"We finally broke through, hahaha."

"The physical body opens the sixth heaven."

Two smug laughs rang out.

Seeing high in the sky, Atari and Kong Shuai stood triumphantly in the air. All around them, surrounded by blood-colored light, and surrounded by blood, each of them had six physical worlds blooming.

The physical body opens the heavenly realm sixth heaven!

The two of them had already cultivated to this extremely advanced level.

"I go..."

Cui Jinhao looked at the six-fold physical world that emerged from these two people, and was stunned. "When these two boys first met them, they were not even in the Yuan Ying period. Now they have directly reached the realm of the sixth physical world. ?"

"Fortunately, I am the seventh heaven of the Primordial God Realm, stronger than them, otherwise, I would have no face to play with them."

When Cui Jinhao breathed a sigh of relief, the two who had just broken through looked at them with triumph, and shouted, "Old Cui, come here to fight."

"Let's see how good you guys are."


The two looked at Cui Jinhao provocatively, and said triumphantly, "Don't you dare to come? Do you dare?"

"I go..."

Can this be tolerated?

Old Cui had just been beaten by the old drunkard, and was suffocating his stomach to go. At this moment, seeing these two guys come to the door to provoke himself, if he didn't rush to the fat and beat them up, he would not be named Cui Jinhao.


In an instant, a terrifying force erupted.

Above Cui Jinhao's head, seven primordial spirit worlds emerged, and the whole person exploded with an incomparable force, directly rushing towards the two of them.

A big battle broke out over the sea.

Everyone on the island was alarmed, and even the ordinary people on Dragon King Island looked at the two sides that were fighting with a smile on their faces.

If ordinary people encounter such a situation, even those high-rank martial artists will definitely be frightened. However, everyone on the island has experienced this kind of experience for a long time. I don’t know how many times I am surprised. All of them picked up the sight glasses and watched the scene with a smile.

"If everyone on the island can reach the Primordial God Realm, that would be great."

At this time, Xiao Wu came to Emperor Xiao Qing with a smile, and put his arm around Emperor Xiao Qing, "Master, you said, we now have everything from Jindanye to Yuanshendan, how long will it take to get Is everyone on the island elevated to the original spirit realm?"

"This is hard to say."

Emperor Xiao Qing shook his head, "The average person on the island is almost at the Nascent Soul Stage. It is more difficult to refine the Nascent Soul Pill."

"Not bad too."

Xiao Wu smiled, "If all the people reach the Nascent Soul Stage, then we won't have to worry about the safety of Dragon King Island anymore."

This sentence resonated with Emperor Xiao Qing, and he smiled softly, "Yes, if you can reach the Nascent Soul Stage, plus some outstanding ones, you don't have to worry about Dragon King Island."

For him, Dragon King Island is his home. The people on the island have followed him from birth to death. He wants to create a stable environment for them so that they can live the life they want.

Simple, a common wish.

He has been working hard for it.

At this time, Li Yuanji and Fang Yuxue also came over, with smiles on their faces, they looked at the three people who were fighting, and laughed softly, "So it seems that the method of bathing in **** blood is indeed feasible, we I also plan to go to retreat."

The cultivation bases of the two have reached a very tyrannical level. However, they know that they cannot be satisfied with this. There are more and more powerful people around Emperor Xiao Qing. If they don't work hard to improve, maybe it won't take much. God will fall behind.

"Are you going to retreat?" Xiao Wu looked at the two women in surprise.

The two women smiled slightly, "Naturally, take this opportunity to practice well. After the cultivation level is improved, you can do whatever you want."

"Then I will accompany you too." Xiao Wu quickly followed.

"Master, let's go to retreat and practice first. During this time, you have to take care."

"it is good."

As the three daughters left, Xiao Qingdi's face showed a smile.

However, before long, his smile became a little stiff.

The rest of the Ten Dragon Guards, Ai Wen, and the younger sister Xiao Qingyan, even Luo Xia came over and began to ask for retreat to practice.

Of course, Emperor Xiao Qing's smile was not solidified because they all had to bathe with divine blood. After all, they couldn't catch hundreds of captives of the Tianyi God Race to bleed, and divine blood was definitely enough.

However, after everyone was in retreat, the entire island, although the shadows were drowsy, Emperor Xiao Qing actually felt a sense of loneliness.

"Get used to the excitement, suddenly everyone is retreating and not used to it?"

Accompanied by a laughter, Old Man Xiao, Xiao Ding and others also came, and they all looked at Emperor Xiao Qing happily.

Obviously, Emperor Xiao Qing already understood that without them having to speak at all, and they planned to go to retreat and practice.

Fortunately, even though Wang Xinyuan had left, the construction of the sacred blood pool was perfect. This was what Xiao Qing emperor did after a little inspection before allowing everyone to enter it and start practicing.

Otherwise, everyone's practice must not be neglected.

"The change is really fast, boy, when I first met you, your third uncle, your strength was not as good as mine. Now, I don’t know how much I have surpassed. This time, I must cultivate to the original soul. , Don’t seek to surpass you, as long as you can catch up with your progress."

A voice of relief sounded, it was Xiao Zhengwu.

This guy's cultivation base can be said to be the lowest among the Xiao Clan, and it can reach the Yuan Ying stage.

Depressed in his heart, he strode towards the place of cultivation, but made up his mind. This time, he must raise his cultivation base anyway, and he must not be the tail of a crane.

"We are going to retreat."

"Haha, you kid, figure it out by yourself, we don't know what to tell you."

Before he knew it, Xiao Qingdi, a junior, seemed to have become the center of everyone. Even his grandfather Xiao Xiao also sighed with emotion. He didn't know what to explain during the retreat.

When everyone left, Emperor Xiao Qing sighed, proud of his decision to capture the strong man of the Tianyi God Clan as a prisoner.

"However, the blood of these ordinary Tianyi God Race powerhouses can't raise them to a high level. At most, the physical body opens the Heaven Realm five or six layers. If you want to improve again, you must have a stronger God Race. blood."

Emperor Xiao Qing's eyes flickered slightly, "We must find a chance to go to the Tianyi God Clan for a walk."

"Boss, go to the nest of the Tianyi God Clan and get back our emperor armor." Four feet also exclaimed excitedly. .

"Not urgent."

Emperor Xiao Qing shook his head. He didn't understand what kind of strong people were in the Tianyi God Clan, but the longevity state might not be the strongest.

Going with his current strength is just to die.


His eyes flickered slightly, and he raised his head to look at the void, whispering in a low voice, "If the Emperor Palace can be summoned back..."

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