The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1926: Who dares not accept?

"I don't believe it, I won't be able to enter Origin Star."

"Emperor Xiao Qing, if it's really you, do you think you can do whatever you want with the power lent to you by Senior Sword Saint?"

"Rush in."

Several young people did not believe in evil and rushed directly to the source star.


The next moment, a sword groan suddenly sounded around Origin Star, and a bright sword light swept across, and the immortals who rushed towards Origin Star were directly cut into two.

Not only that, the sword light stirred, and directly shattered their bodies completely, and disappeared completely as well as the soul and true spirit.

The true form and spirit are destroyed!


All the onlookers were stunned.

"Emperor Xiao Qing, you really dare to kill people like this unscrupulously?"

Someone stood up and looked at Yuanxing tremblingly.

In fact, they didn't know if Emperor Xiao Qing had refined the entire Origin Star, but Ji Xinyao had already called Emperor Xiao Qing's name, and they naturally felt that Emperor Xiao Qing did it.

Even more, many people have never seen Emperor Xiao Qing before even looking at them, but have only heard of Emperor Xiao Qing's reputation.

"Do you dare to refine the Origin Star? I don't believe it. The Origin Star is so big that even the Xuanyuan Holy Emperor and the Wild Emperor didn't refine it, so you can refine the Origin Star?"

"He must have set up some formations here, so it's just a mystery."

Many people do not believe in evil, and fly around the source star, trying to find a place that is not shrouded by the nine-color light.

He didn't believe it anymore, Genesis, was it really refined?


Everyone didn't believe it, even Ji Xinyao, a strong man in the third realm of longevity, also felt that Emperor Xiao Qing could not really refine the entire Origin Star.

There is only one person who is very sure that Origin Star has been refined, and that is Wang Yi.

He stood in the crowd with a look of decay on his face, and shook his head helplessly, "Well, maybe this will be a very good result for the human race of Origin Star, at least, since the longevity of the human race cannot enter it, Then, it’s also impossible for the powerful gods and demons to enter the Demon Cave."

"In this way, Terran is safe."

Relying on being the former Holy Master, he felt very clearly that the entire Origin Star had been completely refined.

The source star nowadays is no longer the former unowned planet, but has become the big world of the stars of Emperor Xiao Qing.

"I only hope that the moment when the seal is lifted, Origin Star can surprise the Starry Sky Human Race."

Wang Yi whispered, he turned and left.

Do not believe in evil?

When others are killed, they will understand that the entire planet has indeed been refined. Who dares to come and die?

Unless you reach the fourth stage of longevity, and see if you can make a fortuitous break, whoever breaks will die.

There are also some people who rushed home quickly, wanting to find the strong in the family and tell them about the source star.

After all, the old rumors say that whoever masters the origin star can get the secret of the legendary origin. This time, their biggest goal in entering the origin star is to get the legendary myth.

Now that Origin Star is sealed, they can't enter it, how can they get all that?

"Someone wants to monopolize the secrets of Origin Star."

Many people with powerful forces behind them all know the myths and legends of Origin Star's origin, and they all leave quickly. Only some people do not believe in evil and fly around Origin Star, wanting to find a loophole to get in.

It is a pity that all of this is not feasible at all. After they flew around the Origin Star, they found that the entire Origin Star was covered by nine-color light, and there was no loophole at all.

"Really, covered?"

"Everyone, who dares to go for a break?"

Someone urged others, but everyone else kept shaking their heads. This was obviously looking for death.

The lessons learned from the previous few are still in sight, they don't want to rush to die.

Ji Xinyao was also dumbfounded. She raised her head and looked over. Then she couldn't help but shouted, "Emperor Xiao Qing, if you don't let me in, how can I help you seek out those eight thousand spiritual veins? How can I give it to you?"


When the voice fell, a nine-color light suddenly rushed out, directly curling her into the Origin Star.

"Emperor Xiao Qing, if you don't let me in, how can I ask for your eight thousand spiritual veins, and how can I give it to you?" Some people turned their eyes and shouted like Ji Xinyao.

In my heart, I was quite proud, "I don't think this seal still has a formula, hey, follow her, I can go in."


When the voice fell, a sword aura swept across, directly cutting him in half.

Fortunately, this sword did not completely kill him. With his strength as a human longevity, the physical healing was not too serious.

"How could this be..."

As a result, everyone looked dull and didn't dare to speak any more.

It's terrible.

What if everyone is unwilling?

Who dares to break through again?

"Wait, I believe that there will definitely be someone who can't help but fight in. I don't believe that he can really block the powerful people of my human race."

These people waited without believing in evil.

At this moment, within the Origin Star, in the void, the big brothers and big sisters of the Tiandao Academy looked at the scene in front of them, only feeling dumbfounded, and their hearts trembled.

"How could this be..."

They kept whispering, with an unbelievable look in their eyes.

In just such a short time, the entire Origin Star was so easily refined by Emperor Xiao Qing in front of them!

Moreover, Emperor Xiao Qing hadn't moved much, standing in front of them as if watching the excitement. This scene was like a god, even if they reached the third stage of longevity, they did not dare to imagine how Emperor Xiao Qing did it.

"Now, does this king have the right to collect spiritual veins?"

With a gentle look on Xiao Qingdi's face, he looked at Big Brother and Big Sister.


At this moment, both of them had a bitter face, and they didn't dare to say no again.

Instead, silently nodded, "We understand."

"Three thousand spiritual veins will be handed over to Dragon King Island within three days, otherwise, this king will destroy your Tiandao Academy by himself." Xiao Qing said with a slight smile.

"What? Why has it changed again?"

The big brother was shocked, how could the price increase all at once, and Tiandao Academy has not moved in yet.

"Why, dissatisfied?" Emperor Xiao Qing glanced at the two of them, the indifferent color in their eyes made them breathe quickly and their faces flushed, and they didn't even dare to speak anymore.

"I, we served."

In the end, the master sister spoke hoarsely, but her eyes were filled with helplessness.

In my heart, I thought, as long as I can return to the academy, and then report to their master, who is the dean of the Tiandao Academy, everything will be fine for them.

How rampant Emperor Xiao Qing is, can he still treat the dean of Tiandao Academy?

They knew very well that their master, the dean of the Tiandao Academy, was the existence of the fourth stage of longevity, and was a personal disciple of Holy Emperor Xuanyuan.

"Remember, this king only gives you three days. When the time comes, this king will destroy the Tiandao Academy by himself."

Emperor Xiao Qing smiled warmly and waved his hand, directly blasting the two out of the entire Origin Star.

Then, he glanced at Ji Xinyao who was brought in by him, ignored the woman, looked at the void in the distance, and laughed softly, "If it wasn't for refining the Origin Star, I really don't know what is within the Origin Star. You still exist."

Taking one step out, his figure instantly disappeared in front of Ji Xinyao.

"Hey, what are you doing, wait for me..."

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