The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1801: Why wait for the future?

"You better stay still, otherwise, bigger problems will arise."

When Ji Xinyao happily imprisoned Li Yuanji and Fang Yuxue, he heard a cold voice from behind her.


Her expression changed and she suddenly turned around.

Seeing, Xiao Wu stood with a cold expression, looking at Ji Xinyao with disappointment, "You, after all, can't help it."

"Do you think you can deal with me?"

Ji Xinyao frowned and looked at Xiao Wu.

There was a faint light on her face. She was naturally no stranger to Xiao Wu. When she first saw Emperor Xiao Qing, Xiao Qing followed him.

No matter how weak Xiao Wu's cultivation base was, as a woman who followed Xiao Qingdi all the year round, she did not dare to underestimate it.

"I can't help you, but someone can deal with you."

Xiao Wu's expression is still very cold, just standing in front of Ji Xinyao so casually, not worrying that Ji Xinyao will do anything to him.

"Who is it?" Ji Xinyao frowned. Based on her feelings, she didn't think there was any powerful presence on this island that could threaten her.

"Want to frame me?"

She looked at Xiao Wu with a smile, "Emperor Xiao Qing's people are all extraordinary. Although the cultivation base is weak, it is indeed very difficult for me to be so calm in the face."

"However, if you think that this will delay time, you are quite wrong."

She carried her hands on her back, with a calm expression on her face, but a golden rope flew out of her body and entangled towards Xiao Wu.

"These are the many immortal ropes that I have specially prepared for this day. Each of them is very powerful. Although it does not have any lethality, it can bind you without causing the sword energy of Emperor Xiao Qing in your body. ."

Although she is not afraid of Emperor Xiao Qing and feels that with her strength, even if the deity of Emperor Xiao Qing comes, she does not have to worry, but she does not want to easily confront Emperor Xiao Qing.


Just when her face showed arrogance, suddenly, in the void above her head, accompanied by a roar of a beast, the golden celestial rope tied into the air before it even touched Xiao Wu.


Not only that, even the immortal cords on the women who were **** with the immortal cords around Ji Xinyao broke directly.


Ji Xinyao's face changed drastically, she suddenly raised her head and looked over her head, only to see a pair of big **** eyes emerging from the void, just looking at her with a teasing smile.

How could she not understand that this kind of look was exactly the kind of disdainful and teasing look she used to look at the ants weaker than her.


Ji Xinyao's arrival in Dragon King Island is not short, and even Sibuxiang once appeared incarnate, but that was all when Ji Xinyao did not pay attention.

Otherwise, she wouldn't be so confident and calm to start after Emperor Xiao Qing left the world.

"The strength of this strange beast is too strong."

A terrible and overwhelming coercion was placed on Ji Xinyao's head, making her forehead sweat and her whole body trembling.

Above his head, the golden phoenix that was spreading its wings was directly crushed by this breath at this moment, leaving only a plume of soot rising.

"At least it is a strong person in the third stage of the longevity realm. It's terrible."

Ji Xinyao's heart trembled, only to feel that the whole person was about to collapse.

This force is definitely not what she can compare.

The strength is terrifying and vast.

All of her self-confidence in herself was wiped out at once, leaving nothing but fear and helplessness.

"Emperor Xiao Qing..."

She gritted her teeth, almost squeezing these three words out between her teeth, her mouth full of bitterness, and she wanted to cry.

Finally, after waiting for this opportunity, it was even more difficult before he made up his mind to turn his face with Emperor Xiao Qing. As a result, it was over just as soon as he was proud of it.

"Catch it by yourself, or please do it like the predecessors?"

Xiao Wu carried his hands on his back and said in a calm tone, "Ji Xinyao, you disappoint the prince, but I think it is good for you to have an early attack at this time. After all, the current situation has not yet reached a very serious time, if you Wait until the prince faces other powerful enemies, then I will be even more disappointed."

"Moreover, you have no intention of killing us. You just want to imprison us and negotiate terms with the prince. This allows your life to be saved."

Xiao Wu talked eloquently, pointing to the right and wrong of Ji Xinyao's actions, but it made Ji Xinyao's face extremely ugly.

It's a shame.

The real face is dull.

It's nothing more than failure, and even being so straightforwardly commented right or wrong, just like a primary school student, just ask, what is more humiliating than this in this world?


A cold light flashed in Ji Xinyao's eyes, "Don't think that you will win this way, I haven't failed."


Just as she was about to explode, in the sky, Sichan burst out of unmatched power, directly crushing it down.

In an instant, Ji Xinyao trembled all over, his face flushed, and the power that had been brewing almost killed her whole body.

But at this moment, she was evil coming from her heart, ready to use her hands to capture Xiaowu and the others to threaten Sidonian. Unexpectedly, Sidonian was faster than her. In an instant, she was completely suppressed.

As a result, the power she had brewed was almost backlashed.

"You are too weak."

Xiao Wu looked at Ji Xinyao and shook his head, "The weak, you can't struggle, obediently wait for the prince to come back and send you back."

"Shut up for me."

Ji Xinyao was angry, no matter how weak she was, she was still a strong person in the longevity stage, even if it was not the deity, it was not something ordinary people could deal with.

However, Xiao Wu, even the weak who didn't even cohesive in Changshengqiao, dare to say that she was weak.

It is simply intolerable.

"How can you be qualified to judge me like this for someone who can't reach the Ninth Heaven Realm?"

"I am..."

Ji Xinyao almost revealed her true identity, but stopped at the last moment.

With an icy color on her face, she gave a cold snort and stopped talking.

However, she did not give up struggling, but kept brewing the strength in her body, making her a powerful breath looming all over her body. Although it was only the first stage of the longevity stage, there was a faint tendency to reach the second stage.

"who are you?"

Xiao Wu and the others all looked at Ji Xinyao in surprise, especially Li Yuanji, and looked at each other thoughtfully, "Your identity is by no means simple, and you want the emperor on the prince to prove that, There are actually other emperor species in you."

"After the prince comes back, it will be impossible if you don't say it."

As soon as Li Yuanji finished speaking, Ji Xinyao sneered, "Do you think I will let Xiao Qing emperor know everything about me for the sake of a mere incarnation?"

"What? Avatar?"

Everyone looked surprised.

On the top of the head, the voice of the four differents also came over, "It is indeed an incarnation, but the strength of the body is not very good, at most it is the third stage of the longevity stage."


Ji Xinyao almost exploded with anger.

The third stage of the longevity realm, but in the eyes of this big guy has become a weak one?

"Big guy, if you let me go now, you still have a way to survive. If you press on me like this, this girl will blew herself up and dragged the entire Dragon King Island hundreds of thousands to die with me. I don't believe it, you even I can stop it from exploding."

While Ji Xinyao threatened, there was an aura of destruction looming in his body.

This breath was so terrifying, even the two big blood-colored eyes that were not alike showed a solemn color.

It can prevent Ji Xinyao from hurting people, but it is more difficult to prevent Ji Xinyao from exploding.

"Let her go."

A ray of spiritual thought was passed on to Xiao Wu, causing Xiao Wu's face to change slightly, and he could only speak, "You go."

"Okay, tell Emperor Xiao Qing, this time, this girl loses, it doesn't mean that she will lose in the future. The emperor breed on him will be kept waiting for me to come back."

Ji Xinyao was very surprised, leaving a cruel word, and directly turned and flew towards the outside of Dragon King Island.

"You don't have to be later, just today."

However, at this time, there was a calm voice, which made her face suddenly change.

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