The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1736: Pitting the dead does not pay for their lives

"Hey, something is wrong, how did his Yuanshen Heaven and Earth become the Nine Heavens..."

Da Cang Linglong also discovered Emperor Xiao Qing's Nine Layers of Primordial God Heaven and Earth, and she looked surprised, "Isn't it that we opened the Nine Layers of Heaven again, this is too powerful."

"Girl, have you forgotten everything you learned from your ancestors over the years?"

The ancestor Okura looked at Okura Linglong very tiredly, "If the world of Nine-layer Primordial God is so well-developed, the world of heavens and human races will occupy eight hundred, among which there are countless creatures, and those who can truly reach the realm of the nine-layer heavens will There will be so little."

"However, he just clearly made it clear that after merging the nine primordial spirit worlds into one, there is only one primordial spirit world with a wide range of tens of thousands of miles." Okura Linglong said.


As soon as he said this, the ancestor Okura suddenly showed unbelief on his face, "Girl, who are you lie to, the old man has traveled all over the world and seen countless cultivation systems, even those innate gods, who have different talents." Thanks, I have studied the method of the soul of the human race, and I have never seen anyone who can cultivate the soul of the world to reach a range of ten thousand miles."

"All that is just an illusion, don't be fooled by him."

Speaking of this, the ancestor Okura's heart was stunned, Okura Linglong's strength is not weak, he has reached the half-step immortal, and even went out a long way, even her realm can be confused by the illusion, then, the other party How terrible is his strength.

Thinking of the two big **** eyes just now, the old man was even more determined, "This place must be Longtan Tiger's Den, it is extremely dangerous, and it must not be taken lightly, and the strength of that young man is probably not as simple as it seems."

While thinking about it, Emperor Xiao Qing had already stepped on the nine-colored sword light and came to them.

At this moment, when Emperor Xiao Qing looked at Old Ancestor Okura, he couldn't help but feel shocked, "Beyond anyone, this is definitely the existence of the second stage of the Longevity Realm."

There are four realms in the longevity realm. The first realm is the first realm that crosses the longevity bridge to reach the other shore, condenses the long life wheel, and has a certain sense of longevity, which is also called longevity.

The second realm creates a sea of ​​bitterness on the long life wheel. The sea of ​​bitterness is also called the sea of ​​life, the sea of ​​time and space, and the sea of ​​heaven. In any case, it has transcended longevity and reached a more terrifying level.

And this old man has truly reached the level of the sea of ​​suffering, and his strength is extremely terrifying.

"A tyrannical opponent."

Almost at the same time, after the two looked at each other, they gave each other a definition at the same time.

"Old man Okura Long, I have met fellow Taoists."

Da Cang ancestor, whose real name was Da Cang Long, this white-haired old man saluted Emperor Xiao Qing with a serious face.

A smile appeared on Emperor Xiao Qing's face, "Emperor Xiao Qing, I have met fellow Daoists."

"Ahem, old man, are you stupid? How old is he, how old are you, you are so called a dao friend to others, you are taking advantage."

Okura Linglong looked stunned.

Emperor Xiao Qing was clearly of the same generation as her, and she had even figured out that Emperor Xiao Qing's real age was younger than she thought.

Of course, for practitioners, age is not a big deal anymore.

It's just that Emperor Xiao Qing is not yet in the first stage of longevity, so he treats this old guy like this, and it seems a bit wrong.

"Don't make noise."

Okura Long looked calm, and after beckoning to Okura Linglong, he stood in front of Okura Linglong, obviously protecting her behind him.

Then, facing Emperor Xiao Qing, "The girl is ignorant, causing trouble to fellow daoists, please forgive me."

"It's okay, this king thinks she is very well-behaved." Xiao Qingdi smiled softly.

As soon as he said this, Ocang Long's heart shuddered. He always felt that Xiao Qing's words made him a little bit more disturbed. He quickly said, "This girl, it's a bit nonsense. If she said something, please ask. Don't take it seriously, friends."

"You mean, no trading anymore?" Xiao Qingdi frowned.

Originally, seeing the appearance of Ocang Long, he thought that this old guy was preparing to trade with two thousand five hundred spiritual veins. What I did not expect was that this guy was not ready to trade.

Emperor Xiao Qing raised his eyebrows and looked at Okura Linglong, with a smile that was not a smile.

Okura Linglong's expression changed, and he hurriedly said, "That's not the case, old guy, didn't you bring your spirit veins? I swear by your cultivation base. If the five emperor inheritance is true, you If you can't hand over your spiritual veins, you will never be able to advance your cultivation base anymore."

As soon as she said what she said, the old guy only felt that there seemed to be a looming rule of heaven above his head, as if he was warning himself.

Makes him stunned.

"you you you..."

Okura Long tremblingly pointed at Okura Linglong, and his whole body was trembling, "You prodigal daughter, are you special, are you planning to destroy the Okura clan?"

"Unexpectedly pitted the ancestor like this, do you know that I was only a little bit able to break through..."

He was desperate.

His heart was furious, and he wanted to slap Okura Linglong to death.

You know, his cultivation level has truly reached the peak, only a little bit. Within a hundred years, he will definitely be able to break through the existing realm and reach the stronger third realm of longevity.

This can almost be said to be a solid matter.

However, after being sworn by this girl with such a vow, what should he do if Emperor Xiao Qing really has five emperor species in his hands?

He didn't have two thousand five hundred spiritual veins.

That can only be done, his cultivation base can't make progress.

He is also desperate.

"Old guy, what do you mean?"

Okura Linglong, the prodigal girl who didn't feel that she had done anything, still frowned, looking at Okura Long with an unhappy expression, "Didn't you say that, as long as you have a chance, you must seize it? This girl gives you You are not happy about getting such a big business."


A mouthful of old blood came out.

Okura Long, the ancestor of Okura Rent, was almost crazy.

His mind was trembling, and all his cultivation bases were trembling, and the whole person could no longer remain calm, "Nicky animal, naughty animal..."

"It's a great show."

With a wave of his hand, Emperor Xiao Qing gathered the nine-fold souls of heaven and earth, holding his arms and looking at the grandparents and grandchildren, with emotion in his heart, if he has such a descendant in the future, let alone a descendant of unknown number of generations. People, even if it's a biological daughter, I guess she can't wait to pinch her to death.

"Fortunately, I have no descendants."

Before, Emperor Xiao Qing had thought about having children, but he had not succeeded. After all, the stronger the cultivation base, the more terrifying the blood, the harder it is to give birth to children, and he still felt very regretful.

At this moment, suddenly the bureau was a little bit lucky.

What do you do to give birth to a wicked obstacle?

The husband and wife are going all over the world in a cool and unrestrained manner. Isn't it fragrant?

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