The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1754: Back and forth

"Do not..."

A scream actually penetrated the sea of ​​consciousness of Emperor Xiao Qing and spread directly outside.

At this moment, Jiang Zhan, who was standing in the distance waiting for his father to succeed in taking Emperor Xiao Qing's home, changed his face greatly, "Father..."

He rushed towards Emperor Xiao Qing with a roar.

However, the physical world that emerged from Emperor Xiao Qing's body was immense, and it shook slightly and directly blocked him, making it impossible for him to rush through.

"Something happened. Father definitely failed to seize the house. He reminded me to leave with this roar. I must leave as soon as possible."

Then, his expression changed drastically, he was at a loss, and while constantly whispering, he quickly moved towards the distance, ready to escape.

"Can you go?"

However, before he escaped, he heard a flat voice.

Emperor Xiao Qing, who had closed his eyes, suddenly opened his eyes and pointed out. The infinite rays of light gathered in the void, instantly blocking Jiang Zhan's path.

"Emperor Xiao Qing!"

Jiang Zhan's face paled instantly, "You, you actually killed my father?"

"Which eye did you see that this king killed him?" Emperor Xiao Qing walked in the air, first slowly collected all the treasures of the Jiang Clan Yangtze River Rongtian after his death, and then came to Jiang Zhan. before.

There was a teasing color on his face, "Jiang Clan genius, Jiang Zhan?"


Jiang Zhan was dripping with cold sweat, with a look of horror on his face. Suddenly, trembling and kneeling towards Emperor Xiao Qing, "Sorry, I was wrong, please forgive me."

"As long as you are willing to kill me, no matter what you want me to do, I am willing to obey unconditionally, even if you let me be your slave."

"I just want to survive."

Jiang Zhan was afraid of death.

Especially for such a arrogant man, he doesn't want to die young.

After seeing his father being destroyed by Emperor Xiao Qing, the soul rushed into Emperor Xiao Qing with everything, and was subsequently destroyed by Emperor Xiao Qing.

He knew that if he stubbornly resisted, there would not be any good results, leaving him only a dead end.

In that case, it is better to admit defeat and beg for mercy.

But, will Emperor Xiao Qing spare him?

At this moment, Emperor Xiao Qing stood with his hand, standing in front of Jiang Zhan, sighing, "Jiang Zhan, anyhow, you are also a talented arrogant who has reached the top 100 human race half-step longevity realm. Why are you so afraid of death?"


Jiang Zhan's figure was trembling, his face showed helplessness, and he whispered, "I want to live, I don't want to die."

"It's just, what's the use if you survive?" Xiao Qing emperor frowned, "give this king a reason not to kill you."

"Within the Jiang Clan, there is an ancestor with terrifying strength. He is an invincible existence in the third stage of longevity. Although my elder brother is only the first stage of longevity, he is not weaker than my father. He has even begun to break through today. The second stage of longevity, if the breakthrough is successful, the combat power is comparable to the third stage."

Jiang Zhan said, "If you subdue me, I can help you stabilize the people of the Jiang Clan. At least, in the short term, the invincible powerhouses of the Jiang Clan will not come to trouble you."


Emperor Xiao Qing chuckled softly. He didn't expect Jiang Zhan to be really useful. He would dare to do anything to survive. This is really a bit afraid of overkill.

However, it is precisely because of this kind of person that he can live longer.

"Congratulations, you have moved this king, you can survive."

Emperor Xiao Qing smiled softly, pointing out, and in an instant, the emperor's seal bloomed with an incomparable nine-color light, which was so imprinted on Jiang Zhan's body.


Infinite runes surround Jiang Zhan, with unparalleled power, instantly crushing the defensive light around him, and all of them are submerged in his body.

"the host."

Jiang Zhan's face showed respect from the heart, and he bowed down to Emperor Xiao Qing.

"It seems that as my strength increases, the emperor seal has become stronger, but I don't know whether the existence of the so-called fourth realm of longevity will be surrendered in the future?"

At this moment, Emperor Xiao Qing suddenly looked forward to something.

The owners of the nine emperor species fought and robbed each other, and finally, after the nine-nines were unified, they became the wild land, that is, the existence of the fourth realm of longevity.

At that time, it was the time for the other party to be proud of the spring breeze and show off his might.

It's all right if you don't come to provoke yourself. If you dare to provoke yourself, then you will be subdued with the seal of the emperor.

"Go back by yourself, do you know how to handle the rest?" Xiao Qing asked.

"Yes, I will hold everyone from the Jiang Clan so that they don't know that the master killed my father."

Jiang Zhan looked respectful.

Even if he knew that Emperor Xiao Qing was his father-killing enemy, but when he looked at Emperor Xiao Qing, his eyes were only respect, without the slightest hatred, and he was calm when he said that Emperor Xiao Qing killed his father.

There is even a feeling that should be so.


Emperor Xiao Qing nodded and looked at Jiang Zhan who was extremely respectful to him. Suddenly, a light flashed in his eyes and asked, "Jiang Zhan, do you want to get the emperor seed?"

"I dare not." Jiang Zhan lowered his head quickly.

The emperor, naturally, wanted it, but at this moment, in his heart, only surrendered to Emperor Xiao Qing, and only had the endless respect for Emperor Xiao Qing.

"You only need to say whether you want to." Xiao Qingdi said indifferently.

"miss you."

Jiang Zhan quickly replied.

"If you want, this king will reward you for the emperor seed."

Emperor Xiao Qing smiled indifferently and flicked his fingers, and two emperor species were shot into Jiang Zhan's body by him.


At this moment, Jiang Zhan's face was unbelievable, "It turned out to be... really an emperor, thank you master, thank you master..."

"Go ahead."

With a wave of his hand, Emperor Xiao Qing ignored Jiang Zhan, but disappeared in front of Jiang Zhan.

The latter still had a respectful look on his face. After Emperor Xiao Qing left, it turned into a light and rushed into the void and disappeared.

However, he went directly back to the big world of Jiang Clan.

As for the Yangtze River Rongtian of the Jiang Clan, the invincible existence of the second peak of the immortal realm had already fallen completely.

Of course, no one knew what happened to this scene except for the Jiang people.

When the Jiang Clan Yangtze River melted into the sky, a soul lamp in the Jiang Clan's ancestral shrine was instantly extinguished.

"It's not good, the patriarch's soul lamp has gone out, and the patriarch has fallen."

"Oh my God..."


With the sound of sentient beings, the entire Jiang Clan world went crazy.

Even the invincible person of the third stage of longevity of the Jiang clan who had been closed for countless years was also born, using supreme magical powers to investigate the cause of death of the Jiang Clan's Yangtze River Rongtian, but found that the secret was hidden and could not be found.

At the same time, Jiang Zhan also returned to the big world of the Jiang nationality.

He stayed silent and went straight to practice in retreat. After three days, he became well-versed, the long-term business situation suddenly broke out, and the longevity catastrophe fell from the sky.

This shocked the Jiang Clan invincible who was preparing to investigate carefully, and even gave up investigating the cause of death of the Jiang Clan Yangtze River Rongtian, but ran to help Jiang Zhan protect the law.

After Jiang Zhan succeeded in crossing the robbery and officially became a longevity, he immediately showed a strength comparable to the peak of the first stage, and even weaker than his brother who only knew retreat all day.

In this way, it was immediately reused by the ancestors of the Jiang tribe.

Directly support Jiang Zhan as the patriarch of the Jiang clan.

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