The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1741: Is it true or false

"Old ghost Okura, you have to give us an explanation!"

When Okura Dragon took out the third Emperor Seed, the two guys who had spent a lot of money to buy the Emperor Seed almost exploded.

The reason why the emperor species is expensive is because it is few and there are only nine in total. Now, the seven known ones have masters, and only the last two are unowned.

However, this old guy actually has three emperor seeds on his body, that is to say, one of them is definitely fake, and even the three emperor seeds are all fake.

"What's the explanation?"

Okura Long looked at them with a surprised look, "The old man asked you to check it. You think that the emperor must belong to the town, and the old man thinks it is true."

He looked at a few people melancholy, "Don't panic, you first see if this emperor seed is real, don't worry, it is definitely the last one, the old man will get three in total."

With that, he pushed this emperor seed to the front of everyone.

Everyone is old friends, knowing that under normal circumstances, it should be impossible for this old guy to deliberately lie to them. At this moment, their eyes flickered, and they started to look at this emperor species in turn, and compared with the previous two.

Under this comparison, it was found that there was no difference, and in their induction, it was absolutely the same as the true emperor.

"Remember when the last emperor species appeared? At that time, we also specially studied it, and it was not even comparable to this emperor species."

Okura Long sighed and said, "The main reason why the old man came to you is actually to know if these emperor species are real, but the old man thinks they are real."

"If you think it's fake, you can return it to the old man. Anyway, the old man can use it for my Linglong. My Linglong will soon reach the immortal realm. If you can integrate the three emperor species, then you might have to become a great emperor. possible."

"If it wasn't for my Okura family's recent funding problem, do you think I would stupidly sell the Emperor Seed?"

"Such a great opportunity, if you don't grasp it, then forget it."

Although the words were casual, he was a little nervous in his heart. If he were to be taken back in this way, he would not be able to pay back the 1,500 spiritual veins he owed to Emperor Xiao Qing.

"Old ghost, where did you get it?" the guy who first purchased with 1,500 spiritual veins asked with a cold face.

"This can't be said." Da Canglong shook his head, it is impossible for him to kill Xiao Qing Emperor.

After all, he wasn't sure that these five emperor species were real or fake. In case they were fake, then it would be easier for them to discover the truth after they found Emperor Xiao Qing.

"You should know that of the nine emperor species, seven of them have a belonging, and you have three in your hand, it is very wrong, you are not a fool, you can't fail to understand the truth."

Okura Dragon is the ancestor of the Okura family, and his ability to lead the Okura family to its current scale can highlight his extraordinary.

It is impossible for him not to know that if he only took out two emperor seeds, everyone would be convinced, but if he had to take out a third emperor seeds, there would be a problem.

"Unless, among the seven descendants of the emperor, some of them have been killed."

"Furthermore, you killed the people yourself, and after taking away the emperor seed, you use the secret technique to find the other two emperor seed."

Someone guessed, his eyes gleaming, "Ocang Long, just give it a word."

"Ahem, how could it be me, my old man is so kind and kind, and an old man who likes peace so much, how could he have killed people for no reason?"

Okura Long coughed a few times, and said with a smile, "However, although it is not the old man who has been killed, it is said that the small waste from the guardian line that got the emperor's seed was indeed destroyed... "

"No wonder, I heard that the old thing from the Guardian line not long ago ran into the Longevity League to make a big fuss. It turned out that you killed the opponent's descendants."

"Okay, Okura Dragon, you want money and don't want your life. You are trying to offend the guardian line, and you have to find the three emperor seeds."


Several other people suddenly understood that it was Okura Dragon who killed Emperor Hao, took away the emperor species, and then introduced the other two emperor species based on that one.

As a result, these three emperor species appeared very legitimate.

"This, it's really nothing to do with me, someone sold it to me." Okura Long didn't expect that he would be accused of a murderer, and he was speechless.

In his capacity, how could he personally deal with the younger generation of the guardian line and rob the emperor?

"Well, don't say anything, I want this third emperor seed, one thousand two hundred spiritual veins."

"I have one thousand three hundred spiritual veins, and you are not at a loss."

"That's it, give it to you."

As a result, no one cared whether it was the Dragon Dragon who killed Emperor Hao and won the third emperor seed. After a dispute, he bought the third emperor seed directly with 1,300 spiritual veins.

So, after these guys left, Okura Long still sighed, "What's so special... The reversal is too fast..."

I thought that I had lost a lot this time, and even the family would have lost money. Who could have imagined that, as Okura Linglong said, he really had a big business.

After giving the remaining 1,500 spiritual veins to Emperor Xiao Qing, he can still earn more than two thousand spiritual veins in vain.

This is the accumulation of the Okura family for thousands of years.

"The old man has lived for tens of thousands of years, but he can't compare with a little girl. It's ridiculous."

He smiled bitterly and shook his head, but he was a little worried. In case, those emperor species were fake, then the three guys who bought the emperor species at a high price would definitely tear him.

"Anyway, the old man also said, the old man doesn't know if it is true or not."

He snorted, with a rogue expression on his face. Anyway, he has made it clear that it is true, that is your business, and you are willing to be taken advantage of.


Then, the Patriarch of the Okura family sent people back.

"Take these thousand and five hundred spiritual veins." Okura Long waved casually and directly gave the 1,500 spiritual veins to the Patriarch of the Okura family.


The Patriarch of the Okura family looked blank, "You just took a thousand spiritual veins from the family, how come it suddenly became 1,500 spiritual veins?"

"Your daughter earned it."

While Okura Long responded, he was thinking, "It's a pity, if you can sell the other two emperor species, it will really make a lot of money."

"However, these guys are too clear about the outside world, and there is no way for the fourth and fifth emperor species to appear."

He wondered in his heart how to deal with the remaining two emperor seeds.

The Patriarch of the Okura Family on one side was stunned, "My ancestor, what's wrong, I was very angry just now and scolded Linglong, but now I say that these spiritual veins are earned by Linglong."

"By the way, who killed the guy with the emperor breed in the Guardian line?" Okura Long asked suddenly.

He only knew that the other party was dead, but he still didn't know who it was.

"You are talking about the junior named Di Hao. It is said that that guy went to the home planet some time ago and was accidentally killed by someone. Then, his father, Di Yuan, who was the guardian lineage, was bold enough to change. For the guy with the surname, Emperor Yuan went to the home star to avenge him, saying that he was also killed in the end."

"It's not clear who it is."

The Patriarch of the Okura Family looked gloating, "It's really interesting to say that since ancient times, no one who took the emperor's name or last name has had a good end."

"That's because their fate is not enough."

Da Canglong replied casually, but he understood in his heart that it was definitely Emperor Xiao Qing who had killed Emperor Hao.

However, what is going on with these five emperor species?

He looked tangled, thinking about it, but didn't understand what was going on, in desperation, he left the Okura family directly and hurried towards the home star.

"This time, the old man has to ask clearly whether it is the emperor that the kid made by himself, or is it true..."

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