The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1271: What does this king do and what to do with others?

"In front of this king, you are not qualified to blow yourself up."


However, when this blood prince instigated the last available power and was about to explode, he heard Emperor Xiao Qing's cold voice.

Accompanied by it, a nine-color sword energy descended from the sky.

Emperor cut!

The emperor slashed a sword, a direct and domineering blow, with the power to open up the world.

In an instant, before this sixth-class prince could react, the whole person was directly split into two, and even its blood core was also split into two.

The wound was neat and tidy, without the slightest flaw, and even a drop of blood could not be splashed out because of the sword energy sealing the wound.


Luo Xia on one side was already ready, a dark golden whirlpool appeared in front of him, and in an instant, the two corpses were involved in refining.

"I need some time."

While refining that terrifying prince powerhouse, Luo Xia still had time to speak, "The blood prince is divided into nine classes. When I just broke through, I was the first class prince. I am in this realm now, and then I progress again. Every breakthrough is a step up."

"The other party is a sixth-class prince. Both the purity of the bloodline and the energy contained in the body far surpass me by too much, even if it is refined, it is not that fast."

"The blood demon realm is just like the original spirit realm."

Cui Jinhao also said, "But they don't have a soul world, nor our physical world, just the transformation of blood."

Emperor Xiao Qing nodded, "That's when you break through with peace of mind."

Then, he turned to look at Cui Jinhao, "Help me protect him. Later, please drink."


When Cui Jinhao heard this, his eyes lit up, and he stood directly beside Luo Xia, patted his chest to make sure, "Don't worry, with me, even if the blood demon ancestor appears, I can guarantee his safety."

As soon as he said this, even Emperor Xiao Qing couldn't help but look at him a few more times, "It seems that your skills are beyond my imagination."

"Ahaha..." He slapped haha ​​and echoed the past vaguely.

If Emperor Xiao Qing glanced at him intently, he didn't pursue it any more, but instead looked at the **** light gate.

This gateway is the passage to the sanctuary of the blood race.

Of course, the sanctuary of the blood race and the outside world are not just separated by this gateway, stepping into the portal, there is also a distance of passage through the void to reach the holy land of the blood race.

That's the case, the shock of Xiao Qingdi's one-sword cut Fei sixth class prince hitting the light gate was also transmitted to the opposite side, and within the passage, the aura of a strong man was already transmitted.


"Who is it that dare to make chaos on the other side of the tunnel?"

"Let's take a look."

Due to the long distance, the blood clan powerhouse guarding the passage frowned at the blood clan holy land, always feeling that there was a problem, but for a while, he did not feel clearly.

One of the first-class princes frowned, stepped into the passage in person, and walked towards this side.

Boom boom boom!

Even if it is only a first-class prince, in the sanctuary of the blood race, it is also a powerful person with a high status.

Once it appeared, it was equally powerful and overwhelming.

The real body has not come yet, the breath has come.

"The ants of the secular world, what strong can appear?"

He was surprised, although he sensed something went wrong, he didn't care much.

After all, it didn't know when the sixth-class prince strong came from the sanctuary of the blood race.

If it knew that there had been an accident with a sixth-class prince powerhouse, even if it gave him a hundred courage, he would not dare to rush to die.

With curiosity in his heart, he hurried to the other side of the passage quickly.

Soon, the channel is right in front of us.

This first-class prince fixed his eyes, and faintly found a figure standing outside the door on the other side. He was even more surprised. "There are people standing at the entrance. Maybe it's someone from the outside world who has something to report. ?"

Normally, if the blood from the outside world has something urgent to report to the Holy Land, it will shake the channel so that the strong in the Holy Land can feel it.

He took it for granted that the person standing at the entrance of the Light Gate was the blood from the outside world.

"It's also time to rectify the miscellaneous things from the outside world. If there is no emergency and dare to shake the passage, this prince will definitely teach them a lesson."

He made up his mind, stepping out of the way, he must rush out of the tunnel.


However, what greeted him was not the imaginary kneeling of the humble kinsmen from the outside world, but a brilliant nine-colored sword light.

"Do not..."

"you dare..."

At the last juncture of the life of this powerful prince, only an extremely handsome human was seen holding a divine sword with cold eyes, looking at him like a slaughter of pigs and sheep.

Then, a sword fell, instantly tearing him into two halves.


The Skyfire Furnace swept past, directly involving the flesh of this first-class prince of blood.

In the blink of an eye, another blood prince died.

Emperor Xiao Qing glanced at Luo Xia who was devouring the sixth-class prince. He did not continue to refine this first-class prince to the other party. Instead, the Emperor Burning Sword was placed in the Skyfire Furnace and directly used the Emperor Burning Sword to conquer it. The energy of a prince of blood was completely swallowed.

"This level of energy can no longer meet the requirements of Emperor Burning Sword breakthrough."

Emperor Xiao Qing frowned, obviously feeling the sense of resistance passed by Emperor Burning Sword when he swallowed this blood prince.

"If it was wasted, it would be a pity."

He shook his head, feeling very disgusted with the first-class prince.

Food is tasteless, but it is a pity to discard it.

Said, it is this first-class prince-level powerhouse.

"In your eyes, the blood demon is like a pig and dog."

Cui Jinhao understood Emperor Xiao Qing’s thoughts, and he sighed leisurely, "Lefty heaven and earth, not to mention other places, it is directed at the big world where we are. There were once a million races, various creatures, swallowing each other, and Making progress together is the rule of heaven and earth."

"What do you want to say?"

Emperor Xiao Qing frowned and looked at him.

Cui Jinhao smiled softly, "It's nothing, but I suddenly felt a little emotional, the rules of this world are a bit cruel."

"Do you think this king's method of refining the blood prince is wrong?" Xiao Qing emperor frowned.

"Yes, not right."

He shook his head, "The world is equal, but if life and death are hostile, there is no equality at all. Since it is an enemy, after beheading the opponent, if he does not refine the opponent, in fact, his power will return to the world. "

"Your approach, if you put it in the eyes of some people, is a heinous demon, but in my opinion, it is a matter of course."

"The survival of the fittest is selected by nature, and the weak will eat the strong. This is the case, as long as you uphold your heart and stick to your heart."

At this moment, Cui Jinhao became mysterious, and the whole person seemed to be a little different.

Emperor Xiao Qing couldn't help but glanced at him a few more times, and then he chuckled softly, "What does this king want to do, who can control me in this world? As you said, keeping your inner thoughts is what other people say , What to do with me?"


Cui Jinhao was also infected by his boldness, and laughed loudly, "In the world of the wind and sword, I have my own wine and I am drunk. I, like cultivators, practice the path of longevity, not the eyes of others. , Whatever he does."

"You brother, I admit it." He looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with a feeling of meeting his confidant.

"No, you are wrong."

Emperor Xiao Qing smiled lightly, "I am the eldest brother, and you are the younger brother."


Cui Jinhao was stunned, and then burst into laughter, "Big Brother!"

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