The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1258: The Sword King

"This is the matter, first help the Sword Emperor to rescue Xie Feng, and then go to the sanctuary of the blood race with Luo Xia to save people."

After solving the affairs of Atari's house, Emperor Xiao Qing took Atari and Kong Shuai back to the East China Sea. After saying hello to the others, he went directly to find the Sword Emperor.

Although Xie Feng, the Sword Emperor’s apprentice, was not in great danger, since Emperor Xiao Qing had agreed to the other party, naturally he could not delay him.

Moreover, he had a foreboding in his heart that something might happen next. If he didn't rescue people quickly, he might not have time to do such small things.


At this moment, in a mysterious valley, the Sword Emperor was sitting cross-legged facing a rock wall, with a long sword on his knees, and the sword light was flowing, and there was a gleam of glory.

And on the stone wall in front of him, there was also flashing light, and it seemed that there was a ray of sword light echoing it.

This is not the point. Inside the stone wall, a figure is looming.

Isn't it his disciple Xie Feng?

Xie Feng also sat cross-legged in the stone wall, his face was calm, his eyes closed and there was no pain in his practice.

"It seems that this stone wall is very likely a great opportunity." The Sword Emperor whispered, with sword intent flowing in his eyes, interacting with the sword intent attached to the stone wall.

Even with the existence of the Sword Emperor, he could sense that the sword intent contained in this stone wall would be helpful to him.

He even had the urge to squeeze himself into the stone wall.

"No, it can't be like this."

As soon as this thought came up, he immediately shook his head, "There is no free lunch in the world, no matter how powerful the sword intent it contains, you cannot easily fall into it."

"I will wait for Emperor Xiao Qing to come and see."

As a practitioner, when encountering a great opportunity, he should go with his heart.

However, he did not dare.

His disciple is already trapped in the stone wall. He must use himself as a coordinate and wait for Emperor Xiao Qing to come. If even he is caught in it and Emperor Xiao Qing can’t find a place, then he and his disciple Xie Feng It might be dead.

Even if this was really an opportunity, he did not dare to take risks so easily.

"I believe he is coming."

The Sword Emperor whispered, forcibly not allowing himself to enter the stone wall.


Suddenly, a roar sounded.

The sword emperor's spirit was lifted, and his face showed excitement, "It's finally here."

However, when he just stood up, he heard a very discordant voice, "After all this time, there is finally a suitable little guy in the set."

A group of people in black, holding long swords, strolled in the air.

All over them, the black magical energy rolled endlessly, and all the trees in the mountains and forests were withered.

"A man in the magic way."

The Sword Emperor's face changed drastically, looking at the group of guys holding long swords with a vigilant expression, "Who are you?"

"who are we?"


The group of people looked at each other and laughed out loud, "Naturally, the supreme strong man who left you with a chance, tut, can actually resist the * that the stone wall brings to you without entering it, you It's also a talent."

"What? There really is a problem with this stone wall."

The Sword Emperor looked at the stone wall, both fortunate and anxious.

His disciple Xie Feng is still among them, and the strength of each of these demon heads is not weaker than himself, and even the strongest is unfathomable, most likely the legendary Yuanshen realm strong.

"Stop talking nonsense, just take the person back to the master."

Then, the group of people in black sneered and rushed towards the Sword Emperor.

"Let's go with us obediently."


The big hand opened, and the terrifying devilish energy instantly suppressed.

"Even if it's not your opponent, I won't go with you easily."

The Sword Emperor's face was firm, and the three-foot Aomine in his hand was instantly released.


The sword emperor's intention suddenly emerged, and the overwhelming sword aura slashed towards that big hand in an instant.

At the same time, his figure leaped into the air, cutting out one sword after another.

In today's secular world, both the spiritual energy and the practice environment are different from Liangjieshan and the wild. For people in the secular world, it is extremely difficult for people in the secular world to achieve success in practice, let alone reach the sword king. The realm.

The Sword Emperor was able to achieve this, and his comprehension of kendo can be said to have reached a level of true fascination.

Even if his cultivation base only reached the peak of the Nascent Soul Stage, the moment when he really made a full shot, the power was terrifying, and even if the strength of this group of people in black was stronger than him, he could not quickly kill him.

For a while, the attack of these guys was blocked by him.

"Good guy, it's really extraordinary. No wonder it can inspire the master's peeping at the stone wall. Such Tianjiao is indeed qualified to be the master's experiment."

"Everyone, set up the dragon lock formation, don't hurt him, capture him alive."

The one at the head was a strong man in the First Heaven Realm Realm, and his face showed excitement.


The other dozens of people all set up the formation immediately.

The lock dragon formation is mainly trapped. According to legend, even a real dragon will be trapped, not to mention a sword king at the peak of the Nascent Soul Stage.

Amidst the roar, the coercion spread, as if the power of heaven and earth descended, even if the sword emperor's swordsmanship is strong, the lack of cultivation base will cause his face to change greatly, and the whole person staggered to the ground.

"Do not..."

He roared, his sword vigorous, his sword intent rose into the sky.

But it didn't work.

Together, the sword intent was suppressed by the power of the formation.

Sword formation Suolong, this time, it was him who was strong and talented in kendo was an excellent sword king.


The invisible light emerged, and in an instant, all the power in the Sword Emperor's body was sealed.

He fell to the ground with a look of despair in his eyes, "Who are you guys, why dare you deal with me so blatantly?"

"Who are we? Hahaha..."

The group of people looked at each other and laughed loudly, "We are the future masters of this world, the only masters of the sky and the earth."


While laughing proudly, the headed man in black came to the front of the stone wall and stretched out his hand to grab it. Suddenly, accompanied by a roar, the colorful light was flowing on the entire surface of the stone wall, and it rose from the ground into a light. Was taken away by him.

Take a closer look, this stone wall has shrunk hundreds of times, becoming the size of a free palm, and Xie Feng in it is as lifelike as if it were imprinted on it.

"Harvesting two Tianjiao at once, but it is also very good."

The headed man in black showed satisfaction on his face.

Seeing that the Sword Emperor’s face showed unwillingness, he smiled and said, “Don’t be angry. It won’t take long for you to understand that it’s your greatest honor to be a master. Your life is yours. Destiny will change with the master."


Then, a pointing to the sword emperor, sealed his senses, directly let people grab the sword emperor and rise into the sky.

At this moment, the Sword Emperor looked desperate, seeing that he and his apprentice Xie Feng were about to be taken away, and might survive in the future, but he would definitely be enslaved, and even his mind would be changed. He was grieved. Extremely.

"Could it be that the fate of me and my disciple will be like this?"

"Do not..."

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