The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1925: Refining Origin Star


The infinite nine-color light completely covered the entire aqua-blue star, and the raging nine-color flames turned into pieces of runes and continuously imprinted on the stars.

The stars were trembling, as if they wanted to resist this branding force, but they couldn't stop it at all.

The terrifying nine-color energy is really terrible.

No one knows what level of strength Xiao Qing emperor has after passing through the thunder tribulation, not even the dean of the Tiandao Academy and the little holy emperor.

However, what the two of them can know is that Emperor Xiao Qing has grown to a level that they can't compare.

Not to mention, the big brother and big sister of Tiandao Academy are only the third realm of longevity.

The strength of these two people is not weak in the eyes of others, but in the eyes of Emperor Xiao Qing, they are like ants.

However, their vision is good, and they can still see that it is Emperor Xiao Qing who is refining the entire Origin Star!

Emperor Xiao Qing's nine-color runes were imprinted on this star, and the speed was so fast that in a blink of an eye, most of the entire star was imprinted, causing the entire Origin Star to vibrate.

At this moment, in the sacred place of the Origin Star Human Race, a powerful person is having a meeting, and a longevity person from the Longevity Alliance is sitting on top.

"Everyone, I am very sorry for the death of the Lord Lin Tian on behalf of the Longevity Alliance. As the Lord of the Longevity Alliance three generations ago, I entered the Holy Land of the Master Clan, and took charge of the Origin Star, temporarily assuming the role of the Lord."

A middle-aged man, with a strong long-term business environment circulating around him.

Wang Yi, the saint master of the human race before Hongwo and Bai Yin, was already a strong man in the second realm of longevity.

This time, the three holy masters Lin Tian, ​​Hongwo, and Bai Yin were destroyed one after another, and Wang Yi personally went to the human holy land to assume the position of the holy master.

"With you, we can rest assured."

"Holy Lord, our Origin Star, it seems that there are many more immortals now, and many people act unscrupulously and kill people at every turn. I don't know how to deal with it?"

Some people are excited, some people ask questions.

Wang Yi said in a deep voice, "Don't worry, everyone, this deity has already mentioned this matter with the Alliance of the Immortals, and there will be an agreement from the Alliance of the Immortals, so that all immortals of the human race who enter the source star must follow this agreement."

"From now on, there will be a deity guarding the Origin Star human race, and no one can care about Origin Star. You can be safe." Wang Yi's face showed a proud look.

All the people present here are only in the weak Yuanshen realm, in Wang Yi's eyes, they are like ants.

Although he is the Holy Lord, he likes to look at the worshiping eyes of everyone.

Sure enough, his voice fell, and everyone looked at him with admiration, which made him greatly satisfied.


However, at this moment, the Origin Star vibrated, a horrible energy covered it, and the Nine-Colored Light circulated, and one after another Nine-Colored Rune rushed into the Holy Land of the Human Race.

"this is..."

Wang Yi's expression changed drastically, he stood up suddenly, and looked into the depths of the Holy Land of Human Race, only to see a series of nine-color runes imprinted on the rules of heaven and earth that came from the Holy Land of Human Race.

"Someone is forcibly refining Origin Star, who is it?"

His face was horrified.

Dare to forcibly refine a star world like this, at least to reach the strength of the third realm of longevity, which is definitely not what he can compare.

"What, someone refining Origin Star, how should this be refined?"

"Genesis Star is a star, can it be refined?"

Everyone was shocked.

"These rules of heaven and earth were imprisoned by the holy emperor Xuanyuan, who created the holy land of the human race, and the barbaric emperor. The reason why the saint masters of the human race can master some of the rules of the world is because of their existence."

Wang Yi's expression was extremely solemn, "But now, someone directly refines the entire Origin Star, and then refines this part of the rules of heaven and earth."

He didn't say the rest, but everyone knew that after this part of the rules of heaven and earth were refined, what else could he do as the Holy Master?

There are no more privileges, and the Holy Lord has become just a fake position.


However, even if Wang Yi reached the second stage of longevity, it was useless. With the nine-color rune imprinted on the rules of heaven and earth, that small part of the rules of heaven and earth directly escaped into the void.

Wang Yi, the newly appointed Holy Lord, completely lost control of the rules of the human world.


He was completely stunned.

However, the next moment, a scene that made him even more desperate happened.

"The immortal in the outer starry sky should not have entered the source star. From today onwards, the source star is a forbidden place for all immortals outside the domain. Those who enter, die.

Accompanied by a dull voice, all the immortals felt a terrifying force acting on them, and directly threw them all out of the Origin Star.

That force was terrifying, and it was not something they could resist at all. It was just that the sky revolved in an instant, and when they reacted, it had already appeared in the starry sky beyond the source star.


At first, Wang Yi was still coming to the Holy Land of the Human Race, but now he found that he had appeared in the starry sky of the Origin Star, surrounded by densely packed immortals, making him stunned.

"Who is it? It actually refined the Origin Star, which human race was able to make the shot?"

"Refining Origin Star, no one has dared to do this since ancient times."


At this moment, the densely packed immortals all looked sluggish, looking at the aqua-blue planet in front of them, filled with nine-color light.

"Xiao... Qing... Emperor!"

Ji Xinyao was also among the crowd. After she stayed for a while, she gritted her teeth and squeezed the name of Emperor Xiao Qing from between her teeth.

Then, her figure suddenly flashed, and the whole person turned into a light and rushed towards the source star, "I don't believe it, this girl will not be able to enter the source star."


At the moment when the voice fell, with a crash sound, the figure of Ji Xinyao, the daughter of the ancient Xuanyuan Saint Emperor, suddenly hit a large swath of nine-color light.

She bounced back, covering her forehead, and shouted with a depressed face, "Emperor Xiao Qing, why don't you let me in, I also grew up on Origin Star."

"This girl is still the daughter of Holy Emperor Xuanyuan. If it weren't for my father and the wild emperor's credit back then, where did the current Origin Star come from? Your latecomer just picked up the bargain. Why don't you let me in?"

She was aggrieved.

Why, not to mention that the avatar grew up on the source star, her deity also grew up on the source star when he was a child, but was sealed up later.

Why can't I go home?

"This time it's just a warning. Next time, if anyone dares to force an intruder, he will kill him."

However, Emperor Xiao Qing ignored him, but a voice full of murderous intent came out, making everyone's expressions even more ugly.

They all understood that Origin Star had completely become a forbidden place for immortals.

No matter who they are, even if they are the immortals of the human race, they cannot enter it.

This completely sealed the entire Origin Star.

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