The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1759: Dare to slander this king?

"Dragon King Xiao Qingdi, the Holy Master just beheaded the Holy Master because Lin Yi had a little holiday with you. You are too cruel."

"Emperor Xiao Qing, the wasteful saint has always been optimistic about you, and even wants to train you into a new human saint. I didn't expect you to be such a cruel person."

"Asshole, you broke the seal and beheaded the holy lord in order to be able to obtain these strong men of the Tianyi God Race. You deserve a million deaths."


There was a roar of anger, unbelievable and angry.

This group of people are all strong in the Holy Land Presbyterian Church. The strongest is an old man in the Nine Heavens Realm, and the rest are almost all in the Primordial Divine Realm and Eight Heavens, and even the worst ones are the peaks of the Seven Heavens.

At this moment, as soon as they discovered Emperor Xiao Qing, they directly placed the charge of killing Lin Tian, ​​the holy lord of the human race, on Emperor Xiao Qing.

Emperor Xiao Qing was stunned, and then he laughed, "Everyone is misunderstood. This king just sensed that the Holy Lord had fallen behind, so he hurried over. As for who killed him, this king doesn't know."

"Asshole, Emperor Xiao Qing."

A low roar sounded, and a strong man strode out, looking at Emperor Xiao Qing with a cold expression, "The evidence is here, do you still have to argue?"

"Emperor Xiao Qing, do you obediently catch it and go back with us for trial, or let us report to the Human Race Longevity Alliance, and invite the ancient saints of the Human Race to return, and bring you, the perpetrator who dared to kill the human saint master, to justice?"

"Relying on your own strength, do you think you can do whatever you want?"

"You **** it."

This strong man himself is the cultivation base of the eighth heaven of the Primordial God Realm, and his strength is considered to be the strongest group of people in the holy land of the human race.

At this moment, looking at Emperor Xiao Qing with gloomy eyes, murderous, wishing to kill Emperor Xiao Qing on the spot.

As for the sealed powerhouses of the Tianyi God Clan around Emperor Xiao Qing, he just glanced at random and found that when he was only as tall as a normal person, he didn't take it seriously.

The power of the gods and demons like the gods of Tianyi is in the body of their gods and demons. The stronger the strength, the larger the body.

In their view, the Tianyi God Race, who is as tall as a normal person, is just a baby not long after birth, weak and weak, and any longevity of the human race can deal with them.

"who are you?"

The sudden black pot made Xiao Qingdi puzzled.

However, when he saw the murderous intent and discomfort in this guy's eyes, he was a bit surprised.

It seems, is revenge yourself?

"It doesn't matter who I am. The key is that we have already reported to the Human Race Immortal Alliance, and the invincible human race will soon come. At that time, the saints of the past will definitely not let you go."

The strong man talked freely, "Emperor Xiao Qing, how about you have a cultivation base comparable to the Nine Heavens Realm?"

"The strength of the holy lord is comparable to the immortal, you dare to attack and kill him, your sin is too great."

His words made Xiao Qingdi stunned, "Since you know that I only have the cultivation base of the Nine Heavens, and the strength of Saint Lord Lin Tian is comparable to the longevity, how do you think I can kill him? You are too Look at this king, or look at Lin Tian too much?"


The strong man also realized that his words were not quite right, but he wanted to put this hat on Emperor Xiao Qing's head so he would naturally not care about these details.

Instead, he waved his hand and said with a sneer, "These are not important. The important thing is that you were captured by us on the spot."

"All the evidence is in front of you, you can't quibble, and you have no chance to quibble."

The way he was holding the winning ticket made Xiao Qingdi a little surprised, "Where are you from the second fool, let you frame the king at will when you get the chance?"

He said, looking at the only master of the Nine Heavens Realm in the crowd, "Is this guy your subordinate?"

"We are the elders of the Holy Land Presbyterian Church."

The strong man in the Nine Heavens Realm whispered, "I am the elder Xianyun."

"Oh, what do you mean is that this king killed Saint Lord Lin Tian?" Emperor Xiao Qing touched his nose, revealing a smile.

The old Xianyun Dao in the Nine Heavens Realm did not answer the question of Emperor Xiao Qing directly. Instead, he looked at the passage of the Tianyi God Clan and sighed, "The God Blood bath of the Tianyi God Clan can indeed make the human body grow. Get up, it's a pity that this kind of practice is against people and harmony after all."

"In fact, Lord Lin Tian was also against you before arresting those strong men of the Tianyi God Clan and bathing them with their blood, but when I remembered that you solved the crisis of the Tianyi God Clan, he didn't tell you. I didn't expect you After tasting the benefits brought by the blood of the gods of the Tianyi clan, I was unwilling to give up and became addicted."

"Young people, the level of a person’s cultivation level depends on your own efforts. At a young age, you have a very strong strength. If you are willing to practise steadily and steadily, you will have great hopes of entering the realm of longevity in this life. Why do you refuse to cultivate by your own efforts?"

He shook his head, looking disappointed.

There is no positive saying that Emperor Xiao Qing killed Lin Tian, ​​but he told Emperor Xiao Qing that he was also certain that Emperor Xiao Qing was in conflict with the Holy Lord Lin Tian in order to capture the strong of Tianyi God Clan to bathe in the blood. Then the Holy Master beheaded.


The four feet on the shoulders of Emperor Xiao Qing couldn't help laughing. "It's really interesting. The Dragon King thought before, why is the human race so weak? It turns out that there are you idiots guarding the human holy land."

"Tsk tsk, regardless of right or wrong, just say that my boss killed Lin Tian, ​​let alone that it was not my boss at all, even if he did it, what about it? Do you think that you are qualified to speak up here? ?"

"Ignorance, weak and humble."

The four-legged words did not make a few people wake up. Even the strong man who slandered Emperor Xiao Qing’s Primordial Divine Realm and the Eighth Heaven Realm from the beginning seized the opportunity and shouted, "Everyone heard it, just Even his spiritual pet admitted that he did it."

"Now, the evidence is complete."

He laughed and looked at Emperor Xiao Qing, "Boy, Emperor Xiao Qing, the dragon king, this time, see how you can escape?"

"Repeatedly and repeatedly, you have become enemies of the Human Race, and even killed the Holy Lord of the Human Race. Your sin is too great. No one can save you."


He laughed triumphantly, only feeling that he had accomplished a great achievement.

But didn't see, Xiao Qingdi's face gradually became darker.

"It seems that you have to buckle a black pot on this king's head anyway, but I don't know if you have enough skills to buckle this black pot on this king's head."


Along with Emperor Xiao Qing's sneer, he grabbed it from a distance, and immediately, the unparalleled nine-color energy burst out and grabbed the strong man in the eighth layer of the Primordial God Realm.

"Stop, Emperor Xiao Qing, do you dare to kill in front of the old man?" Old Xian Yun's face changed drastically, and he suddenly responded to Emperor Xiao Qing's blow.

However, let alone that he is only the Ninth Heaven, even if he reaches the longevity stage, it is impossible to stop Xiao Qing Emperor.

Emperor Xiao Qing shook slightly, and directly shook this powerful figure in the Nine Heavens Realm into flight, and then turned the Nine-Colored Light into a big hand, so he pinched the neck of the Eight Heavens Realm guy. stand up.

"Uh,, how dare you?"

The face of the guy in the Eighth Heaven Realm changed.

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