The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1958: Abnormal protrusion

"Wait, do you want to die or live?"

Emperor Xiao Qing's expression was flat, but his heart was already extremely angry.

If, if the three girls of Yan were really captured by the people of the Three Kings Palace, this time, he would definitely want to bloodbath the Three Kings Palace, and arrest all the people behind this matter.

As Sijiao said, if it wasn't the Three Kings Palace, but it was related to the Three Kings Palace, then he would definitely not let these guys go.

No one can escape the **** man.

"Wang, I want to survive."

"Want to live."

When the two big kills* received the killing intent of Emperor Xiao Qing, their expressions changed drastically.

They were terrified. At this moment, Emperor Xiao Qing really sensed a killing intent that could tear them apart.

They had no doubt that Emperor Xiao Qing would completely kill them in the next moment.


Emperor Xiao Qing carried his hands on his back, and his murderous intent was overwhelming. "If you don't say it clearly, you can die."

"Wang, I just came here by the order of the elder, so that I can protect the king and **** the king back to the Three Kings Palace...choking."

The person who spoke first was Snow Wolf, but before he could finish his words, he was slashed by a brilliant sword aura.

The soul, true spirit, and physical body were all completely wiped out by this sword and turned into nothingness.

On the other side, a look of horror appeared in Xue Ying's eyes. Only now has he completely understood how terrifying the new king of the Three Kings Palace is.

Killing decisively, not to the satisfaction of Emperor Xiao Qing, directly killed a gold medal killer.

You know, there are not so many gold medal killers in the Three Kings Palace, there are only a few people in total, and it is not easy for the Three Kings Palace to train a gold medal killer.


Emperor Xiao Qing’s cold voice fell into Xueying’s ears again, causing him to tremble, and after barely swallowing his saliva, he said, “The king, the second elder asked me to come here to prevent you from being caught by the elder. People in the same vein take away, and the rest, I really don’t know...choking."

"No, there is one more thing. This is the second elder's guess. The big elder is extremely aggressive. In order to assess whether you are eligible to be the king of the Three Kings Palace, he may have known that you are the new king in the future. Start the layout and target the people around you."

"This time, it is very likely that the great elder did what the great elder did. If you can destroy the blood-devouring temple, it will naturally be unprecedented for the Three Kings Palace. You are also qualified to be the king of the Three Kings Palace."

"If the blood-devouring temple cannot be destroyed, the king is destroyed?"

Emperor Xiao Qing said with a smile.

"Yes, it is..."

This guy swallowed his saliva, his heart was terrified, and he quickly said, "Wang, I really didn't lie, this is everything I know, please forgive me."

"As long as you can spare me, I can secretly provide you with all the information, and I will pass on to you everything that the senior elder and the second elder know."


The words fell, a large seal exuding nine-color light, and it blasted directly at him with an unparalleled breath.

"My life is over."

His expression changed drastically, with a look of horror in his eyes, and his whole person was about to turn into a ray of light and flee towards the distance.

However, when he wanted to move, he realized that the void around him had long since been sealed up. He felt as if he was stuck in a quagmire, he couldn't even move.


His figure was trembling, his eyes were horrified, and he couldn't help closing his eyes.

The next moment, the Emperor Seal bombarded his head, and the endless nine-color runes melted into his body.

Almost instantly, he surrendered Xue Ying, the gold medal killer.

There were nine-color runes in his eyes, and then, with a respectful look on his face, he knelt down towards Emperor Xiao Qing, "Xue Ying, pay homage to the master."

"I said just now, is it true?" Xiao Qing asked.

"Back to the king, almost all are true. However, there are some speculations from the subordinates that the Blood Devouring Temple has been extremely mysterious since ancient times, and even appeared after the Three Kings Palace. The reason why the Blood Devouring Temple can rise quickly is It was after countless robbing of the treasures of the Three Kings Palace and the chance of discovery."

"I feel that the master of the Blood Devouring Temple is very likely to be inextricably related to the powerhouse in the Three Kings Palace."

He bowed down respectfully, not daring to move.

After being branded by the emperor's seal, he has completely surrendered to Emperor Xiao Qing, even if he is only thinking in his heart, he can speak out.

"How did you know that Ruoyan and the others were captured by the people of the Blood Devouring Temple?" Xiao Qing asked again.

"It's the news that the spies who stayed in the Blood Devouring Temple returned. However, according to the information received by the second elder, the Blood Devouring Temple has been preparing for another major event during this period, and it seems that no strong person has left."

Xue Ying said respectfully, "So, subordinates guess that the arrester is not necessarily the person from the Temple of Blood Devouring."

"You go back first. As for today's matter, just tell the second elder like this." Emperor Xiao Qing flicked his finger, and a ray of light fell into Xue Ying's mind.

Immediately, Xue Ying understood what should be said. After his respectful salute, it turned into a **** sword light and disappeared.

"Boss, this matter seems to be getting more and more complicated." Standing on all fours of Xiao Qingdi's shoulders, his face was puzzled.

Xiao Qingyan also frowned, with a worried expression on her face, "Sister Susu was a little worried before, as if she suddenly left because of something urgent, it seems that this matter is within the Three Kings Palace. "

"Brother, now, it is a little troublesome for us to rescue Sister Ruoyan."

"It's okay, you don't have to worry."

Emperor Xiao Qing stretched out his hand and gently rubbed the little girl's head, and said with a soft smile, "There is a brother in everything, no one can be arrogant in front of him. Whoever dares to touch them will make him regret it."

In his eyes, there is a monstrous killing intent burst out.

Whether it is the Blood Devouring Temple or whoever caught it, this time, it has already caused his taboo.

Dragons have scales, touch them and die!

"My brother will take you to see Sister Susu right away. Just tell the old story with Sister Susu, brother will take care of the rest."

Although the killing intent rushed into the sky, Emperor Xiao Qing was still very gentle towards the younger sister.

He gently touched the little girl's little head, although the killing intent was rushing into the sky, but facing the little girl, he was still gentle and loving.


The little girl Xiao Qingyan kept lighting her head, and she made up her mind. This time, she must find Sister Su Su to practice hard, and she must help her brother.

Although her strength has improved and she is very happy, there is still a big gap compared with Emperor Xiao Qing.


At this time, thirty-six blood-colored rays of light whizzed in the distance.

Thirty-six Tiangangs were the people who were sent by Susu to be sent by Emperor Xiao Qing. They knelt down in front of Emperor Xiao Qing respectfully, "Master, the saint let us come to meet you."

Thirty-six of them had long been surrendered by Emperor Xiao Qing with his seal, and everything was naturally worry-free.

"So, let's go."

Emperor Xiao Qing nodded, and he trusted the thirty-six Tiangang that had been surrendered by himself.

A group of people quickly walked towards the starry sky.

However, just as they didn't go far out, suddenly, an unexpected change emerged.

Qiang Qiang!

Infinite blood-colored killing intent, all over the starry sky, instantly besieged them and the group in it.

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