The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1726: Dare to call grandpa?

"Old ghost Qiao Yi, why are you here?"

Wan Mo, the old ghost, walked out of the void with a monstrous devilish energy. He first shouted to Emperor Xiao Qing in depression, and then greeted the old fairy Qiao Yi.

"You, what do you call him?" Old fellow Qiao Yi looked at Wan Mo in surprise.

"none of your business."

Wanmo looked at him with an unhappy expression, "What's wrong with me calling my elder brother? Old guy, don't tell me, you are planning to bully my elder brother?"

At this moment, the old demon's devilish energy broke out, and his murderous intent was staring at the old fairy Qiao Yi, "Although my eldest brother is a bit of a jerk, he is my eldest brother after all. You dare to bully him, don't blame me Shoot you to death."

"Wan Mo, why are you crazy?" Old Immortal Qiao Yi was extremely depressed.

He felt that today was to go out without reading the almanac, or God deliberately wanted to fix him, otherwise, why would he be against himself everywhere?

As I just said, if Emperor Xiao Qing really had a younger brother with an immortal realm, he would recognize Emperor Xiao Qing as the elder brother, and as a result, the old devil would come.

Just forget it if you come, even if you call big brother, don’t we all assume that we didn’t hear it?

Are you special, still defending him like this?

"Brother, is this old ghost bullying you?" Wan Mo snorted coldly, and turned his head to look at Emperor Xiao Qing. "This old guy, who looks like a righteous person, wants to get rid of the devil and defend his way all day long. Damn it."

"If he dares to do anything to you, I will kill him."

Even Xiao Qingdi was surprised by this brutal appearance, "Can you kill him?"

"Of course, this old ghost is a little stronger than me, but he has brute force. I want to kill him easily, without wasting any strength at all." Wanmo raised his head, triumphantly. Said.

"Just, how do I feel that he is about to break into the second realm of longevity?" Xiao Qing said.

"Uh...I'm almost too." Wan Mo murmured.

He said, hurriedly said, "These are not problems. You can ask this old ghost if I was almost killed by me? So, don't worry about him. If he dares to treat you, tell me, I have There are a thousand ways to kill him."

Speaking proudly, he glanced at the ugly old fairy Qiao Yi, slanted his eyes and said, "What, don't you accept it? Fight?"


The old fairy Qiao Yi snorted coldly, too lazy to fight with the old demon. The two are old rivals, even if he is stronger than the old demon, if he really fights the old demon, he might not be able to fight. What are the benefits.

At this moment, it is time to resolve Lin Yi's matter.

He turned his gaze to Emperor Xiao Qing, "Little friend..."

"What did you just say?" He just called a little friend when he was interrupted by Emperor Xiao Qing.

I only heard Emperor Xiao Qing turned his head with a surprised look and looked to Li Yuanji to one side, "This old predecessor just seemed to say, if someone calls me the eldest brother, what will he call me?"

"Master, this old man said he wants to call you grandfather."

Li Yuanji looked at Immortal Qiao Yi with a smile, "The old predecessor, as a strong man of the Ten Thousand Realms Human Race outside of the Territory, surely can't speak without words?"

"Ha, there is such a thing."

Before the old ghost Qiao Yi spoke, Wan Mo got excited first, "Ahaha, this is really a good thing, this kid is going to be my grandson, haha."

"Old Demon, what does it matter to you?" Qiao Yi looked at Wan Mo angrily.

"Are you going to call my eldest brother to be grandpa?" Wan Mo asked with a smile.

"Yeah." Qiao Yi nodded first, and then suddenly understood the relationship, his eyes widened, his breathing was short of breath, and he kept panting, and said angrily, "Old devil, you dare to occupy me. Cheap?"

"Ah ha ha."

Wanmo laughed loudly, his expression, that proud.

This old ghost, who used to be arrogant and arrogant in the past, deceived himself to be an enlightened person, so he shouted and screamed. Fortunately, he could persevere, and now he has no fear of this old fellow.

"Call Grandpa."

At this moment, the Ten Thousand Demons suddenly felt that it was nothing big for him to call Xiao Qingdi a big brother.

After all, you can still make this old adversary call yourself Second Grandpa, tut.


Old Immortal Qiao Yi drank with a black face, and stopped paying attention to the ten thousand demons. Instead, he looked at Emperor Xiao Qing and said solemnly, "Little friend, what happened before was just a joke, no wonder little friend. ."

"Understood." Emperor Xiao Qing smiled, "Senior is just talking at will, juniors will not take it seriously, after all, you don't always look like a person who talks and counts."

"What do you mean?"

The old guy blew his beard and stared at him with anger. This kid, on the surface, said that he understood, but in fact he was mocking himself.

The face is the most important thing for the long-lived person, especially the long-lived person like him, who thinks that his face is more important than anything. If it is spread out, people will be pointed out every day that his words are not counted.

Thinking about the days to come, the fairy Qiao Yi felt all over.

"What are you going to do?" He gritted his teeth and looked at Emperor Xiao Qing, wishing to pinch Emperor Xiao Qing to death.

"What can I do, what you say is what you say." Xiao Qingdi still smiled.

His appearance made Old Fairy Qiao Yi's body trembling in popularity. He stretched out his finger at Emperor Xiao Qing and said angrily, "Boy, don't go too far."


Originally, this old guy was just venting his dissatisfaction. He never thought that Emperor Xiao Qing's expression suddenly changed and a monstrous suffocation broke out, "Old guy, this king is too much?"

"Shameless, dignified and immortal, what he says is not counted, dare you say that this king is too much?"

"In that case, this king has shown you too much. Today, if you don't yell grandpa, you have to call it out to me."

The cold voice came into the ears of the old fairy Qiao Yi, causing the old man's face to change drastically. He muttered, "You, why did you suddenly change color, I, I didn't say anything about you... "

As for ‘Grandpa’, he couldn’t shout out anyway.

"Then get out."

Emperor Xiao Qing waved his hand and said with a sneer, "I don't have much ability, but he is very arrogant. Do you really think that this king is a bully? If you want to die, this king doesn't mind helping you."

His eyes were cold and murderous.

Even Old Immortal Qiao Yi's face changed, and a look of fear rose involuntarily in his heart.

It seems that the young man in front of him is not a half-step longevity, but a first mirror of longevity that surpasses himself, reaching the second and third stage of longevity, an invincible existence.

"Hey, the old ghost is scared, tsk tsk, grandpa dare not shout, he is also afraid of a junior in the Nine Heavens Realm, you should become a coward by the name of an old fairy."

Old Wan Mo laughed and added fuel to his jealousy.

Immortal Qiao Yi was furious, "Wan Mo, you speak again, the deity will never die with you."


Even the old devil, after hearing the old guy's words, closed his mouth quickly.

Never die, this is not a joke.

He didn't want to fight with this old guy.

The old fairy Qiao Yi turned to look at Emperor Xiao Qing and said coldly, "Boy, I want the deity to call your grandfather, unless you can beat the deity, otherwise, just dream..."


Before his words fell, a fist suddenly blasted over, directly blasting him out.

Wan Mo, "..."

Old fairy Qiao Yi, "..."

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