The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1784: Alien King

"The seal is more than one."

"The first seal of Origin Star is only the most fundamental, and at the periphery, with Origin Star as the center, one after another, the seals are interlocking, each of which is extremely powerful."

"The Ninth Foreign Emperor, how long have you prepared for this day?"

In the high sky, Emperor Xiao Qing stood in the air, but his eyes showed horror.

Even he was stunned by this sudden change.

This sword smashed the seal of the source star, and it also exposed the seals that were trapped on the source star.

Thousands of layers, countless seals, are right in front of you.

If you want to leave the Origin Star and seek help from the immortal of the alien race, you can, the only way is to break these seals, but with so many seals, who is sure to be able to break them?

"The ninth alien emperor, how many years has it been in business?"

Able to arrange so many formations silently in the starry sky beyond this source star, until after he cut the seal of the source star, all other formations were activated for the first time.

The time required for this arrangement is too long.

I'm afraid, for this day, the Ninth Inferno Emperor had begun preparations countless years ago.


A cold light flashed in Emperor Xiao Qing's eyes, "What if there are heavy seals? If this king wants to leave, no one can stop it, but this time this king changed his mind and doesn't want other people to participate."

"The ninth alien emperor, since you are looking for death by yourself, then this king will make you regret laying so many seals."

Nine colored rays of light jumped up, and a vast breath burst out.

At this moment, Emperor Xiao Qing looked at the void around him, and he saw everything in the void wherever he passed.

At the same time, a series of very hidden streamers are searching a large area of ​​the entire parent star, and everything they pass by is like a mighty wind blowing, from the ground to the underground, everything has been explored.

Especially the area where the Yanhua Empire was located, there was no omission, and it was swept by this infinite faint light.

"over there."

Emperor Xiao Qing, who was in the void, appeared in the Yanhua Empire's palace for a moment.

It's just that, then the Nine Colors of Light swept across, capturing the continued golden light, but those were only the traces left after the Ninth Inhuman Emperor passed, the real Ninth Inhuman Emperor was long gone.

"It runs very fast."

The cold light flashed in Xiao Qingdi's eyes.

"Big Brother Xiao."

At this time, Ning Yuling spotted Emperor Xiao Qing, with a look of excitement on Qiao's face, and directly displayed the fastest speed to come to Emperor Xiao Qing.

"Do you feel anything strange?" Xiao Qingdi asked.

"It doesn't seem to be, but just now I was reviewing the documents, and I felt that a mighty prestige suddenly blew across the room, which is very strange." Ning Yuling frowned.

She reviewed the documents in the room, and logically speaking, there shouldn't be wind blowing suddenly.

"It's the ninth alien emperor, he is looking for something."

Emperor Xiao Qing said softly, "It's okay. Since he has looked for it, he won't come back again, proving that he didn't find what he wanted."

"The ninth alien emperor..." Ning Yuling's gaze narrowed, with a look of shock in her eyes, "hasn't the nine great alien emperors been sealed? How could the ninth alien emperor appear here? "

"The seal is broken."

Emperor Xiao Qing said, "That guy not only broke the seal, but also contacted some gods outside the sky, which is more troublesome."

"Then, what should I do?" Ning Yuling showed a panic on her face.

"It's okay."

Emperor Xiao Qing stretched out his hand and patted Ning Yuling three times in succession, "I have left three sword auras in your body. Even if the ninth alien emperor appears, it can block him for a while."

"Thank you, Big Brother Xiao, but I am even more worried that there are so many ordinary people in Yanhua. After finally solving the threat of the wild alien race, another alien emperor comes..." Ning Yuling sighed. The color.

At this moment, she has even more the temperament that she possessed as a great emperor.

Worry about the country and the people, disturbing the people's livelihood.

Even Emperor Xiao Qing couldn't help but smile, "Don't worry, isn't there still a Dragon Emperor like me here?"

As he said, he glared at her, "Just give me the title of Dragon Emperor, I haven't asked you to settle the account yet."

"Then I asked you before, you said that whatever you want, then I will give you half of the country and let you become the emperor." Ning Yuling spit out her little tongue, looking really cute.

At this moment, although she is only wearing casual clothes, she is in the flames. As the emperor, she also has a ray of imperial prestige flowing around her. No style.


Emperor Xiao Qing smiled helplessly, he didn't care about the name of the Dragon Emperor.

Now that you are, what about being the Dragon Emperor?


At this moment, a beast roar suddenly came from the direction of Dragon King Island.

"Damn, what the hell..."

Then, a shocked voice came.

"The ninth alien emperor, is it on Dragon King Island?"

Emperor Xiao Qing was stunned, and then he smiled, "This guy is looking for death by himself, haha."

No longer talking to Ning Yuling, but waved to her, Xiao Qing emperor's figure suddenly disappeared in place.

At the same time, in the void above the Dragon King Island, the Ninth Foreign Emperor, who was covered in golden light, appeared as his body. He looked at the two big blood-colored eyes with shock, full of incredible.

"How is it possible? How can there be such terrifying beasts in this world?"

"neither fish nor fowl!"

The ninth alien emperor had never thought of it anyway, he was nothing more than starting a carpet search from the flames of the east, intending to search the whole world again.

However, I found that after I went overseas, I was in trouble.

The whole body was locked in by the aura that was not terrifying. As long as he moved slightly, the most terrifying attack of this big guy would fall on him.

Even if he was the ninth alien emperor, his heart trembled, feeling that if he confronted this big guy, he might not be able to please him.

"The chance, it must be here. The four different things are the place to guard the legend."

Danger and opportunity are often accompanied by each other.

As the ninth alien emperor who has survived from ancient times to the present, it is very clear that these terrifying beasts cannot stay here for no reason, there must be legendary treasures.

"The emperor, finally found it."

A surprise came to my heart.

At this moment, the whole person of the ninth alien emperor was full of endless joy.

Too unexpected and so moved.

After planning endless years, I finally succeeded at this moment.

As long as he obtains the legendary temple first, then he can break through to become an emperor, and even continue to move forward to a farther and stronger realm.

"It won't be long before the emperor will be able to overwhelm the world. The universe is prehistoric and no one can rival."

As he sighed, on the top of his head, the huge eyes of the four different images were teasing, and the stronger the killing intent came, completely blocking the surroundings of the ninth foreign emperor.

As a result, the face of the ninth alien emperor changed, "If you want to find something in the legend, you must first pass the test of this beast."

He had a firm expression on his face, "Since this sacred beast did not start immediately, it must set a test to test the emperor. As long as he passes the test, he may be approved by this sacred beast."

"A beast that is no weaker than the emperor is a spiritual pet..."

The ninth foreign emperor's breathing became short.

Imagining everything he could get next, he just felt that life is so beautiful.

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