The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1800: Many plans have disappeared


On Dragon King Island, when Emperor Xiao Qing left the secular world and entered the passage of the Tianyi God Clan, Ji Xinyao's eyes flickered, with a little hesitation in his eyes, "Emperor Xiao Qing has left, this is the best opportunity. , Control the entire Dragon King Island and negotiate with him."

"With the love of Emperor Xiao Qing for those around him, let him hand over the inheritance of the emperor in exchange for the lives of everyone on Dragon King Island, he will never disagree."

"However, the island is so mysterious that it has become such a holy place for cultivation in a short time. It is absolutely impossible for Emperor Xiao Qing to do it alone. Who else is there?"

At this moment, Ji Xinyao hesitated.

"Sister Xinkey, come on, let's go eat."

At this time, Luo Jing on one side greeted Ji Xinyao.


Seeing Luo Jing and Okura Linglong walking forward with their hands together, Ji Xinyao's face became hesitant.

"If you do it, first grab Luo Jing and Okura Linglong, and then you can deal with others. The first choice is the woman of Emperor Xiao Qing, then the top ten dragon guards, and everyone from the Xiao clan."

"However, everything needs to stay a thread, and you must never kill. Otherwise, if you really kill, with Xiao Qing's temperament, I am afraid you will go crazy."

While thinking in his mind, he smiled on the surface, trotting directly towards Luo Jing and Okura Linglong to catch up.

"What are we going to eat? The island is full of different delicacies from all parts of the world. I feel I have eaten a lot recently and I am a little bit fatter."

While Luo Jing was speaking, she turned her head to look at Ji Xinyao who was following.

However, her face changed a lot from this look, "What are you doing?"


I saw that Ji Xinyao exploded with unparalleled power, opened his hand directly at her, and the terrifying long-term business situation broke out, instantly covering Luo Jing.

On the other side, Okura Linglong's reaction was not slow, she gave a light scream, but when she was too late to rescue her, the whole person turned into a ray of light and retreated to one side.

He stopped a few miles away, his voice was extremely cold and stern, "Ji Xinyao, who the **** are you? You even acted on the people next to him while Emperor Xiao Qing was away, even this girl would you dare to move?"

It was not that she didn't want to save Luo Jing, but Ji Xinyao acted too suddenly and too fast, and immediately calmed Luo Jing. Even if Okura Linglong's strength was high, she could not save Luo Jing at this moment.

Ji Xinyao looked at Okura Linglong in surprise, "The strength is good, although he has not stepped into the longevity state, he has the power of the ordinary longevity state."

"However, you didn't run away just now, which is the biggest mistake. In front of this girl, you are not qualified to leave."


At this moment, Ji Xinyao's whole person changed, and the mighty Shengwei erupted from her body, and at the same time, a golden flame rose up all over her body, turning into a fire-bath phoenix hovering above her head.

The breath of the longevity realm diffused.

There was a loud crackling sound in the body, making her power stronger and stronger.

Obviously, at this moment, Ji Xinyao unlocked all the seals in his body.

"come on."

She waved, the slender jade hand was burning with the golden phoenix fire, penetrating the void, and appeared directly in front of Okura Linglong, just like that, grabbing towards Okura Linglong.

"court death."

Okura Linglong smiled furiously, "If this girl hadn't been backed into one, she might still be afraid of you, but I'm already united in the soul, how could it not be your opponent?"

"Drive me."

Accompanied by a scream, a thin sword appeared in her hand, just like that, cutting down towards Ji Xinyao.

"It's useless."

On top of Ji Xinyao's head, the golden phoenix vibrated, the unparalleled majesty erupted, and the mighty breath spread out. With a light flick of the slender jade finger, he directly flew out the delicate sword of Okura.

Then, he directly grabbed Okura Linglong and sealed her up.


Okura Linglong was stunned, "You are so amazing?"

"It's definitely the existence of the second realm of the longevity realm, so why do you usually pretend to be an ordinary soul state?"

With that said, the girl didn’t wait for Ji Xinyao’s response, she began to cry with uncomfortable expression, “This is not fair, why is he also Jiujiuyiyi, and I am Jiujiuyiyi, he can fight my grandfather’s waiting. The existence of the second stage of the longevity stage, and me, why can't even you stop it?"

"Woo, Xiao Qingdi, you must have left this girl a hand, you are too much."

This girl, being held by Ji Xinyao, was not worried about her life, but was crying like this, with a sad and angry face, and only felt that she had been pitted by Emperor Xiao Qing.

Luo Jing on one side was speechless, "Linglong, Brother Xiao is not here, should you first think about how to get out of trouble?"

Although she was caught by Ji Xinyao, her face was extremely calm, "Ji Xinyao, you and Xiao Brother did not even know him for a shorter time than me. You should be very clear about his character unless you are really strong enough to suppress him. , Otherwise, if you attack us while he is away, you know what the consequences will be."

"If you want to deal with us to threaten Big Brother Xiao, it proves that although your strength is strong, you are not sure to deal with Big Brother Xiao."

"In this case, I advise you to let us go. This matter, I can treat it as not happening."

"Otherwise, after Big Brother Xiao comes back, you will be very dangerous."

Although Luo Jing looks very delicate, like the little sister next door, she has not experienced a lot. At this moment, she is not angry and yelling, nor is she afraid of tears, but calmly looks at Ji Xinyao.

Ji Xinyao looked at Luo Jing with a smile, "Unexpectedly, it's not easy for your girl to be so calm."

"But, do you really think that since I started, I will stop because of your few words?"

She gently squeezed Luo Jing's handsome and unparalleled face, and said warmly, "Don't worry, I won't hurt you, I'm just using you to exchange something with Emperor Xiao Qing."


When the voice fell, there was a sudden roar from the rear, but Li Yuanji and Fang Yuxue broke out unmatched attacks, the ice and fire merged, and at the same time, they killed Ji Xinyao.

"Ji Xinyao, the emperor has already seen that you have a bad heart, and you really showed your fangs."

Li Yuanji's expression was cold, her slender jade hand was capable of martial arts, and the golden fire phoenix had also risen into the sky and slew towards Ji Xinyao.

Fang Yuxue was full of frost all over the sky, and the whole person was like a goddess of ice. With a pointer, the infinite ice fell, and he wanted to freeze the fire-bathing phoenix on top of Ji Xinyao's head.

"It's useless."

Ji Xinyao's face was extremely calm, and her slender hand wiped away, as if wiping off something, so that no matter it was Li Yuanji or Fang Yuxue, all the visions they had erupted completely disappeared.

Then, Ji Xinyao waved his hand, and a golden light flew out, directly binding the two women.

"I know that Emperor Xiao Qing may leave some sword aura defenses on your body, but that will only erupt when you encounter a life and death crisis. I will not kill you, nor will I kill you, don't worry."

She looked at the two women with a smile, "Your strength is not weak, but unfortunately, against me, you can't be an opponent."

"Stay obediently. After I control everyone on the island, Emperor Xiao Qing should almost come back. Then, you will be free."

She smiled, stroked her hair, showing a charming smile, "Goodbye, don't move, you know? Otherwise, there will be problems."

"You'd better stay still, otherwise, there will be more problems." However, as soon as her voice fell, she heard a cold voice coming from behind.

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