The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1742: Dare to rely on this king?

"Four differences, after these five hundred spiritual veins are refined for you, can your cultivation level be restored to its peak state?"

When Da Cang Long, the strong man of the second stage of longevity, came to the home star, Emperor Xiao Qing was communicating with Sibuxiang in the void.

At this moment, the four-dimension body is still vast. It has the talent to enter the void, display its flesh unscrupulously, and restore its cultivation by absorbing the power of the void by every pore on its body.

However, it is relatively slow after all to rely on the absorption of external energy to restore the cultivation base.

"If there are five hundred spiritual veins, it is enough to restore 80% of my strength." The four-not-like divine thought spread into Xiao Qingdi's mind.

"Five hundred ways can only restore 80% of your strength. How strong is your peak state?" Emperor Xiao Qing showed an incredible expression.

"Yes, it's comparable to the fourth stage of longevity."

Si didn't seem to be whispering, a little uncertain.


The fourth realm is equivalent to the realm of the so-called Barbarian Great Emperor. It is a real powerhouse capable of oppressing the heavens. If it really reaches that level, then the four are not like the realm, why are they locked there?

Emperor Xiao Qing had many questions, but Sidonian obviously didn't want to talk about the previous things, so he didn't ask more. Instead, he waved his hand and gave the storage ring containing five hundred spiritual veins to Sidonian, "Recover your cultivation. "

"Give me three months to digest these spiritual veins."

After the voice of Sidonian came over, the figure gradually sank into the void until it disappeared completely.

"You raised this beast?"

When Sibuxiang was completely immersed in the void, the old fellow Da Canglong just appeared. He saw Emperor Xiao Qing communicating with Sibuxiang at a glance, and he opened his mouth suddenly, revealing an incredible color.

Such a terrifying beast is definitely not comparable to ordinary people. Even if he is a strong man at the peak of the second stage of longevity, he dare not say that he can destroy this terrifying existence at will.

However, this giant beast was raised by Emperor Xiao Qing?

"Sell the Emperor Seed so soon?"

Emperor Xiao Qing ignored his question, but looked at this guy with surprise.

"Your emperor is fake."

Okura Long looked angry, "If you don't talk about the emperor, the old man doesn't care about you. When it comes to this, the old man will never stop with you.

His killing intent was soaring, and his anger rushed into the sky, and even caused Sidonian who was preparing to practice in the void to appear in his body, and his two big blood-colored eyes were full of killing intent and looked at the Dragon Dragon.

"Master, do you need to kill this old guy?" The voice of Sidonian came into Xiao Qingdi's ears.

"No need."

Emperor Xiao Qing shook his head and let Sidonian escape into the void again.

And he looked at the Okura Dragon whose expression was a little stiff because of the appearance of the four differences, and said with a smile but a smile, "Okay, old guy, don't pretend, you sell at least half of the five emperor species. Up."

"how do you know?"

Da Canglong looked at Emperor Xiao Qing blankly, "Could it be that Linglong that girl analyzed it for you, or how do you know I will sell half of it?"

He said, with an angry face, "They said that the female college is not staying, and it is true. The old man spent a lot of money to train that girl. When she saw you, she lost her soul. She told you everything, too much. Up."

When he was angry, a woman suddenly rushed out of Dragon King Island.

"Old guy, dare to speak ill of this girl and watch."


Accompanied by the display of a vast primordial spirit world, Okura Linglong's aura was a hundred times higher than before, and a vast force suddenly slew towards Okura Dragon.


One blow directly blasted Okura Dragon out.

The old guy was completely stunned, "The strength of this girl...No, your soul world has merged into one soul world?"

"Let this girl beat me up."

However, no matter how surprised he asked, Okura Linglong ignored it. Instead, she squeezed her fist and kept blasting towards the dragon.

However, even if Okura Linglong’s strength has increased by a hundredfold, it’s useless. Facing the invincible existence of the second stage peak of the longevity realm like Okura Dragon, even if Okura Dragon stands still and lets her fight, she has no way to fight Da Cang Long. Canglong caused any harm.

On the contrary, it was Okura Dragon. While casually attacking but Okura exquisitely attacked, he showed shocked expression on his face, "You girl is really amazing. After Jiujiu returned to one, his strength has increased a hundredfold, even for those who have just passed the longevity. , The guy who has reached the first stage of longevity is nothing more than that."

"Of course."

Okura Linglong was even more proud, the Changshengqiao shook, and a long-term business environment merged into it, and the strongest blow broke out. "Jie Gu is the strongest move."


Her face was solemn, her hands clasped together, and she burst out the most terrifying move.

Amidst the roar, the void was torn apart, even if the surrounding sea exploded, it might even spread to Dragon King Island.

Okura Long deliberately ignored the aftermath of this attack, but exploded with the same power to confront Okura Linglong, making this attack equivalent to the power of two powerful men who had just entered the longevity realm.

With a radius of a million miles, all the seas are shaking, and the void is shattered, like a mass extinction.

Emperor Xiao Qing raised his eyebrows, his eyes showed a smile but a smile, and his right hand gently pressed down. In an instant, the infinite power spread out, and he even directly smoothed the aftermath of the two attacks.


The battle between the two was over. Da Canglong stared at Emperor Xiao Qing with wide eyes, "So strong."

"Boy, have you also broken through to the longevity realm?"

He looked shocked. Even when Emperor Xiao Qing started his hand, he didn't even feel what extent Xiao Qing had reached. He just felt that the power of Emperor Xiao Qing at this moment was extremely terrifying. .

"Repay the debt." Xiao Qingdi did not answer his question, but directly stretched out his hand.

"Yeah, you are crazy. The old man looked at you before and called you a friend, but after knowing that you are just a junior, do you think you can still have a fellowship with the old man like this?"

Da Cang Long raised his eyebrows, and looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with a smile, "I gave the old man five fake emperor seeds, and I am ashamed to ask me for the remaining spiritual veins. You are very bold."

As soon as these words came out, Okura Linglong's face changed, "Old guy, no, you said those five emperor breeds are fake?"

Then, she thought of something and looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with excitement, "Doesn't that mean that in the future you will be this girl's little attendant, my God, this happiness is coming too soon." "

As soon as he thought that Emperor Xiao Qing would become his follower in the future, Okura Linglong blushed with excitement.

But I didn’t see that Xiao Qingdi, who was originally plain looking, disappeared in an instant after listening to Ocang Long’s words, and a torrent of weather suddenly broke out, "Old things, dare to rely on this king’s account, you are very Bold!"

"This king wants to see how you can rely on me!"

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