The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1917: The first person in history

"The King of God is not reconciled..."

"Why, you can hold on for so long under the Heaven's Punishment and Thunder Tribulation? No..."

"My injury can't hold it..."

Bang bang bang!

Time, a little bit passed.

The most injured gods and demons couldn't hold it for the first time, but at the last moment, they exploded directly and insidiously.

The violent power directly drew Tianxuan Thunder to notice this. At this moment, the surrounding gods and demons who had to use their strength to resist this self-preserving force were all crazy.


"If I die, I'll die, so I have to wait for me to be on the road together, **** it."


Next, these guys were also not immune, and they were all overwhelmed by the Thunder.

One by one, they did their best to resist the bombardment of Tianpu Thunder.

At this moment, Xiao Qingdi Xiaoshenghuang and the dean of Tiandao Academy were shocked, "These guys are really ruthless, fortunately we are far away from them, otherwise, we are probably dead too."

It was too ruthless. A group of gods and demons who reported to the group to keep warm, when they were about to die, directly blew themselves up, dragging others into the water as well.

Little Sage Emperor and the Dean and Senior Brothers of Tiandao Academy sighed, suddenly thought of something, and stared at each other at the same time.

"Junior Brother, when I was young, Master asked me to teach you your practice, but I pretended to teach you that you wouldn't hold a grudge?" The dean of Tiandao Academy looked at the little holy emperor warily.

"Wow, you, I said, I did not practice wrong at the time, but you kept saying wrong, I retort, you still beat me? So you did it on purpose." Little Saint Emperor's face changed.


It seems that he accidentally told the bad things he had done.

At this moment, the dean of Tiandao Academy had no choice but to cough a few times, "Little Junior Brother, I remembered wrong..."

"It's okay, it's okay, anyway, I made you carry a lot of pot back then." Little Saint Emperor waved his hand with a big belly.

"When?" The dean of Tiandao Academy's expression changed.

"Why are you talking about so much now? You don't think that you can't stand it, and you have to deal with me?" Little Saint Emperor stared at his senior in doubt.

"how could be."

The dean of Tiandao Academy laughed a few times, "No matter who of us died first, at least one of us must be alive to pass on the master's inheritance."

"That's true."

Little Saint Emperor was relieved.

They still watched the excitement, and when they saw the gods and demons were all killed by thunder, they were silent.

Not gloating, but with a sad color.

Perhaps, it will not be long before it will be their turn.

Looking up at Emperor Xiao Qing in the thunder, the little holy emperor couldn't help shouting, "Little friend, how long can you last? Can you take the punishment to stay away? Brother and I can't hold it anymore."

"You can't hold it, what are you doing with this king?" Xiao Qing emperor came over with a surprised voice.

"We dare not move, for fear that if we move, we will be affected by the punishment of heaven." Little Saint Emperor said helplessly.

"It's okay, although you are healing, Heaven Punishment won't hurt you anymore." Xiao Qingdi's calm voice came.


At this moment, the Little Sage Emperor and the Dean of Tiandao Academy were stunned at the same time, "Impossible, it is definitely this kid who deliberately lied to us and wanted us to ‘live and die’ with him."

"This kid is so insidious that even us won't let it go."

The two of them didn't believe it, and never talked to Emperor Xiao Qing any more, but kept going.

They didn't believe that Emperor Xiao Qing could last longer than them, and even after the two carefully took out the holy medicine for healing, swallowed it, added a little bit of vitality, and continued to wait.

Time, a little bit passed.

These two already felt that they could not hold on any longer. They could not even stand firmly in the void. Instead, they found a starry sky meteorite and sat down, looking sadly at Heaven's Punishment and Thunder Tribulation, "Why, why is it not over yet? ..."


"We are going to be killed by this kid too."

The two couldn't believe that all this turned out to be true.

They are the disciples and sons of Holy Emperor Xuanyuan. They have cultivated for endless years and have reached the fourth stage of longevity, and they are the top powerhouses of the human race.

However, he could not survive Emperor Xiao Qing.

"Laughable, sigh, sad..."

They sighed, only to feel that the two of them whose eyes were getting blurred, their vitality was fading, they couldn't hold it anymore, even their eyes couldn't see anything.

"Two, don't die here if you want to die. Wouldn't it be better to find a place to stop yourself?"

The surprised voice of Emperor Xiao Qing, who was cultivating in the thunder robbery, came out, "I have told you to heal your wounds, but you are not willing to stay until you kill yourself, why bother, sigh..."

At the same time as the voice fell, a strong vitality passed through the air into the bodies of the two powerhouses.

As a result, the two powerhouses who had already exhausted their vitality and were about to die have recovered a lot. They looked at Emperor Xiao Qing in shock, "You..."

"Since I said that, Lei Jie won't hurt you, so why don't you just believe it."

At this time, Bai Yi Susu walked over in the air, and all the surrounding thunder took the initiative to spread a path for her, making her unable to reach any thunder.

She looked at the two in surprise, "Or, you two really can't figure it out and want to commit suicide?"

"But if you want to die, don't die here, don't rely on my little brother then."

The appearance of her frowning is really beautiful, but the little Sage Emperor and the dean of the Tiandao Academy are no longer in the slightest mood to see Susu's beauty.

But, completely stunned.

Su Su told them with actions that Emperor Xiao Qing did not deceive them.

And the two of them, because they suspected that Emperor Xiao Qing was lying to them, as a result, they never dared to move and did not dare to heal themselves, so that their lives were dying, if it were not for the lives passed by Emperor Xiao Qing. Power, they are probably already dead.


The two of them flushed and felt ashamed to see people.

Don't hesitate in the slightest, hurriedly sat cross-legged, burst out the strongest force, plundered the starry sky and regained the cultivation base.

Seeing the appearance of these two people, everyone was speechless. These two were really looking for a dead end. Fortunately, Emperor Xiao Qing helped them, otherwise, they would be dead.


At this moment, in the starry sky, the infinite thunder began to shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, the Thunder Sea, which originally covered millions of miles, was completely submerged into Emperor Xiao Qing's body.

No, it should have entered the primordial heaven and earth in Emperor Xiao Qing's body.

After being tempered by thunder, his primordial spirit world has become only tens of miles wide, but the aura that bursts out is even more terrifying.

Emperor Xiao Qing stood in the air with his hands on his back, with a gentle smile on his face, making everyone stunned.

"God's punishment, just get through it!"

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