The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1782: The origin of Ji Xinyao

"Little friend, what can I do?"

Emperor Xiao Qing took Ji Muchen into the void, and Ji Muchen's face was puzzled.

He is not worried that Emperor Xiao Qing will find him and will have any malice against him. After all, with his strength, Emperor Xiao Qing has long been thrown away, not only him, but even the holy lord of the human race Lin Tiandu Not an opponent of Emperor Xiao Qing.

If Emperor Xiao Qing wanted to do anything, he didn't need to invite him in this way.

"Old Ancestor Ji, let me ask you, what is the identity of Ji Xinyao?" Although Xiao Qingdi's divine incarnation incarnation has no entity, he looked at Ji Muchen with a dignified look in his eyes.


Ji Muchen did not expect that Emperor Xiao Qing would suddenly ask Ji Xinyao's identity.

He was a little confused at first, and after a long while, he figured out who the Emperor Xiao Qing was talking about.

There was a confused look on his face, "What happened to Ji Xinyao's girl?"

"Ji Hao said, Ji Xinyao was a baby girl you carried to the Xuanyuan imperial clan. So, is she a descendant of the Xuanyuan clan?" Xiao Qing asked.

"This one..."

Ji Muchen was very puzzled, but replied, "Since Ji Hao told you, then, you should also know that Ji Xinyao is indeed not a descendant of my Xuanyuan clan. She was just when I was out when I was out. A baby girl I met on a small island, saw that she was born cute and gifted at that time, she was born with well-connected veins and full of spirituality, so she brought her back to the Xuanyuan imperial clan and gave her to the contemporary emperor.

As he said, there was a look of incomprehension on his face, "Little friend, that girl is young and ignorant after all. If there is anything that offends you, please forgive me."

"So, you don't know her specific origin?" Xiao Qingdi frowned.

"Not very clear." Ji Muchen said truthfully.

Everything, finally figured out.

Emperor Xiao Qing sighed, looked at Ji Muchen, and said speechlessly, "Don't you feel strange to meet a **** an uninhabited island?"

"I had searched on the island back and forth. I didn't see any adults. I even stayed on the island for three days and found that no one came to the door before I brought her back."

While Ji Muchen answered, he became more puzzled, "Little friend, what happened? You confuse me like this. Did that girl do something? Or is there something wrong with her identity? "

"She didn't do anything, but the king suspected that her identity was not simple, so I came to ask."

Emperor Xiao Qing did not conceal it, but said calmly, "I sensed a strong force in her body, comparable to an immortal."

"What? This, this is impossible."

Ji Muchen's face changed drastically, "I checked her back then and determined that there can be no problems with her."

"Can you check out the problem with the immortal?" Emperor Xiao Qing looked at him with a smile.


Ji Muchen was silent for a moment, "My strength at the time was only the sixth heaven of the Primordial Divine Realm. I really couldn't find out the problem with the immortal, but, what is the reason, do you know?"

At this moment, Ji Muchen knew very well that Emperor Xiao Qing must have realized what was wrong before he came to him with the incarnation of divine mind.

If Ji Xinyao had no problems, it would never be possible for Emperor Xiao Qing to come to him so easily.

"If this king knows, do I need to ask you?" Emperor Xiao Qing glanced at Ji Muchen with a smile, and said jokingly, "If she is plotting against this king, you will be responsible for this matter."


Ji Muchen was shocked, "I, I..."

Let him be responsible, what is his ability to be responsible? If Ji Xinyao is really related to the longevity, then, let alone that he is only the cultivation base of the Seventh Heaven of the Primordial God Realm, he can't be responsible even if he reaches the 9th Heaven of the Primordial God Realm.

"Don't worry, just kidding."

Looking at Ji Muchen who was terrified, Xiao Qing's divine mind incarnation couldn't help but laugh.

Gently patted Ji Muchen on the shoulder, and then took Ji Muchen back to the discussion hall of the Human Sacred Land.

"what happened?"

When they appeared, they found that the entire discussion hall had become a mess. Everyone, including the ancient ancestor of the Xuanyuan tribe, turned pale, looking at a broken bronze mirror at a loss.

"What should I do, something must have happened, how could this be?"

"Is it really the ninth alien emperor?"

"Back then, Holy Emperor Xuanyuan couldn't completely kill the nine great alien emperors, he could only seal them, but now, after infinite years, if they were really born again, they would definitely set off a big wave, my human race, I am afraid it is dangerous. "


These old men and old ladies, all of them looked worried, seeing Emperor Xiao Qing and Ji Muchen appear, they all looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with worried eyes.

"Little friend, do you know what's going on? Why did I use this side of the Celestial Realm to contact the Clan Elderly Alliance, but I was bounced back and shattered the Celestial Realm?"

The ancient ancestor of the Xuanyuan clan was holding the broken bronze mirror, his figure trembling slightly.

"The ninth alien emperor has sealed the entire human family star. Even the two immortals, Hongwo and Bai Yin, can't leave. They can only be killed by him. You think you can break it with a broken mirror. His seal?"

Emperor Xiao Qing said indifferently, "Of course, if you don't want to believe that the ninth alien emperor was born, this king has nothing to do."

"This this..."

"The entire human race mother star has been sealed, the ninth alien emperor, is it really going to completely exterminate our human race?"

"What should I do now?"


Even the Heaven-passing Realm in the hands of the ancient ancestor of the Xuanyuan Clan was broken. How could everyone not believe what Xiao Qing said?

Everyone paled.

The ninth alien emperor is born!

Moreover, the human mother star was sealed, and the current holy lord and the incumbent holy lord were also destroyed.


Such major events are simply earth-shattering and will scare anyone to death.

"what should we do?"

The ancient ancestor of the Xuanyuan tribe looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with a pale face.

"What can I do? Find that guy and destroy him." Xiao Qingdi said casually.


Not to mention that Ancient Ancestor Xuanyuan didn't believe Xiao Qing's words, everyone in the field looked at Emperor Xiao Qing in silence.

After a long time, the ancient ancestor of the Holy Sword Sect said, "Little friend, maybe you have a misunderstanding about the nine great alien emperors."

"In ancient times, the nine great alien emperors were so powerful that even Saint Xuanyuan couldn't completely kill the nine of them. It just sealed them up."

"Furthermore, the nine foreign emperors are one. The ninth foreign emperor was born, and the other eight foreign emperors must have appeared. How can we stop the nine foreign emperors? If they want to destroy the world, we should how is it?"

"Human race, it's over!"

He sat down weakly, his face completely pale.

At this moment, everyone's expressions became dull, as if they had lost all hope.


Only Emperor Xiao Qing laughed suddenly.

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