The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1913: perish together!

"This kid is crazy. At this time, crossing the robbery is obviously looking for death."

"His contribution to my human race, to the entire starry sky, will be unprecedented in history."

"After this time, it will take at least a million years for the first blood emperor to erode the entire cosmic starry sky again, thereby proving Dao to become a true god."

"Emperor Xiao Qing, little friend, I admire you!"

Although the dean of Tiandao Academy and Little Sage Emperor were in tattered bodies, their souls were about to shatter, and they just barely supported themselves from falling.

Even if the injury was so serious, their eyes looked at Xiao Qingdi with gratitude.

They knew very well that Emperor Xiao Qing chose to cross the calamity at this time to block the first blood emperor's path to becoming a god, and at the same time, if he was punished by the heavens, even if the strength of Emperor Xiao Qing was strong, he would definitely die.

Moreover, this is not the slightest possibility of rebirth, it is true that it will be completely annihilated and disappear in the long river of time and space.

The price paid by Emperor Xiao Qing was too great.

Bai Yi Susu's eyes were worried, and she whispered, "Why are you so stupid? If you do this, you will have no future."

At this moment, all the battles stopped, and the two blood emperors who were fighting against the blood prince also looked dull, but Luo Xia and Xue Yan took this opportunity to swallow the blood emperor together.

However, all this is left unattended.

Everyone looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with a dull expression, but they themselves did not dare to explode a powerful force.

Because, facing the calamity of the heavens, whoever dares to burst out power is equivalent to provoking the might of the heavens. When the time comes, they will be directly included in the scope of the heavens.

"Damn bastard."

The first blood emperor was so angry that he was trembling all over, but he was helpless, and even had to take back the blood clan's true body, turning it into a handsome young man.

He just stood in the starry sky, looking at Emperor Xiao Qing with a look of grief, "Even if the catastrophe can't kill you, this emperor will let you never exceed life."

"Don't worry, this king will let you stay with me."

At this time, accompanied by a voice with a smile, Xiao Qing emperor's gaze came over, with a smile on his face.

"what are you doing?"

The expression of the first blood emperor changed drastically, and there was a bad feeling in his heart.

"Be with you."

Emperor Xiao Qing laughed, his figure rose directly into the sky, and the whole person directly began to shrink in mid-air, becoming a normal person, with the emperor armor covering the whole body.

Then, he stepped out one step at a time, and instantly appeared beside the first blood emperor.


The first blood emperor's face changed, "You bastard."

He was ready to flee.

However, what shocked his mind was that in the face of Heavenly Tribulation, Emperor Xiao Qing didn't even show the slightest panic, and even directly held the Sacred Emperor Sword at him.

"Don't want to go, or you will die faster."

Slashed with a sword, the First Blood Emperor had to burst out resistance.

In this way, he obviously sensed that he was locked in by the breath of the heavenly tribulation, and a terrifying force descended on him. This was the heavenly tribulation and the power of heaven's punishment.

"You lunatic."

At this moment, the First Blood Emperor was furious.

Emperor Xiao Qing laughed loudly, and when he started fighting, he threw the Holy Emperor Sword directly. The divine sword turned into a nine-color dragon and walked around him. At the same time, his five fingers were spread out, and his sword was in a spirited direction. The first blood emperor blasted over.

The First Blood Emperor trembled, and while trying his best to resist the attack of Emperor Xiao Qing, he wanted to stay away from Emperor Xiao Qing.

However, it was useless. Emperor Xiao Qing didn't care about the tribulation above his head, but directly fought against the First Blood Emperor.

"You are looking for death." The First Blood Emperor was angry.

He suddenly grabbed Xiao Qingdi with one hand, and immediately, the entire starry sky was under his control. In the shocked eyes of everyone, he directly turned into a big hand and grabbed Xiao Qingdi like this.

"Mastering the starry sky, is it so terrible already?"

The dean of Tiandao Academy and Little Sage Emperor both looked terrified.

If the two of them were in the position of Emperor Xiao Qing, facing this attack, they might not be able to resist, and they would be pinched to death by the First Blood Emperor.


At this moment, the Heavenly Tribulation on the top of Xiao Qingdi's head broke out, and a thick and strong thunder roared directly at him.

Just at this time, it was the move of the First Blood Emperor, when the big hand that controlled the starry sky turned towards Emperor Xiao Qing.

It was a coincidence that Emperor Xiao Qing was caught without the slightest resistance, and this big hand that was originally intended to squeeze Emperor Xiao Qing to death turned out to be a power to protect Emperor Xiao Qing.

Amidst the roar, Thunder slammed into this big hand.

Both burst into pieces at the same time.

The Emperor Xiao Qing was surrounded by the nine-color dragon, walked out neatly, and solemnly bowed his hand in the direction of the first blood emperor, "You are too polite to help this king block the first thunder."


The First Blood Emperor was furious, it was clear that he wanted to pinch Emperor Xiao Qing to death, but instead, he helped Emperor Xiao Qing.

Moreover, he also realized that after this blow, he was in big trouble.


Sure enough, a large shadow appeared above his head, and then, the sound of thunder roaring continuously came out.

The terrifying coercion completely locked him down.

At this moment, the first blood emperor faced the same heavenly punishment and thunder as Emperor Xiao Qing.

"Do not..."

He's crazy.

Originally, if there was no trouble from Emperor Xiao Qing, and with the preparations of the First Blood Emperor, if the progress went smoothly, he would have become the only true **** in this universe at this moment, and could already control the thunder of the entire universe.

However, because of Emperor Xiao Qing's reasons, not only could he not become a true god, but he even had to face the punishment of Heaven with Emperor Xiao Qing.

No one can stop the cosmic punishment, and there is no doubt that he will die.

"Damn it, you bastard, ahhhh..."

The First Blood Emperor roared, and suddenly blasted towards Emperor Xiao Qing with a punch.

The emperor Xiao Qing's figure flickered, and the whole person rushed towards the heavenly calamity above, and laughed and said, "First Blood Emperor, enjoy your thunder, hahaha."


This punch also followed Emperor Xiao Qing into the thunder.

"Asshole, you shame me again."

The First Blood Emperor realized that something was wrong, and took the initiative to attack Heavenly Punishment Thunder Tribulation. This was an even more terrifying provocation. Originally, he was only an auxiliary, but now it has become a frontal provocation of Heaven Tribulation.


Sure enough, the heavenly calamity above his head was angered by his punch. In an instant, the storm was surging, and the terrifying thunder changed from purple to black, and the power of destruction burst out.

Even the first blood emperor felt an aura of destruction from the black thunder.

"The trouble is big, the emperor is really going to be cheated to death by this kid."

"I am going forever, and I am expected to become the strongest true **** in this universe, to control the entire universe and become the lord of the world. How many arrogances of the human race can't help me. Today, I will be fooled by this kid."

"The emperor is not reconciled... boom boom boom."

The roar of the first blood emperor was soon covered by thunder.

In the blink of an eye, the cosmic starry sky with a radius of a million miles completely turned into a sea of ​​thunder.

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