The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1918: See you in three months

In the starry sky, all the thunders disappeared.

Everyone had a dull look on their faces, even the little Sage Emperor and the dean of Tiandao Academy who were healing were shocked.

Heaven's punishment is extremely terrifying, and since the existence of living creatures in this universe, no one can survive it.

However, today, they witnessed that a natural punishment was passed by Emperor Xiao Qing.

He raised his head and looked at the stars above his head.

At this moment, Emperor Xiao Qing's clothes were fluttering, his whole body aura was flying, and a strong long-term business environment spread out. Obviously, after passing the thunder and punishment, it was equivalent to Emperor Xiao Qing officially becoming an immortal.

However, when looking at the Yuanshen Tiandi on the top of Emperor Xiao Qing's head, the dean of Tiandao Academy and Little Sage Emperor were a bit at a loss.

"He is a world of primordial spirits. He doesn't even have a longevity bridge or a sea of ​​suffering. How can he become a longevity state?"

"This is not in line with common sense?"

These two are the invincible powerhouses in the fourth stage of the human race's longevity, they find it too incredible.

At this moment, although the Yuanshen Heaven and Earth above Xiao Qing's head had shrunk to only a few hundred thousand meters in size, it looked like a real world.

Of course, the power of punishment that day was still bombarding it, causing the scope of the soul of the soul to begin to expand.

Emperor Xiao Qing did not have the Changsheng Bridge.

The bitter sea after crossing the Changsheng Bridge?

Nor did he.

However, his long-term business environment is stronger than anyone else.

Even the strong of the fourth stage of longevity can't compare with Emperor Xiao Qing.

Of course, at present, it is only compared with the long-term business stage. If it is compared with strength, no one knows what level Xiao Qing's current strength has reached.

"Brother, congratulations, for successfully passing the longevity and the punishment."

Bai Yi Susu looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with joy on his face.

"Sister Shenxian."

As soon as he saw Susu, Xiao Qingdi's original aura like an immortal disappeared without a trace at this moment. He was like a child with a happy expression on his face.

"Little guy, I haven't seen each other for a few years, and he has grown to such a level. In the future, my sister will not be your opponent."

Susu looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with emotion in her heart. More than ten years ago, Emperor Xiao Qing was just a young man dying in the sea. Now, ten years later, he has grown into the top of the stars.

This good fortune is really amazing.

"Sister, I miss you so much." Xiao Qingdi whispered, "Why don't you want to see me, you were clearly teaching the younger sister at the time."

"At that time, we had not yet met, and at that time I was just an incarnation. At that time, my body was still dealing with powerful enemies and could not be distracted. I would leave the world without seeing you." Su said.

"Sister, come back with me." Xiao Qingdi quickly said.

"I still have something to go back and deal with first, and the same is true for you. After you go back and deal with worldly matters first, activate the Dragon King Order, and you can know where the Three Kings Palace is. Then, it will be when you, the king, really takes office. Arrived."

Bai Yi Susu shook his head, and at the same time stretched out his hand to rub Xiao Qingdi's head, "Brother, you have grown up, so good."

"Sister, I have a lot to tell you..."

Before Xiao Qing's words were finished, she was stopped by Sister Susu.

She shook her head and said, "It's not the time to renew the past. I must leave immediately. Remember, you have three months. After three months, you must come to help me."

"As for the magic caves on Origin Star, it is not difficult to block them. With your power, you can refine the entire Origin Star, and after you control the rules of the Origin Star, you can reverse everything. Then, the Origin Star will be there for you. Under your control, who can enter the source star and who can't enter the source star is up to you."

"Brother, three months later, come and help me..."

After Bai Yi Susu's voice fell, her figure began to fade away, and all of them disappeared in front of Emperor Xiao Qing.

"The saint of the Three Kings Palace, you turned out to be the king of the generation of the Three Kings Palace. No wonder your growth rate is so amazing."

The dean of Tiandao Academy and Little Sage Emperor looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with astonishment on their faces at the same time.

At this moment, they had a very good explanation for the growth rate of Emperor Xiao Qing.

The Temple of the Three Kings, a very mysterious temple, powerful and incredible.

Even the Xuanyuan Holy Emperor back then respected him very much.

Emperor Xiao Qing, as the built-in king trainer of the Three Kings Palace, naturally cultivated so fast that it was scary. All of this was very normal.

"Two, please keep it secret."

Emperor Xiao Qing smiled slightly and looked at the two seriously injured, "With your injuries, I am afraid that it will not be healed in the short term."

As soon as these words came out, the dean of Tiandao Academy and the little Sage Emperor both showed sadness on their faces, "Yes, such an injury will really not get better in a short time. I am afraid it will take a year or two."

"Next, I can only ask the little friends to take care of the Genstar matter."

At the moment these two powerhouses are also very helpless.

They can be said to be the strongest people in the human race. As the descendants and descendants of the Xuanyuan Holy Emperor, they have always taken the safety of the human race as their responsibility.

Now it is the critical moment when the tunnel of the demon cave is about to be opened, and the powers of the gods and demons enter the source star.

Fortunately, Emperor Xiao Qing is here.


The Dean of Tiandao Academy and the Little Sage Emperor bowed and bowed to Emperor Xiao Qing at the same time, and then the two turned into two rays of light and disappeared.

They must find a place to retreat and heal their injuries immediately, otherwise, they will be ruined for ten thousand years of hard work.

"These two guys..."

Along with a nine-color light rushing over, all four feet appeared on Xiao Qingdi's shoulders. At this moment, the little guy's spirit reached its peak, and his body was extremely strong and powerful.

It looked towards the direction where the Little Sage Emperor and the Dean of Tiandao Academy had left, with disdain, "These two guys are still brothers. As a result, the two have their own minds, and they are even afraid of being killed by the other."

"Human hearts are like this. At the moment of life and death, it is difficult to truly trust a person."

The blood prince walked over with Luo Xia and Xue Yan. With smiles on their faces, they bowed and bowed to Emperor Xiao Qing, "Thank you, Lord (Master)."

"Between us, what are you polite?"

Emperor Xiao Qing smiled softly and looked at the three of them, "From now on, the big blood clan, only you three are the real supreme blood emperors, but the blood clan world has also been destroyed. I don’t know what you will do next. do?"

"I want to call on all the blood races in the starry sky to gather them together and manage them all."

Xueyan respectfully said, "Master, the potential of the blood race is still great. If it can be unified, it can add some strength to you."

"Forget it, I'll stay on Dragon King Island for retirement." The Blood Prince said with a leisurely smile.

"Me too." Luo Xia said with a smile, "I can't be considered a person of the blood race."

"So, Xue Yan handles it himself."

Emperor Xiao Qing nodded, with his current strength, a blood clan powerhouse in the blood clan world is no longer in his eyes, but it is a good thing for Xue Yan to gather it up.

"It is possible to **** the place where the original Star Thief was located and use it as the base of the blood race." Xiao Qing said.

This time, before heading to the blood clan, the place where the starry sky robbers met on the road was an easy to defend and hard to attack. Emperor Xiao Qing wanted to destroy those starry sky robbers, but now it can be considered as a place for the blood clan to settle. Family.


Xueyan respectfully worshipped.

"Since it's okay, let's go back separately. If Xueyan has anything to do, I will find this king."

Emperor Xiao Qing beckoned at will, and his figure walked directly into the void. Suddenly, the void collapsed, and a channel appeared in front of him.

He strode in and headed towards the source star.

This time it took a long time to come out, and I don’t know how everything is going on on Origin Star?

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