The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1914: The most overbearing dragon king in the starry sky

"It's not good, he actually took the initiative to rush into the tribulation, this is asking for his own death."

The Dean of Tiandao Academy and the Little Sage Emperor sighed. They didn't move. They were even broken up due to their severe injuries. Within a short period of time, as long as they didn't run energy specifically, they looked like ordinary people. , Don’t worry about being locked in by the catastrophe.

"In order to pull the first blood emperor into the water, he really did it."

After the little holy emperor was silent for a long time, he sighed, "From then on, there will be no Emperor Xiao Qing in the world."

"A generation of sword emperors, young, with terrifying power, is the supreme hero of my human race, so he was destroyed by heaven's punishment. All the strong men of the entire starry sky and ten thousand races should erect a monument of longevity for him."

The dean of Tiandao Academy also sighed, "This is really the biggest loss of my human race."

On the other side, the three blood emperors, Blood Prince, Luo Xia, and Xueyan stood together. They raised their heads and looked at Lei Jie, with a look of horror in their eyes.

"The master will be fine."

Xue Yan whispered.

"I also believe that Brother Xiao will be fine. He never does things that are uncertain." Luo Xia's words seemed to comfort himself.

The blood prince suddenly laughed, "Do you know why I have the fifteenth channel?"

Before the two could answer, he said, "Is it because of my own good fortune? No, no, it is the nine drops of blood of Emperor Xiao Qing. His blood is sacred and surpasses everything."

"He will never be knocked down."

Looking up at the Thunder Tribulation that turned into a sea of ​​thunder, the blood prince's face showed expectation, "After he successfully crosses the Tribulation, how powerful he will be, it is really exciting."

"The three old guys once said that the little brother is born an emperor, and it is impossible for something to happen."

Similarly, Bai Yi Susu also raised his head and looked at Lei Tinghai, with infinite expectations.

Some people are worried, and naturally some are gloating.

At this moment, the bloodblade old man laughed, "You are going to be the last of the Three Kings Palace, saint, why don't you marry into my blood-devouring temple and become the wife of the lord, hahaha."

"Our lord, I have taken a fancy to you long ago."

"Don't worry, as long as you bring the entire Three Kings Hall into my blood-devouring temple, the hall master will welcome you very much and will definitely spoil you."

His loud laughter made everyone really notice his existence, "What is the blood-devouring temple?"

Even the Little Sage Emperor and the dean of Tiandao Academy, they both knew about the existence of the Three Kings Palace, but they had never heard of the Blood Devouring Temple.

"Blood Devouring Temple, Three Kings Palace..."

"These two forces are truly the oldest forces. It is said that it is very likely that they came to this world along with the Temple of Origin. They may be visitors from outside the sky."

At this moment, among the Protoss, a huge God King muttered to himself in a voice that only he could hear, "This kind of existence has never been born. Why did it suddenly appear during this time?"

"Quack, the legendary existence, you finally appeared."

At the same time, in the distant starry sky, in a place that was not affected by thunder robbery, a demon shadow appeared, "The deity has been waiting for too long."

"Unfortunately, the Nine Demons are not complete, otherwise, the body of the Nine Demons can also become the supreme existence."

The voice of this magical shadow is very soft, and it is invisible, and no one has discovered its existence.

Within the time of the thunder robbery, the old man holding the blood blade was proud of his face, looking at the silent Susu, hehe smiled and said, "Come on, your heir is gone anyway, you saint Women are useless, come to the Temple of Blood Devouring."


As soon as his words fell, within Thunder Sea, a Nine-Colored Sword Qi wrapped in Infinite Thunder suddenly tore and slashed out.

The target is this unabashed old man holding a blood blade.

The old man's complexion changed drastically, and his hands and feet burst out of power to block him. However, as soon as he raised his own power, he felt a destructive thunder tribulation locked him, causing his face to change drastically, and he was never again. Dare to increase strength.

Can only barely gather less than 30% of the strength to resist this sword.

However, even though his strength reached the fourth realm of longevity, 30% of his strength was not terrifying, and he couldn't stop this sword at all.

In an instant, the whole person was cut in half, and blood was spilled into the starry sky.

"If you dare to say more, I will kill you."

A cold voice came from within Thunder Sea.

It was Emperor Xiao Qing.

"Emperor Xiao Qing!"

The old man's body healed together, gritting his teeth.

He was shocked.

With such a terrifying power of thunder, even if a powerhouse of his level enters it, I am afraid it will not be the slightest bit of comfort.

However, Emperor Xiao Qing has not yet been destroyed.

"Little brother."

Knowing that Emperor Xiao Qing was crying with joy for Bai Yisu who vented himself.

"Sister Shenxian don't worry, Lei Jie is just a mere trivial matter, and I can't help me."

Emperor Xiao Qing's voice reached Susu's ears, making her pretty face look happy.

And after the old man holding the blood blade recovered, his face was incredulous, "Damn it, is this kid really so powerful? Is he sure he can survive the punishment?"

"No, it's impossible."

He shook his head, "Heaven's punishment will only get stronger and stronger, and it will never end. As long as he is still alive, it is impossible to stop, unless he is completely destroyed."

"This kid, even if he can hold it now, he will undoubtedly die later."

He sneered, looking at Susu with expectation in his eyes, and said with a sneer, "The saint of the Three Kings Palace, wait, you should be desperate after he is destroyed by the punishment of heaven."


As soon as his voice fell, the sea of ​​thunder shook, and a nine-colored sword light, surrounded by the infinite thunder, suddenly slew towards him.

"Boy, dare to do it?"

The old man yelled incredibly and jumped up as if he had been stepped on his tail.

He still didn't dare to use such a powerful force, he could only keep avoiding.

I thought that this sword light was just a sword aura, as long as I could avoid it, I didn't have to worry anymore.

However, what he didn't expect was that this was clearly not a sword aura, but a divine sword.

At this moment, within the boundless sea of ​​thunder, Emperor Xiao Qing's figure was bathed in thunder, and everyone could vaguely see that his looming body was constantly being bombarded and killed by various thunders.

In the face of such a terrifying thunder, Emperor Xiao Qing still had enough power to control the Holy Emperor Sword to kill this old man.

"If you don't listen to the king's warning, then you can die."

Emperor Xiao Qing's voice was extremely domineering.


Facing this old man who didn't dare to use too much power, it was easy to slay this guy with a sword across a long distance.

Nine-color sword light swept across the void, splitting him again in the horrified gaze of the old man.

"Junior, even if the deity is dead, it won't make you feel better."

From the body that was split in half, there was a roar of anger from the old man.

"You have no chance."

Emperor Xiao Qing's voice sounded again, and the holy emperor sword strangled suddenly on the spot, bursting out a force of destruction and plunder, directly destroying the old man's body and soul.

At the same time, he also plundered all his power into the Holy Emperor Sword.

Sword light flew across the sky, holding a long sword light, making everyone quiet.

"In the face of the Heaven's Punishment and Thunder Tribulation, you can kill the invincible powerhouse in the fourth stage of the longevity at will. Under the stars, only the Dragon King."

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