The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1760: Rampant Dragon King!

"Do you dare to act on the deity in public?"

Originally, there was a smug look on his face, and he even laughed wildly without fear.

This master of the Primordial Divine Realm Eighth Heaven, even felt determinedly that Emperor Xiao Qing absolutely couldn't have the courage to treat him openly.

However, what he didn't expect in any case was that Emperor Xiao Qing did it, and he did it so unscrupulously, not putting him and other powerful people in his eyes.

Moreover, even Xianyun Lao Dao in the Nine Heavens Realm was directly and easily shaken by Emperor Xiao Qing.

"Why not dare?"

Emperor Xiao Qing looked at this guy whose face had changed drastically with a smile, and smiled softly, "This king is very curious, what is your identity? Why do you slander this king so much?"

"I didn't slander you, nor did I have any hatred with you. All of this is a fact. All of our elders have seen it. Could it be wrong?"

The guy's face changed slightly, but he shouted hard.

"Oh, is it so?"

Emperor Xiao Qing looked at the other party with a smile. When this guy thought that Emperor Xiao Qing would ask again, and was thinking of how to defend him, he saw Emperor Xiao Qing's right hand suddenly squeezed.


In an instant, in the incredible gaze of this powerful man in the Eighth Heaven Realm, his whole person was directly crushed.

"Do not..."

This time, the faces of all the elders changed.

They never expected that Emperor Xiao Qing could be so rampant.

Directly squeezed an elder in the Eighth Heaven Realm of the Primordial Divine Realm in front of them.

"Sorry, this king gave you a chance, but you didn't take it well, so why bother to ask?"

Emperor Xiao Qing clapped his hands at random, and then looked at other people, "You said, is this king doing the right thing?"


At this moment, everyone's expressions were extremely pale.

Especially Xian Yun Lao Dao, who was stunned by Emperor Xiao Qing, was even more furious, trembling all over, under his furious anger, the Nine Layers of Yuanshen Heaven and Earth appeared above his head.

The mighty power of the Nine Heavens burst out.

He roared, "Emperor Xiao Qing, if you don't give an explanation to the deity about this matter, then you are an enemy of the Elders of the Holy Land of the Human Race."

"What's the explanation?" Emperor Xiao Qing said in surprise, "Isn't it enough to die, do you want to die too?"

Arrogance is simply lawless!

The words of Emperor Xiao Qing made Old Xian Yun tremble with anger, and other people were equally angry.

However, even that guy in the Eighth Heaven Realm was so easily squeezed by Emperor Xiao Qing. If they wanted to deal with Emperor Xiao Qing, there seemed to be no way. Only the Old Way of Xianyun in the Ninth Heaven Realm of the Primordial God Realm was a bit a bit. hope.

"Well, junior, you are too rampant."

The old Xianyun in the Ninth Heaven Realm of the Yuanshen Realm was trembling.

He was furious, and the strongest force burst out all over his body.

In a sudden rush, he rushed towards Emperor Xiao Qing, "Today, the old way is going to kill, let you understand that the Nineth Heavenly Power must not be deceived, and the Holy Land elders will not be insulted."


In his primordial spirit world, a Dao Sword rose up and turned into a brilliant sword light, suddenly slashing towards Emperor Xiao Qing.

The power of this sword is extremely extraordinary, even if the half-step immortal of the Holy Master Lin Tian comes, it may not be able to easily stop it.

However, when Jianguang arrived in front of Emperor Xiao Qing, he saw Emperor Xiao Qing just stretched out his right hand and gently clamped it.

In an instant, directly clamped this long sword.

Then, with a light flick on the long sword, suddenly, a terrifying force erupted, causing Xian Yun Lao Dao to fly upside down.

"too weak."

Emperor Xiao Qing sighed, holding the Taoist sword, and sighed, "The sword is a good sword, but unfortunately, the person who uses it is too weak."

"just kill me."

After the old way of Xianyun flew out, his eyes were extremely cold, and he roared, "Junior, how strong is your strength? If you don't enter the right way, you will be rewarded for killing others like this unscrupulously."

"When did you see this king's unscrupulous murder?" Emperor Xiao Qing looked at him with a smile, "It's easy to want to die, but this king just wants to ask you, why is this king so slanderous? "

"Who told you that this king killed the holy lord Lin Tian?"

Emperor Xiao Qing's face became cold.

Originally, he specially guarded the passage here and arrested all the strong men of the Tianyi Protoss who invaded, although to a certain extent it was to catch these Tianyi Protoss and go back to bathe the people in Dragon King Island for cultivation.

But, after all, it is still useful to the human world.

However, these guys yelled and screamed as soon as they appeared, slandering themselves for killing Lin Tian Shengzhu at will.

Even if Emperor Xiao Qing had a good temper, he couldn't tolerate such slander.

"No one told us, but in the entire human society, only you have the strength to kill the Holy Lord." Old Xianyun roared, "Originally, when Tianying said, I still didn't believe it. Now, I believe. Up."

"Who is Tianying?" Xiao Qingdi frowned.

"It's the person who was crushed by you."

Someone responded.

They were speechless in their hearts, feeling worthless for that guy, so what's the use of jumping out in such a hurry to deal with Emperor Xiao Qing, people squeeze you at will, even if you don't know who you are.

Really, it's unclear.

"Tianying...could he be a member of the Heavenly God Sect?" Xiao Qing said in surprise.

"Yes, Daoist Tianying is the only strongest ancestor of the Tianshen Sect, but you should beheaded him in this way, you are really sinful."

Old Xianyun roared, "You have been completely enchanted, and the way of heaven is unfair. It is really the misfortune of my human race to allow you to have such a terrible strength."

"That's it."

Emperor Xiao Qing understood that Tianying, the ancient ancestor of the Tianshen Sect, was just for the sake of the descendants of the Tianshen Sect.

"People's hearts are really unpredictable."

He sighed, "If it hadn't been for Xianyun Lao Dao to say the name Tianying, he would have forgotten that he had had such a little feast with the God of Heaven Sect."

"It's a pity, catch a little holiday, just insult this king at will, and seek a dead end."

Emperor Xiao Qing sighed, released his right hand, and returned the Taoist sword to Old Tao Xianyun, and then, with a wave of his hand, he took away the strong men of the Tianyi God Clan that he had captured.

Then, he stretched his waist slowly, his figure flickered, and he entered directly into the passage, suppressing and taking away the dozens of powerful members of the Tianyi God Clan who had gathered for a while.

Then, the group of elders walked out in a daze, "This king said, Lin Tian, ​​it was not me who killed him. If anyone is not convinced, you can come to Dragon King Island to find this king."

"As for Tianying, it was this king who killed him. If anyone refuses to accept it, you can tell it. Of course, you know what will happen if you refuse to accept it."

Emperor Xiao Qing grinned, but a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Then, the void in front of him cracked silently, and he stepped into it.

Only a voice came into the ears of everyone, "The seal of this passage has been blasted to pieces, and there will be warriors of the Tianyi God Clan rushing out at any time. In addition, these strong men of the Tianyi God Clan seem to be familiar with it. Please be careful of the rules of the heaven and earth of the mother planet."


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