The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1783: Beyond the seal, overlapping

"My king, I'm so disappointed."

The incarnation of Emperor Xiao Qing's divine mind, looked at the crowd calmly, "What about the arrival of the nine great alien emperors? Do you really think that the human race can't stop it?"

"Even if you can't stop it, are you just sitting here and waiting to die?"

"Have you forgotten how the ancestors of the human race in ancient times emerged in a world full of gods and demons? Is the situation at that time better than it is now?"

"Not to mention, there are only nine great alien emperors. If they appear, this king will kill them."

Emperor Xiao Qing's words are sonorous and powerful.

However, it did not make everyone's complexion any better.

The nine great alien emperors are truly earth-shattering existences. Their strength is unmatched. Even the human immortals are not opponents. Even the two previous two holy masters have reached the immortal state. Was killed.

They do not have a single immortal. Among all the powerhouses of the entire home planet, there are very few powerhouses in the Nine Heavens Realm. How can they fight against the nine great alien emperors?

It's over...

As for what Xiao Qing emperor said, no one believed that Xiao Qing emperor was able to kill the nine great alien emperors.

"It's really hopeless."

Emperor Xiao Qing smiled furiously, "Do you think that the birth of the nine great alien emperors is the most desperate situation? No, there will still be stronger powers from the Tianyi God Race to the Human Race through the channel."

"There are other powerhouses of the Protoss. I believe this king is on the way."

"At that time, the human race's home planet will be sealed, the strong from all sides will come, the gods and demons will dance, and the human race will only become the food for those gods and demons."

"Did you see the countless vortexes that swallowed the sky and the earth not long ago? It was displayed by a god-sovereign powerhouse of the Tianyi God Clan. His strength is stronger than the first stage of the longevity."

"Now, all of its blood has been used by everyone on Dragon King Island to take a bath."

"Wait, slowly be afraid here."

Emperor Xiao Qing was really angry. After speaking, he walked up towards the void without looking back.

Step by step, as if there are steps appearing in the void.

Shaking his head, sighed, "This king is so desperate, can he do it right?"

"Just for these so-called powerhouses who are greedy and fearful of death, and are frightened all at once?"

Stepping out in one step, the void shook, and a void channel extended directly to Dragon King Island.

When Emperor Xiao Qing was about to step out, suddenly a voice came from behind.

"Lord Dragon King, please stop."

It was the ancient ancestor of the Xuanyuan clan who stood up solemnly. Behind him, the ancient ancestor of the Holy Sword Sect, Ji Muchen and others stood up one after another.

Although their faces were extremely pale, their eyes showed firmness.

Then, he bowed down to Emperor Xiao Qing, "Also ask the Lord Dragon King to teach us what to do."

"Lord Dragon King teach us."

Everyone, with firm expressions on their faces, bowed down to Emperor Xiao Qing.

Even the big guy who was kneeling and slapped before, was also stunned, and quickly slapped himself again, "As long as the Lord Dragon King is willing to take action, even if I keep slapping myself, I will No regrets or regrets."

This scene stunned Xiao Qingdi who was about to leave.

Immediately, a smile gradually appeared on his face, "Good, very good."

At this moment, he suddenly changed his mind.

The holy land of the home planet human race gathers the strongest practitioners of the human race, and they represent the spirit of the human race to a certain extent.

Originally, he was extremely disappointed with these people in his heart, and made up his mind to ignore these guys.

At this moment, I suddenly felt that these people are also a bit interesting.

"Get up all."

With a wave of his hand, a ray of light lifted everyone up.

"The ninth alien emperor, this king will kill him, and other powerful gods will come in, this king will also try to kill him as much as possible. All you have to do is protect ordinary people."

The indifferent voice of Emperor Xiao Qing reached everyone's ears.

He stepped into the void and disappeared.

However, his voice came out, "Don't worry, everything is here."

Such simple words made everyone's faces appear solemn. I thought that Emperor Xiao Qing had some wonderful way to help them break the seal and ask for help.

Who could have thought that everything was imaginary.

"He said so much, but it's all nonsense."

Someone whispered, "Don't say that he can't deal with the ninth alien emperor at all, even if he can really deal with the ninth alien emperor? There are nine alien emperors in total, and the nine are united together, who can enemy?"

"Our only way out is to break the seal and ask for help from the Alliance of Extraterritorial Human Race Immortals, otherwise, we will all become the belly of the alien emperor and those of the Protoss powerhouse."

"How to do?"

Everyone was shaking.


At this moment, a sound of earth-shaking sword roar suddenly passed from the secular world.

Everyone was shocked, and their faces showed an incredible color, "No way..."

Everyone looked around and saw that the sword shining on the holy land of the human race, like a bright moon rising slowly.

The goal is just above the void.

That endless seal.


The immense Nine-Colored Sword Qi slashed into the void in an instant, causing a layer of golden seal to appear abruptly in the void. At this moment, even ordinary people can see that thin layer of golden seal. Confronting Jian Qi.

"After all, there is still no way to break the seal."

Everyone in the Holy Land looked over and found that the sword aura was confronting the seal, seemingly unable to cut it through, and could not help but sigh.

"Get ready for help."

At this moment, an indifferent voice came into the ears of the ancient ancestor of the Xuanyuan Clan, causing the ancient ancestor of the Xuanyuan Clan to show excitement, "He has a way."

Prepare all means quickly.

"The Ninth Foreign Emperor, if you don't come out, this king will break your seal."

"Dare you come out?"

The outside world was in the void, and Emperor Xiao Qing's figure rose slowly. He was holding a golden divine sword. The divine light was dazzling and sacred. It was the Xuanyuan sword.

"Di Slash!"

In an instant, a monstrous sword aura cut into the void seal.

As a result, the seal that was still facing the previous sword aura was directly smashed by this sword.


Like a mirror shattering, the golden seal began to show dense cracks centered on the position where Emperor Xiao Qing's sword slashed past.

Then, it burst apart.

God, broken.


Inside the holy land, everyone showed surprises. The ancient Xuanyuan tribe ancestor who had been prepared for a long time displayed the secret method, and rays of light roared into the sky, and disappeared from the sight of everyone in an instant.

With the experience of the last failure, he not only sent out a cry for help, but cast a large net, as long as a light can leave, he can inform the outside world.

Seeing this scene, this ancient ancestor of the Xuanyuan clan couldn't help showing excitement.

However, the next moment, his expression changed.


The starry sky outside the territories, accompanied by a sound of *, all the countless streams of light were smashed, one after another, and a more terrifying seal emerged.

Moreover, looking from a distance, those wind yins were more than one heavy, but there was a seal separated by thousands of miles.

There are no counts.


Emperor Xiao Qing's face changed.

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