The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1727: I'll kill you if I don't shout


A punch directly blasted the old fairy Qiao Yi out of the home star.

He smashed through the layers of the void, rushing towards the outer starry sky like a meteor.

Wherever he went, as a result of the rapid flight, all his clothes burned with flames, and even his eyebrows and hair burned.

When he really went out of the outer starry sky, he felt that he was cold and windy, and his shriveled figure was showing everything about him unscrupulously.


The old guy took a deep breath, and then furiously, "Asshole boy, if you are not a son of man, you dare to attack the deity. You are guilty of death."

"Damn bastard, you **** it."


He roared, and after putting on his clothes again, he was ready to hit the home planet again.

But I saw that the void suddenly burst, and Emperor Xiao Qing walked out of the void. Behind him, everyone else followed happily.

Emperor Xiao Qing looked at Old Immortal Qiao Yi with a plain expression, "You are too much nonsense."

"Boy, is it cool to attack the deity?" Old fairy Qiao Yi looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with a gloomy face.

"not bad."

Emperor Xiao Qing rubbed his hands, with a faint smile on his face, which made the expression of Old Immortal Qiao Yi even more uncomfortable.

"Just rely on your worldly physical body, the deity has been cultivated into the supreme Taoist body of Taoism, your punch, even if you try your best, can only give the deity the feeling like a massage." The old guy pretended to be disdainful. Tao.

"Yes, you can see the extraordinaryness of your physical body from your old face."

Emperor Xiao Qing sighed.

"You are young, but you can only play tricks." Old fairy Qiao Yi said angrily, "Boy, can you fight or not? If you don't fight, let Lin Yi leave. I want to accept him as a disciple."



At this moment, everyone was shocked.

Lin Yi's heart was shaken, and then she knelt directly to the old fairy Qiao Yi with excitement, "Disciple Lin Yi, see Master."

The immortal is a teacher, even in the world of the heavens outside the territorial world, it is also a great glory, Lin Yi did not expect that he would survive from desperation, at this time, will become the closed disciple of such terrifying immortal Qiao Yi.

And Lin Tian seemed to have known it a long time ago, but he looked at each other with gratitude in his eyes.

Emperor Xiao Qing also looked at the two in surprise, and smiled indifferently, "It's no wonder that you have worked so hard to accept disciples, but if you can accept disciples, I have to ask the king if he agrees. "


When the voice fell, he stepped out, the only soul world and the only physical world burst out.

Two tens of thousands of miles of heaven and earth, one stood up to the sky, and the other filled the emptiness under the feet, just flowing around, bursting out an unmatched breath.

"The realm of Nine-Nine Return to One, his physical body, after reaching the Nine Heavens, Nine-Nine Return to One, too strong and terrible."

On one side, Okura Linglong looked excited, "This is an unprecedented practice. This is a practice that has created a practice that no one else can succeed. It's too powerful. No, I must learn it. If this girl can do it, too. If the nine and nine are back into one, then I can reach his level. With the nine heavens, no, the one heaven will dare to provoke the immortal."

While she was excited, she stared at Emperor Xiao Qing with her eyes shining brightly.

The two immortals Qiao Yi and Wanmo also showed dignified expressions, "One world, even the longevity bridge is not condensed, why can we have such a terrifying long-term business situation? Nine Jiuyi, really so powerful?"

"These enchanting evildoers are really not comparable to ordinary people."

Even Lin Tian, ​​the Holy Master, was equally trembling.

"Go ahead."

Emperor Xiao Qing stepped out, the void collapsed, and at the same time, sword lotus blossoms spun out at his feet.

At this moment, his aura reached its peak, a strong long-term business realm, not even weaker than any long-lived person, but he was clearly only the realm after the Nine Heavens Return of the Yuanshen Realm.

"I want to see how far you can reach the realm after nine-nine-one."

Old Immortal Qiao Yi snorted coldly, and suddenly slapped him towards Emperor Xiao Qing.

This palm, seemingly random, actually contains 80% of the strength of his longevity. Once it is displayed, there will be a mighty thought energy flowing, making the breath of his body reach a terrifying degree. .

The immortal's blow was even more powerful than the old ghosts of Yan and the Red Devil who were subdued by Emperor Xiao Qing.

"One hit points out the winner."

Emperor Xiao Qing's expression was indifferent, his right hand pointed into a sword, and a terrible sword howl suddenly sounded.


Then, a brilliant sword light pierced the void, and instantly collided with that palm.

"Do not..."

In the vanity annihilation, everyone couldn't see the situation inside, only heard an incredible cry.

Then, with Xiao Qingdi and Old Immortal Qiao Yi as the center, the void of the two people within a radius of thousands of miles was constantly annihilated and repaired, even the old ghost of the ten thousand demons could not see the battle situation inside.

"Couldn't that kid was shot to death, right?"

The old man Wan Mo murmured, with a little bit of joy in his heart, "If he is dead, my old man will lose a big brother, haha, but it doesn't seem to work... Old ghost Qiao Yi killed him in front of Lao Tzu. My eldest brother, where should I put my face after it spreads out?"

Thinking of this, he burst out with murderous aura, and roared, "Old ghost Qiao Yi, you dare to hurt my big brother, I will find time to destroy your Dao Sect Man Sect."


Just when the old ghost of Wan Mo wanted to kill him desperately, he saw all the annihilation visions disappeared.

Emperor Xiao Qing and Old Ghost Qiao Yi have separated.

Emperor Xiao Qing stood with his hand, and Old Ghost Qiao Yi looked at his right hand with a gloomy expression. On the palm of his right hand, a sword wound was deeply visible, almost splitting his palm in half.

"So strong sword spirit, so strong kendo."

For a long time, Old Fairy Qiao Yi spoke slowly.

He looked at the hands on Emperor Xiao Qing’s shoulders, and smiled contemptuously, "What's the use of hiding? The palm of the deity is the palm of Taoism. Everything you pass by will be destroyed. How can you stop it? Got it?"

"Your finger, I am afraid it has been broken, right?"

He dismissed a smile, "Young people are good-looking. Both fingers have been crushed, but they don't have to be treated quickly, but is it fun to hide like this?"

"As a dignified immortal, this deity only takes half a step to reach the second stage of longevity. It doesn't have the same face as you. I think you should stretch out your hand."

His appearance made Xiao Qingdi's face look like a smile but not a smile, "Old guy, you said this king's hands are useless?"

"Isn't it?" Old fairy Qiao Yi said disdainfully, "If you slap me and nothing happens, what if this fairy really calls you grandpa?...Hey...this, this... "

Before he finished speaking, he saw Emperor Xiao Qing stretch out his right hand, white as jade, smooth as before, without any change.

At this moment, the old fairy Qiao Yi was stunned.


Emperor Xiao Qing smiled brightly, "If you don't shout, this king will definitely kill you with a sword."

Old fairy Qiao Yi, "..."

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