The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1737: Get rich overnight

At this moment, in the void outside Dragon King Island, Ocang Dragon almost exploded with anger.

Da Cang Linglong looked innocent, while Emperor Xiao Qing was deeply moved, thanking that he did not have such a wicked descendant.

"Oh, what are you nervous about? Whether he has an emperor seed or not is still unknown. Besides, what if he has an emperor seed? Don't you buy it first if you don't understand, and then sell it to the heavens?"

Okura Linglong looked at Okura Long like a fool, "Old guy, I think you have practiced too much recently and you have made yourself stupid."


Okura Long thought for a while, and suddenly felt very reasonable, as if he really thought too much.

He raised his head and looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with a smile but a smile in his eyes, "Eight hundred human races, nine emperor species inheritance, seven of which have been identified, and the deity also knows who the other party is, you say , You have five emperor species?"

"It seems that Fellow Daoist has taken a fancy to my Linglong family and wants to be the son-in-law of my Okura clan."

He suddenly smiled very happily, "Ocang clan, welcome your little friends to join."

Don’t tell me, although he still doesn’t know what Xiao Qing emperor has, but the vast scope of the nine-fold primordial spirit world that erupted from Xiao Qing emperor just now is what he saw in this life*, he would know that if it was Xiao Qing The Qingdi being able to join the Okura family is definitely very useful to the Okura family.

The Okura family has no shortage of resources.

What they lack is a truly invincible powerhouse, and they need an emperor-level existence to be able to defend the legacy of the Okura clan.

If a peerless Tianjiao joins, the Okura family is even willing to do everything in their power to cultivate the opponent so that the opponent can grow into an invincible powerhouse who can protect everything in the Okura family.


However, when he was smiling, Emperor Xiao Qing waved his hand, and five emperor species were neatly suspended in front of him.

An overbearing breath of the great emperor spread out, and even the rules of heaven and earth were forced to retreat three feet.

"Uh, uh..." Okura Long was stunned.

His laughter got stuck in his throat and could not come out again.

The whole person stared blankly at the five emperor species floating in front of him, looking at Emperor Xiao Qing like a ghost, " this really an emperor species?"

Not one and two, but a full five emperor species.

What's wrong with this?

Those of the Eight Hundred Realms of the Human Race who have obtained the emperor seed are clearly still alive and well protected by the Human Race Longevity Alliance. Of course, the unlucky ghost of Di Hao is an exception.

And why are there five more emperor species?

"You can check it yourself." Xiao Qingdi smiled slightly.

He believes that these five emperor breeds are absolutely fake. This is a set of nine emperor breeds he specially created just now. Of course, it is a complete set of merits from his inheritance. The law is divided into nine parts.

Among them, five copies were sold.

If the Okura family is happy, you can give them the remaining four points...

"This..." Okura Dragon took it over carefully and inspected them one by one. However, the method of his inspection was of course not directly refining them. After all, if they were refining, whether it was an emperor or not, he would recognize them. .

He could sense that the aura of the emperor contained in these five emperor species was definitely left by the orthodox emperor, and, even more than he had seen before, the aura of the emperor carried on that emperor’s body. Even more full-bodied.

"Well, what is going on?"

These five emperor species were clearly true, and more true than those he had seen.

But this is impossible.

Longevity Dragon, the strong man who lived for an unknown number of years at the pinnacle of the second stage of the Longevity Stage, was completely stunned.

"Old man, how is it true?"

Okura Linglong looked at Okura Long with a nervous expression. This is such a big deal for her* transaction. If it becomes successful, then...

Uh, it seems that the Okura family may not be able to take out the appearance of two thousand five hundred spiritual veins.

Suddenly, Okura Linglong realized that she had done something stupid, her face stiffened, and she whispered, "It should be fake, after all, you said that seven of the nine descendants of the emperor species are confirmed, then, his five Among the emperor species, at most two are true."

"Yes, but..."

Okura Long looked depressed, "These look more real than the emperor species on those seven."

"That is, really?"

Okura Linglong opened her mouth wide, with a look of shock on her face, "Doesn't that mean that if you can't hand over two thousand and five hundred spiritual veins, it will be difficult for you to improve your cultivation?"

"Oh my God..."

She finally realized what she had done, and finally knew, she pitted this ancestor to death.

The little hand was holding his mouth tightly, his eyes were rolling, looking around, thinking in his heart, if the old guy suddenly broke out and wanted to shoot himself to death, should he run for his life?

If you escape into Dragon King Island, I don't know if I can stop this old guy's attack.

When this girl was thinking about it, Emperor Xiao Qing smiled slightly, "How about paying the money and delivering the goods?"

"This this..."

Okura Long smiled awkwardly, "It stands to reason that it should be like this, only, just..."

He gritted his teeth, even if he was the invincible powerhouse at the second peak of the longevity realm, he didn't know what to say.

"This girl is ignorant, can you let this matter go?" He bit his head and asked.

"What do you mean?" Xiao Qingdi said with a smile.

"Uh... Fellow Daoist, let me tell you, even if I sell my Ocang clan, I don’t have enough spiritual veins. Why, wait for the old man to resell these emperor species, and then give you spiritual veins. how is it?"

The Okura Longyan beads were turning, and he could only find a compromise.

If these emperor species are true emperor species, and Emperor Xiao Qing is willing to give him time to sell these emperor species, then he can not only give two thousand five hundred spiritual veins to Emperor Xiao Qing, but also Make a small profit.

But, are these true?

At this moment, he was very confused.

If it is true, then there are only two possibilities, that is, that the inheritance of the emperor species obtained by the seven known descendants of the emperor species is false, or that the so-called lineage of the nine great emperors is incorrect.

The inheritance of the emperor species left by the wild emperor of the ancient human race is definitely more than Jiufen.

"It's also a way."

Emperor Xiao Qing nodded slightly, "In this way, how many spiritual veins you have brought to this king, and the rest will be returned to this king after you sell the emperor seed."

Originally, he had never thought that the Okura family could really bring two thousand five hundred spiritual veins. Of course, for him, he could have one or two hundred spiritual veins.

Anyway, making the Emperor Seed is very simple. Yes, it is naturally a windfall. If not, then forget it.

"it is good."

Da Cang Long gritted his teeth abruptly and took out all the 1,000 spiritual veins he was carrying with him. "This is a thousand spiritual veins. After the old man has confirmed that these emperor species are real, they will surely sell them. The remaining 1,500 spiritual veins are for you."

"But if these five emperor species are fake, then my Okura family is definitely not a bully."

The old guy's eyes showed a cold color.

"It's okay, you can test it yourself."

Emperor Xiao Qing had a faint smile on his face. Although he made these five emperor seeds out of thin air, he was confident that no one could test it.

After all, he had personally compared it, and it was actually no different from the Emperor Seed he got from Di Hao.

"Before this, the deity will say it again. If you tell what is false now, the deity can still ignore it. If you really give you a thousand spiritual veins, and then let the deity find out the false, then this matter is I won't die." Okura Long said with cold eyes.

However, Emperor Xiao Qing was fearless and stretched out his hand directly, "A thousand spiritual veins."

"Okay, here you are."

Da Canglong handed a storage ring to Emperor Xiao Qing. His heart was like being stabbed with a sword, so pain that he almost cried out.

This thousand spiritual veins is the most asset that the Okura clan can use.

If it is not there, the entire Okura clan will really go back 5,000 years.

"Dragon King Xiao Qingdi, right? It's an enemy or a friend. I'll talk about it when the deity returns."

His figure quickly left, but Xiao Qingdi's eyes looked expectant, "There are still 1,500 spiritual veins, enough to make Dragon King Island a real Dragon King's Nest."

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