"What a panic, ten little devil cubs, I will solve them by myself."

Seeing that the blood sword was lost, Li Ba didn't feel nervous at all. Instead, he smiled cheerfully and greeted the blood sword, "Master, anyway, you are not an opponent. Why don't you give me this blood sword incarnate? Use it?"


After the words fell, this blood sword actually shot at him.

He was stunned, "Do you really understand?"

However, the next moment, his face changed drastically, "Don't, Master, I'm kidding, how dare I use your incarnation blood sword, you continue, no no, I will fight alongside you."

This blood sword came in a rush, not for him to use, but to smash him.

Li Ba was shocked, and rushed to the ten powerful demon roads. Amidst the roar, the primordial spirit world and the physical world opened together, and even the gods suit was also worn on him.

The silver light was extremely bright, and the boundless aura circulated, making his whole person look like a supreme god.

The ten-foot-long halberd is in hand, and its power is terrifying. It cuts down with a single blow, and it directly destroys the void, blocking all the ten powerful magicians in front.

A triumphant expression appeared on his face, "No more than ten little devil cubs, even if your demon emperor comes, you must salute when you see this emperor, let alone you."


The ten demon masters looked at each other, their eyes all showing dignity, and they shot towards Li Ba.

On the other side, the Blood Sword ran across the sky and killed it again.

Although the strength of these top ten demon masters is unmatched, when they really encounter the blood sword incarnation of Emperor Li Ba and Xiao Qing, they are not opponents at all.

Suddenly, the sword aura was overwhelming, and the war halberd swept across the sky, but it took less than a hundred rounds of effort to be killed by Li Ba and the blood sword.

With a triumphant look on Li Ba's face, he looked at the people below and waved his hands. "Don't think this prince is very powerful. In fact, this is just the tip of the iceberg in the strength displayed by the prince."

"Are you, the prince's disciple?" Xiao Qi asked cautiously.

"Your prince, is Emperor Xiao Qing?" Li Ba asked back.

Somehow, he glanced at Xiao Wu, and found that when Xiao Wu looked at him, his eyes seemed to be a bit wrong, a very bad premonition rose in his heart.


Xiao Qi smiled, "So it seems that you are indeed the new disciple of the prince."

Xiao Wu also looked at Li Ba with a smile, and said, "Apprentice, call the teacher."


Li Ba was stunned, "Madam?"

He finally understood why Xiao Wu's eyes were so wrong when he looked at him, so what was it, he wanted to take advantage of him.

He has the strength, and he is the prince of the wild Li royal family. If someone else dared to do this to him, let him call his wife, he would have been slashed with a halberd, and the opponent would be directly beheaded.

However, the person in front of him is most likely the woman of his master Xiao Qingdi. Not only can he not behave, but he has to shout at this woman whose cultivation level is so weak that he usually doesn't even have the qualifications to take a look. , "Madam."

"Really good."

Xiao Wu smiled, thinking in his heart, if the prince knew what he was doing, he would not be angry.


Suddenly, that blood sword turned back in the air, rushing towards Xiao Wu, and instantly submerged into Xiao Wu's body.


Li Ba was stunned, and then wiped the sweat from his forehead. He felt a little grateful. Fortunately, he was afraid of the terrifying strength of Emperor Xiao Qing, so he really called his wife. Otherwise, his master would be on the side, I'm afraid Will not let yourself go.


Xiao Wu's body was surrounded by a **** breath, because with this drop of Emperor Xiao Qing's blood, the whole person's cultivation base began to rise steadily.

In the blink of an eye, he broke through the foundation-building period, and, along the way, the momentum was like breaking a bamboo, directly reaching the peak of the condensation period.


At this moment, everyone was shocked, "This breakthrough speed is so fast..."

"It seems that there is not enough spiritual energy to break through to the Golden Core Stage."

Li Ba looked at Xiao Wu with a tangled color in his eyes, and then suddenly gritted his teeth, took out a fist-sized transparent stone from his arms, with a distressed expression, "This is for me to use when I am practicing. The ethereal stone, the spiritual energy contained in it, is enough to make you break through to the peak of the Golden Core Stage."

Suddenly, he smashed this savage and precious ethereal stone directly, and billowing spiritual energy emerged from it, but without the slightest waste, it was all submerged into Xiao Wu's body.


The next moment, Xiao Wu's aura began to skyrocket, and his cultivation level broke directly into the Golden Core Realm.

The speed at which she condensed the golden core has reached an unprecedented level, and her aura continues to improve. In the blink of an eye, she reached the peak of the golden core period.

There is even a tendency to break through again and directly break the pill into an infant.

"No, no more breakthroughs."

Li Ba frowned, and suddenly shot, a powerful force enveloped Xiao Wu, constantly compressing the aura in Xiao Wu's body, and all of it was integrated into her body, which made her not ascend to the sky in one step and directly condense Yuan Ying.

"Madam, cough cough, this is my meeting gift for you."

He didn't smile until Xiao Wu opened his eyes.

"Yes, really good." Xiao Wuqiao smiled and looked at the other brothers who were full of envy, "Anything else? They are all your uncle..."

"No, no more..."

Li Ba turned pale with fright and shook his head quickly.

This ethereal stone is an extremely rare treasure in the wild. He finally got a few pieces, although he still has them, but how could it be possible to give them all.

"Well, those savage beasts seem to have come out of the wild, I'll go and clean them up."

He looked at the savage beasts on the opposing side on the battlefield, and rushed over to fight with them.

"When did the prince accept such a trick-like disciple, it's really interesting." The ten dragon guards gathered together and couldn't help but exclaimed as they watched Li Ba killing each other like a god.

"Really an unparalleled fierce general, the power of one person is comparable to a million enemies."

Even Commander Tang Bo couldn't help but admire.

"Next, with his help, we finally don't have to worry about not winning."

Everyone was relieved.

A person with a strong cultivation base is powerful enough to dominate the entire battlefield.

This world is so cruel.

Especially when the Liangjieshan and the barbaric powerhouse really appeared, it was even more incredible for people in the secular world.

How powerful is the super weapon of the secular world? Even if it can kill the master of the Nascent Soul Stage, can it deal with the existence of the Nascent Soul Stage?


The strong of the Yuanshen realm is theoretically comparable to the existence of a god, and it is not the enemy of humans.

Only the real fairy gods can kill these powerful gods.

When the battle ended, Luo Xia, who was far away in Dragon King Island, did not wait for Emperor Xiao Qing to return as promised after thinking about it.

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