperor. That seal is terrible."


Suddenly, there was a roar in the distance, and a mountain peak exploded. It was the second ancestor Tianhuan who was against the master of the Seventh Heaven Realm who was blasted into the mountain peak.

"Wait, dare to destroy my sect master and look for death."

A terrifying figure sat in the void, even if it was just standing, it seemed to burst the whole world in an instant.

"No, this old guy is too strong, I can't hold it anymore."

The mountain burst, and the second ancestor Tianhuan's figure rose into the sky, and when he came to Emperor Xiao Qing's side, he roared and was about to flee.

"I want to go, it's too late."

The terrifying figure was still sitting cross-legged, looking towards the direction where Emperor Xiao Qing and the group of people were sitting, cold light flashed, holding Fajue in both hands, yelling, "Feng Tian Yin Di!"


An invisible ripple instantly spread out in all directions.

Then, the void where the entire Ice Demon Sect was located was instantly sealed by this invisible force.

The void is as hard as iron, and the ground is ice-bound.

Thousands of miles around, completely turned into an endless ice cage.

"This old guy is the Sect Master of the Ice Demon Sect of the previous generation."

Li Yuanji frowned and looked at the phantom sitting cross-legged, and said in a low voice, "When I was very young, I met her with my father, and he was already in the sixth heaven of the Primordial God Realm. The powerhouse, now has become a Seventh Heavenly Master, this is a big trouble."

She, if her cultivation is at its peak, even if the opponent is terrifying, she is not afraid.

However, at this moment, her cultivation level has only recovered a little, and facing such a supreme existence of the Seven Heavens, she is not an opponent at all.


Not only was this old guy incomparably powerful, but at this moment, the breeze that blocked the Great Elder of the Ice Demon Sect was also blown away, just in front of Emperor Xiao Qing and the others.

He vomited blood and raised his head with a wry smile, "It's really self-inflicted. If there is no dragon blood crystal, the old guy can't break through so quickly. Now, he is about to step into the seventh heaven."

"Another Seventh Heaven!"

The faces of everyone changed.


Look up and look over.

Accompanied by a huge roar, I saw the figure of the Great Elder of the Ice Demon Sect standing upright in the sky, standing proudly in the void, and the six-fold primordial spirit world appeared.

His primordial spirit was standing on it, waving his hand to cut it.

One cut, although the heaven and the earth were cut apart, it was not enough to form the soul of the soul and healed instantly.

However, he didn't change his color, but was accustomed to it, and still cut the past one after another.

"The primordial spirit opens the heavens and the earth, the more difficult it is later, especially when it reaches the level of the seventh heaven, it is even more necessary to use the power of the six heavens and the earth in front. Only if the primordial spirit is strong enough and the first six heavens and earth are stable enough, It can split the heaven and the earth, and at the same time, the first six heaven and earth will not be cut down."

Li Yuanji explained on the side.

She knew that Emperor Xiao Qing had just opened the heaven and earth just now, and she might not be clear about these, so she explained it to Emperor Xiao Qing in this way.

"Oh, when is this, don't you run away quickly to see what he breaks through." Tian Huan was anxiously dizzy.

"I can't go." Xiao Qingdi shook his head, "The entire Ice Demon Sect is sealed, and he uses the spirit veins under the Ice Demon Sect as his main formation. He wants to break the seal, unless the Ice Demon Zong is completely destroyed."

"It really is."

Several people felt it carefully, and their expressions suddenly changed, "What should I do now?"

They are all extremely strong, but they are not in their peak state, facing the Ice Demon Sect, a veteran of the Seventh Heavenly Soul, and a Seventh Heavenly Strong who is about to be promoted, it is too dangerous.

"What can I do?"

Emperor Xiao Qing looked around, looking at the infinite ice, with overwhelming killing intent, "Since it is impossible to break all of this, then, kill everyone in the Ice Demon Sect."

"Take care of Yuxue, this battle will be given to this king."

Then, the cold light flashed in Xiao Qingdi's eyes, and he stepped out, and the terrifying sword intent all over his body rose to the sky.

With Emperor Burning Sword in his hand, the endless evil spirit erupted instantly.

She has silver hair and dances without wind.

The killing intent was rolling, and the **** cold light spread out, covering half of the sky.

"Holy Sword, return!"

He whispered, the Supreme Sword Intent communicated with the holy sword of the holy sword sect in the infinite distance.

"What is he going to do?"

The expressions of the second ancestor Tianhuan and Qingfeng changed. "With the power of the second heaven in the original spirit realm, how can he deal with the seventh heaven in the original spirit realm even if he can fight against the sixth heaven?"

"He doesn't know how big the gap between the seventh heaven and the sixth heaven is. Anything below the seventh heaven, even if it can block a blow from the seventh heaven, is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of the seventh heaven powerhouse."

Qingfeng looked at Emperor Xiao Qing like hell, "He is looking for death by himself."

"If he can really deal with the Seventh Heaven with his power, let alone being his disciple, even if he is his grandson, I am willing."

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