The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1272: How many come, how many kills this king

Outside the light gate, Emperor Xiao Qing's expression was still plain, while Cui Jinhao's face was filled with excitement that could not be concealed.

Although there was still a drink between the two, they really recognized each other.

Sometimes, for practitioners, it is even easier to get one's approval.

Three or two sentences, understand the original mind, then, are brothers.

Beside the two of them, Luo Xia's whole body was surrounded by golden runes, turning his whole person into a golden cicada pupa.

The energy of the sixth-class prince-level blood clan powerhouse is really terrifying, even if Luo Xia has become the first-class prince, he cannot compare with it.

However, if he completely refines this energy, his cultivation will be able to at least one more level to become a second-class prince.

Don't think it's just a step forward, but for a cultivator, after reaching the realm of the Primordial Spirit Realm, whether it is a blood prince or an Eastern cultivator, it is very difficult to go further.

Step by step, the gap between the second-class prince and the second-class prince will be earth-shattering.

"What are we going to do?" Cui Jinhao looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with a look of excitement, "Big brother, how about we brothers get into it together?"

"Didn't you say that there are some old monsters in the sanctuary of the blood race that are very powerful?"

Emperor Xiao Qing glanced at him.

"Strong is strong, but for our brothers, it's nothing." Cui Jinhao is full of confidence, "Brothers are united, and their profit is broken. In this world, who is our opponent?"

"Don't be too rampant, there are countless strong people in the world, maybe there are nine heavenly levels of the Primordial Divine Realm."

Emperor Xiao Qing looked calm, did not increase his self-confidence because of his words, but said indifferently, "If you are sure that you can destroy the powerhouse of the Ninth Heaven level of the Primordial Divine Realm, then this king will go in with you."

"Ahem, although the Nine Heavens in the Primordial Divine Realm is nothing, but it is better to be safe." Cui Jinhao coughed dryly.

"Stand back and wait for the rabbit." Xiao Qing said.

The two of them stood outside the passage in this way, and if there was a strong blood clan coming out, one would come and kill one.

At this moment, on the other side of the passage, in the sanctuary of the blood race, a group of strong blood races guarding the passage were talking and laughing. Suddenly, an earth-shattering roar came over, "No..."

At this moment, their expressions changed, "Something happened."

Their companion entered the passage and went to the other side to check the situation. As a result, as soon as they arrived there, there was such a loud roar of fright and anger. It was obvious that a major event had happened.

"Hurry up and report to the adult on duty. Besides, let's go over and take a look."

Immediately, the weakest person left directly to report to the principal in the Holy Land, while they stepped into the passage and walked carefully toward the passage.

"Be careful, the enemy is very likely to be ambushing at the other end of the passage, just waiting for us to appear."

The cultivation base of this group of people is not weak. Among them, two are first-class princes, and the others are strong dukes.

After all, the sanctuary of the blood race is very important, and this entrance and exit is even more related to the safety of the entire holy place. Even if it is just a person on duty, the cultivation base is not weak.

The presence of two first-class princes makes them full of confidence.

Therefore, even if they heard the screams, they still walked carefully toward the passage.

Although cautiously, as the blood clan powerhouse, their speed is also extremely fast, not long before they have seen the exit of the passage.

Moreover, it was obvious that someone was standing there with such openness.

"There are really people."

At this moment, the expressions of this group of blood powerhouses changed.

However, there was a sigh of relief in my heart. Fortunately, the other party was not cautiously hiding and killing them. People who appeared openly were at least much easier to deal with than people hiding in the dark.

After carefully sensing the opponent's cultivation base, relying on the induction power of the blood clan powerhouse, it was immediately sensed that the other party did not seem to be truly unmatched.

The breath was not strong enough to make them tremble.

"It's a bit weird, the opponent's cultivation base is not strong, he should be a practitioner of the first heaven in the Eastern Origin God Realm, so many of us are enough to kill him."

"However, just in case, let's explore it first."

This channel was created by the strong blood clan, and they naturally have a certain means to master the channel.

The first-class princes of the two blood races shot at the same time, displayed the secret method, checked the passage, and found that no one else was hiding, and the breath of the person standing at the entrance of the passage was normal, and they were completely relieved.

"If this is the case, then behead him first."

Then, these powerful blood races showed their fangs directly towards Emperor Xiao Qing who was standing at the entrance of the passage.


More than a dozen blood dukes, including two blood clan first-class princes, took action together. These powers can be said to have reached a very incredible level.

Even if the strong man in the second layer of the Primordial God Realm encounters them, I am afraid that he will have to retreat.

However, Emperor Xiao Qing was not an ordinary strong man in the second heaven of the original soul, he was a peerless existence who once smashed the seventh heaven of the original soul.

Therefore, the moment this group of strong blood races stepped into the passage, their tragedy was doomed.


There was a sound of a trembling sword, and the terrifying sword intent burst out in an instant.

Outside the passage, Cui Jinhao only saw the nine-colored sword lights intertwined, turning into the most terrifying killing intent.

"No, how could it be so strong?"

"We felt wrong, help..."

"King, help..."

Suddenly, the screams of these dozens of blood clan powerhouses were endless.

However, it only stopped for a moment.

Only Emperor Xiao Qing walked out with a sword in one hand and the Skyfire Furnace in the other.

"Hasn't I broken through yet?"

Looking at Luo Xia who was breaking through, he frowned and looked at the Skyfire Furnace, "These guys have some energy after refining, what should I do?"

After thinking about it, he was ready to put the Emperor Burning Sword into it.

"Big Brother..."

Cui Jinhao hurriedly said, "The energy of the blood demon is nothing but the energy of the blood demon, why bother to swallow that divine sword for you..."


Emperor Xiao Qing looked at Cui Jinhao with a look of surprise in his eyes.

The latter hurriedly smiled, "I think that your magic sword is shaking the world, and it looks like a supreme magic weapon. Don't pollute it with the energy of the blood demon. I have a method of alchemy that can refine the blood demon. Become a blood pill and seal up energy."

With that, he took out a jade slip and handed it to Emperor Xiao Qing.

Emperor Xiao Qing took it over and explored it, and his eyes suddenly showed surprise, "You know how to make alchemy?"

This method of refining blood races is actually not only used to refining blood races, but can refining any creature in the world into a pill.

If it is placed in the hands of evildoers, it will definitely harm the world.

"Naturally I don't understand alchemy. I just got it by chance." Cui Jinhao shook his head and said with a smile, "Since the blood demon has been beheaded, it can be regarded as waste utilization. After refining it into an elixir, it is more direct than him. It's better to swallow these blood demons, and even many disadvantages can be eliminated."

"Yes, thanks a lot."

Emperor Xiao Qing nodded.

The latter grinned, "You are my eldest brother, thank you."

Afterwards, Emperor Xiao Qing refined these blood races into blood pills, and gave them to Luo Xia after Luo Xia was sober.

In the current situation, unless the sanctuary of the blood race can be completely annihilated, otherwise, after this time, Luo Xia will become the public enemy of the blood race, then, we should help Luo Xia's cultivation level to rise.

A few blood pills are useless for Luo Xia's promotion of cultivation base, and the accumulation of small amounts becomes more. After a certain number of them are gathered, they will naturally be useful.

"Continue to guard and wait for Luo Xia to wake up before entering the sanctuary of the blood race."

He looked at the passage with a cold light in his eyes.

Even if there is a strong one in the sanctuary of the blood race?

His brother Luo Xia wants to enter it to save others, so he will stay with him to the end.

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