The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1753: The light of fireflies and the radiance of the bright moon

"It's done!"

A surprise voice also sounded in the mouth of Emperor Xiao Qing's soul.

At this moment, both the patriarch of the Jiang clan and Emperor Xiao Qing were very satisfied.

The patriarch of the Jiang clan stood happily on his longevity bridge, pinching Fajue with both hands, and runes flashed through the void. At the same time, in the sea of ​​consciousness below, drops of water of the bitter sea emerged, jumping in the air. Turning into runes, like fish, once again dived into the sea of ​​consciousness.

In the blink of an eye, with the Jiang clan chief as the center, the surrounding sea of ​​consciousness within ten thousand meters is full of his runes.

Unbreakable and terrifying.

The patriarch of the Jiang clan stood proudly on the bridge of longevity, laughing loudly, "Boy, you can come out, you want to swallow the water of the deity's bitter sea, but you don't know that the deity is also waiting for you, you are really stupid."

"If it comes from a large family, anyone who has a strong person behind the second stage of the longevity realm as a backer will know what magical means are contained in the water of the sea of ​​bitterness, and it is the strongest method of a second stage immortal of the longevity realm. , You don’t understand, hahaha."

He laughed triumphantly, "Boy, you are really too stupid, you don't understand anything, so that your supreme talent, your physical body, can only be owned by the deity."

"Don't you have an emperor? Your emperor is also of the deity."

Anyway, the winning ticket is already in hand, and he doesn't mind spreading everything out, "The deity is just trying to win you."

"See you Tuqong."

Emperor Xiao Qing smiled softly, his soul came out of the sea of ​​consciousness void, just looking at each other cheerfully.

"Boy, you can still laugh now. You will find out later that you can't laugh anymore."

Seeing Emperor Xiao Qing's appearance, the Jiang Clan Yangtze River Rongtian was overjoyed, and his heart moved, unparalleled power erupted from the roar of the vast sea of ​​consciousness controlled by the power of his sea of ​​suffering.

At the same time, his Changsheng Bridge and Nine Layers of Yuanshen Heaven and Earth are also integrated into this ten thousand feet range.

This made this vast sea of ​​consciousness completely turned into a territory controlled by him, and at the same time, everything about him was integrated into it.


Except for the primordial spirit, his primordial spirit is standing on it and laughing proudly.

"The sea of ​​consciousness has been completely controlled by the deity, and your soul will also be swallowed by the deity." He smiled, frantically.

He even stretched out his hand and shook his finger at Emperor Xiao Qing, "Boy, come on your own initiative."

"Do you really think that you control this king's sea of ​​consciousness?"

However, when he was proud, he saw Emperor Xiao Qing looking at his soul, just like looking at a fool, just looking at him indifferently.

It made him a little stunned, "Don't you know that your sea of ​​consciousness is controlled by the deity?"

This is not quite right.

The sea of ​​consciousness of the size of a radius of a radius has been completely integrated into it, and he can feel that his control of the sea of ​​consciousness has reached the same level as the sea of ​​consciousness he has developed.

This kid, wouldn't he realize that his sea of ​​consciousness has lost its senses?

No, it's impossible for a person's primordial spirit to even lose control of his own sea of ​​consciousness.

"You pretended to be calm and deliberately deceived the deity. In fact, you are already terrified in your heart, right?"

Suddenly, Jiang Clan Yangtze River Rongtian smiled.

He smiled and looked at Emperor Xiao Qing, but he was a little nervous, wondering if Emperor Xiao Qing had any other means.

Just in case, Emperor Xiao Qing had other means to display it. At this moment, Jiang Clan Yangtze River Rongtian decided to imprison Emperor Xiao Qing’s soul with the sea of ​​consciousness he controlled.


Accompanied by a roar, a powerful force rose up in the vast sea of ​​consciousness of his master, and grabbed it towards Emperor Xiao Qing.

"Boy, your sea of ​​consciousness has been controlled by the deity, and your soul has nowhere to hide."

He spoke proudly.

However, as soon as the voice fell, it was discovered that Emperor Xiao Qing had a faint smile on his face, "How does the glow of the firefly compete with Haoyue? You think you control all of this king's sea of ​​consciousness, but you don't know that this is a huge range. The sea of ​​consciousness is less than one percent of this king's sea of ​​consciousness."

"Poor, pathetic."

While sighing, Emperor Xiao Qing's soul stood in the void, surrounded by misty mist.

Seeing that when the power of the sea of ​​consciousness controlled by the other party was about to grab it, Emperor Xiao Qing waved his hand gently, and immediately the mist that had enveloped him dissipated, and an even wider sea of ​​consciousness appeared in this way. In front of the Jiang Clan Yangtze River Rongtian.

Moreover, with a move of his heart, the sea of ​​consciousness vibrated, and a majestic force directly shattered the opponent's attack.

"Actually, this king's sea of ​​consciousness is not that small."

Emperor Xiao Qing looked at this stunned Jiang Clan Yangtze River Rongtian with a serious look, and sighed, "This king's sea of ​​consciousness is a million meters wide, why are you just occupying ten thousand meters? happy?"

"Do you think that your vast sea of ​​consciousness is enough to fight against the sea of ​​consciousness of millions of meters? Or do you think your only remaining soul can exert a powerful force?"

"Human, ignorance is the most terrible."

While he sighed, a terrifying force burst out, and the mighty breath flowed, making the power bursting out of his whole person even more terrifying.

Within the vast sea of ​​consciousness that is one million meters wide, it occupies a million meters wide. To be honest, one percent of the size is really not that big.

"you you you..."

At this moment, Jiang Clan Yangtze River Rongtian was stunned.

His soul was originally laughing excitedly, but at this moment, all the laughter disappeared, and replaced by a face full of panic.

"Why, why is this?"

He kept whispering, his face full of disbelief.

Even if it was his body and his strength reached the pinnacle of the sea of ​​suffering in the second stage of the longevity realm, his sea of ​​consciousness was no more than a thousand feet. Therefore, when he saw Emperor Xiao Qing's sea of ​​consciousness of the size of a thousand feet surrounded by hazy mist, He didn't even think about it, he felt that this was the entire sea of ​​consciousness of Emperor Xiao Qing.

Therefore, he occupies the vast sea of ​​consciousness, and he feels that he has a chance to win.

As everyone knows, the place shrouded in the hazy mist is a broader sea of ​​consciousness, and the scope of this little bit that he controls is nothing at all.

"Do not..."

He roared, "It's fake, everything is fake, it's impossible for someone to have a sea of ​​consciousness that can reach a million feet in size. Let's play with me."


He screamed, his face full of unwillingness.

At this moment, even if he was an immortal, he didn't know what to do.

The Changsheng Bridge is integrated into the consciousness sea, the heaven and earth of the soul, and the water of the sea of ​​bitterness is also melted into it.

Only the bare soul remains, what can he do here?


At this moment, his primordial spirit tore the void, about to rush out of Xiao Qing Emperor's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Just thinking about going now, it's too late."

Emperor Xiao Qing smiled softly, with a strange look on his face, "Now, even if you call this prince's grandfather, it's no use, you should obediently integrate your soul and everything into this king's sea of ​​consciousness."


The sea of ​​consciousness shook, and the immense power exploded, instantly suppressing his soul.

At the same time, the emperor seal was suppressed in the air, and the emperor sword hung high above the sea of ​​consciousness, so that the primordial spirit of the incomparable power of the Jiang clan patriarch could not move even if he moved. The force of the sea disintegrated little by little.

"Do not..."

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