The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1648: The heavens chase and kill!

"Master, this soul pill is a bit strange."

On the island, after Ai Wen received Wang Xinyuan's laboratory, she found Emperor Xiao Qing, holding the Yuanshen Pill in her hand, frowning.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Qingdi asked puzzled.

"The previous Golden Pill Liquid and Yuan Ying Liquid were okay, because I personally gave the pill to Wang Xinyuan, but this time the Yuanshen Pill was refined by Wang Xinyuan. I think there is a big problem. ."

Ai Wen was puzzled, "This Yuanshen Pill, which is actually similar to the Yuanshen Pill I inherited, gives me a feeling that it seems to be made by me with the best magic medicine, and even if I practice it The original soul pill of the system is nothing more than that."

"Then what's the problem?" Xiao Qingdi frowned slightly.

He was not very clear about alchemy at first, but he didn't think there was any problem.

Ai Wen said in a deep voice, "What I want to say is that this original soul pill should be improved from the original soul pill I got, and there is a 95% possibility."

"Have you never given Wang Xinyuan any formula for the soul pill?" Emperor Xiao Qing narrowed his eyes.


Ai Wen said in a deep voice, "Because of this, I feel that Wang Xinyuan has any special supernatural powers that can affect me, so that I unknowingly tell him the method of refining the soul pill, or he I have been monitoring me. When I was refining the Yuanshen Pill, I saw the prescription and the refining method."

"Let me see for you."

Emperor Xiao Qing approached, gently hugged Ai Wen into his arms, and after carefully inspecting Ai Wen's situation, he softly comforted, "Don't worry, there is nothing wrong, I can be sure that he did not leave any means in your body."

"Then, let's go to the alchemy secret room and see."

Ai Wen breathed a sigh of relief, with a small smile on her face.

"it is good."

The two came to the alchemy secret room that Ai Wen usually used. Although they had just exploded not long ago, Xiao Qingdi could still find some clues after careful investigation.

"It should be that he has been to this alchemy secret room before."

Emperor Xiao Qing groaned, "This original spirit pill may have been'seen' when you were refining the pill, and then it was refined and refined by him."

"Wang Xinyuan."

Ai Wen's face is cold, "No wonder he is leaving, because he knows that if you find out what he did, he will definitely die."

Emperor Xiao Qing sighed, his eyes were slightly complicated, "Inner Demon, I really can't underestimate it."

For a long time, Emperor Xiao Qing treated Xinyuan, the heart demon king, with the utmost kindness, even if he knew that he was one of the founding nine evil spirits of the Nine Devil Palace, he never had any malice against him.

What he didn't expect was that after all, he underestimated the world.

"What should I do is good. Now, he knows the secret formula of Yuanshen Pill, and sooner or later there will be problems." Ai Wen frowned, showing anxious expression.

It was enough for Wang Xinyuan to master the methods of Jin Danye and Yuanyingye. Now, he could refine the Yuanshen Pill. If Wang Xinyuan was ambitious, he could use this pill to create countless Yuanshen realm powerhouses.

At that time, I am afraid that not only the mother star secular world, but also the entire outer starry sky, the world of gods and demons, will be controlled by Wang Xinyuan.

"It's okay."

Emperor Xiao Qing comforted Ai Wen gently, "You don't blame you for this matter. With the experience he has gained from the endless years of reincarnation, in fact, to him, the Primordial God Pill is not unusual."

"If he wants to do research, he can get more."

There was a little coldness in Xiao Qingdi's eyes, "Besides, the current Wang Xinyuan is only the cultivation base of the Nine Heavens Peak. Where can he escape?"

When the voice fell, a token appeared in his hand, it was the Dragon King's order, and shouted,

"Thirty-six Tiangang Hearing Order."

As his words fell, thirty-six strong men of the Seven Heavens in the Primordial Divine Realm appeared neatly in front of Emperor Xiao Qing, "King, thirty-six heavens are here."

"Send a message back to the headquarters of the Three Kings Palace, order that the entire Three Kings Palace belongs to chase and kill the Heart Demon King Xinyuan.

Emperor Xiao Qing carried his hands on his back and said calmly, "Tell Sister Susu that this king wants Wang Xinyuan's life."


In an instant, the thirty-six Tiangang Qiqi burst out with a monstrous evil spirit, "Because of the king's order."

Thirty-six people turned into thirty-six rays of light and disappeared.

Thirty-six Tiangangs are perfectly integrated, no matter what tasks they perform, they will not be scattered.

"Three Kings Palace, what is this?" Ai Wen looked at Emperor Xiao Qing puzzled.

Speaking of this, Emperor Xiao Qing also sighed, "Perhaps, it may be a force created by my three masters."

Even if he had never been to the headquarters of the Three Kings Palace, he was only initially exposed to the Three Kings Palace.

"It's time to have a good chat with Cui Xiong."

Then, Emperor Xiao Qing comforted Ai Wen for a while, and found Cui Xiong who was relieved.

At this moment, the old guy had a comfortable smile on his face, and he laughed and looked at Emperor Xiao Qing, "Lord, thank you, Lord, for perfecting. Finally, he gave this kid a good lesson."

Behind him, Cui Jinhao lowered his head with a look of wonder, there were countless greetings in his heart that he wanted to say to the old guy, but he didn't dare to say it.

"Let's have a chat." Xiao Qingdi said.

"it is good."

The old drunkard nodded, and turned his head to stare at Cui Jinhao, "What are you still doing here, hurry away."

Cui Jinhao didn't bother to follow this old guy. When he heard the old guy's words, he seemed to be liberated. He hurriedly moved towards the distance, thinking in his heart. Next, he must practice hard and wait until he can beat the old guy. Take this revenge back again.

At this moment, Emperor Xiao Qing was walking with Cui Xiong with his hands on his back.

"Sister Susu, what did you say to you?" For a long time, when the old drunkard wondered what Xiao Qing wanted to say, he heard the question from Emperor Xiao Qing.

He hurriedly said, "At the moment of my life and death, a sword aura struck the patriarch and rescued me. Then, the fairy white-clothed woman gave me a pill to recover from my injury and directly condense longevity. Bridge, then gave me tokens and made me a silver medal killer."

"Furthermore, just tell me, let me come to Dragon King Island to listen to any orders from you."

The old guy’s words were very simple, without the slightest increase or decrease. After he said the words of the woman in white, he respectfully looked at Emperor Xiao Qing, "Master, I am now in the Hui nationality, and there is nowhere else to go. Don't drive me away."

"Since Sister Susu asked you to come, you will stay on the island in the future. If something happens, this king will naturally let you take action."

With the arrival of such a half-step long-lived master, Emperor Xiao Qing naturally had no reason to drive him away, but looked at him with a smile, "Welcome to Dragon King Island."

"Meet the king!"

The old guy looked respectful and knelt down on one knee to Emperor Xiao Qing.

In the distance, Cui Jinhao, who had just walked away, heard the movement and saw this scene when he turned his head. He suddenly felt a little cheerful in his heart, "Old man, let you beat me, hehe, Xiao boss is my boss, but you If you want to kneel down to him, don't you say, in the future, in front of me, you can only be your brother?"

"Just, why does this old guy kneel to Boss Xiao?"

He thought about it, but didn't figure out why, but walked towards the distance, thinking in his heart, this time, he must make good use of the god's blood to bathe, and he must practice well.

"I don't know how well Kong Shuai and Atari are practicing?"

During this period of time, since the captives of the gods of the Tianyi clan arrived on the island, Wang Xinyuan saw some god-blood bathing pools, and some experimentation was needed. Kong Shuai and Atari were the first to rush to soak in the god-blood practice. There is no news yet. .

Instead, Cui Jinhao missed them a bit.

Boom boom boom!

Suddenly, I heard several roars, and then, two figures rose from the sea, and two majestic qi and blood rushed into the sky.

"We broke through, hahaha!"

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