
At this moment, murderous opportunities are everywhere.

The infinite **** murderous aura broke out, and Emperor Xiao Qing and his party were completely **** in all directions.

Not sword energy, but sword energy and all kinds of terrifying killing intent.

Everything that catches the eye is full of blood.

Murderous intent, murderous intent everywhere.


Xiao Qingyan felt Wubi's murderous invasion, making her face pale and cold, and she couldn't help but grab Xiao Qingdi's hand.

"Don't be afraid, there is an older brother."

Emperor Xiao Qing’s whole body was full of nine-colored rays of light blooming, and the whole person was like a luminous light source, dispelling the **** killing intent. When the nine-colored rays of light shining on the little sister Xiao Qingyan’s body, the little sister felt warm. .

At the same time, Xiao Qing emperor's whole body, a vast and unparalleled breath burst out, and the infinite sword intent rose up.

Before he could speak, all four feet had already jumped on the shoulders of the little girl and stood, his head held up, and all the scales all over his body stood up, ready to take action at any time.

"Protect Yaner."

After the emperor Xiao Qing gave a command, he waved his hand to put away the thirty-six days.

Thirty-six Heavenly Gangs, even the longevity state has not been reached. Facing the invasion of this kind of force, it has been unable to bear it, and there is a tendency to faint.

If you don't put away the 36 Tiangang, they really can't support it for too long with their strength.

"The strength is too weak."

Emperor Xiao Qing shook his head, at the same time, a little worried in his heart.

Was it that Susu had only people of this level who could be dispatched, or because of her weak strength at the time, the level of 36 Tiangang was enough?

If only people of this level can be mobilized, compared with the high elders and the second elders who are often gold medal killers, Susu's situation is too difficult.

"I'm here, all your difficulties will not exist, whoever dares to embarrass you, this king will kill without mercy."

Emperor Xiao Qing said to himself in his heart, and his eyes burst out with a murderous intent.

Sister Shenxian has always been a noble and indispensable existence in his heart. It is the true goddess of the Nine Heavens, a person that the world cannot offend.

Who dare to bully his fairy sister?


Who dare to embarrass his fairy sister?


He has grown up, he can help his fairy sister.


When the killing intent in Emperor Xiao Qing's heart was overwhelming, accompanied by a clap of applause, a powerful man with a blood blade and a blood mask appeared in the **** light.

One of the strong men came out empty-handed. He clapped as he walked and looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with a smile, "Dragon King Xiao Qingdi, no, it should be the new king of the Three Kings Palace, hello, I am the elder of the Blood Devouring Temple."

It was as if he was very polite to greet him for the first time, with one hand on his back and one hand on his chest, bowing slightly to salute, looking gentle and polite.

"Which elder?" Xiao Qingdi said calmly with his hands on his back.

"Ranked ninth." The elder smiled slightly.

"Even the great elder doesn't have enough swords for this king, just relying on you, the ninth elder dare to jump out and find death?" Xiao Qing's eyes suddenly broke out, staring at the ninth elder, and said in a low voice, "You, want to die. ?"

"Lord Dragon King really loves to talk and laugh."

The ninth elder of the Blood Devouring Temple smiled leisurely, "Don't talk about this universe, even if it is other universes, and even the more powerful Nine Heavens True God Realm, as long as the infinite powerhouse can live, who wants to die?"

"Since you want to live, why come and die?"

Emperor Xiao Qing stepped out, and in an instant, the sound of sword roars into the sky, with him as the center, infinite sword energy appeared instantly.

Qiang Qiang!

In the **** light, the powerhouses of the blood-devouring temple that had been looming were all beheaded by countless sword auras, and some of them were directly killed by chaotic swords on the spot.

The other part of the people in the Blood Devouring Temple quickly exited the encirclement and gathered behind the ninth elder, all of them looking at Emperor Xiao Qing with horror.

They are all immortals, set up a formation, and even have the confidence to deal with the strongest group of people in the Three Kings Palace.

However, in the face of Emperor Xiao Qing, Emperor Xiao Qing didn't even start, so it was incredible to break their formation like this.

At this moment, Emperor Xiao Qing had a calm look on his face, looked at the ninth elder of the blood-devouring temple, and said calmly, "Now think that you are looking for death by yourself?"

The ninth elder still smiled, looked at the group of killers behind him, and said indifferently, "A bunch of trash, if the Lord Dragon King wants it, how about giving it all to you?"

As the words fell, behind him, there were countless big hands emerging out of thin air, grabbing all the dozens of killers, and then suddenly throwing them at Emperor Xiao Qing.

Emperor Xiao Qing still didn't move, but there was a sword groan rising out of thin air, and sword auras slashed out in the air, directly slashing these powerful men.


However, when Xiao Qingdi beheaded these strong men, an abnormal change suddenly emerged.

These powerful men seemed to be divine thunders. After being split in half, they all exploded directly.

Of course, just their explosive power is not enough. The key is that there is unmatched power in that **** light, and at this moment, they all directly emit a huge explosion.

As if the entire starry sky was detonated.

Although this power is not as good as the explosive power of the Heavenly Demon God Realm, it is also very terrifying.

"you dare!"

Emperor Xiao Qing's face changed drastically, and he suddenly appeared next to the little sister, who was about to send the little sister into the palace.

"Don't rush to save people, take my punch first and say."

At this moment, along with a laugh, I remembered that the ninth elder penetrated the power of the big bang, stepped out, and came directly in front of Emperor Xiao Qing, and blasted towards Emperor Xiao Qing with a punch.

This punch, with infinite power, continuously amplified in front of Emperor Xiao Qing, possessing terrifying power, but this power was all compressed and did not affect everything in the surrounding void, and it all blasted towards Emperor Xiao Qing.

"court death."

Regardless of the power of this fist, Emperor Xiao Qing turned on the power of the emperor's palace and directly sent the little sister and four feet into it.

Then he turned his back and punched it.


The two fists suddenly collided.

Even if Xiao Qingdi's body had reached a terrifying level, what surprised him was that his punch could not stop the opponent's attack.

He was directly blasted into the void.

"Lord Dragon King, you are careless."

The ninth elder still smiled like a polite old man, and after a hit, he didn't rush and didn't seem to worry that Emperor Xiao Qing would run away, but stood with his hands on his back. Here.

"Dragon King, the king of the Three Kings Palace, but so."

"Think this punch is just the end?"

He shook his head, with a look of disdain on his face, "The real method of my Blood Devouring Temple will make you understand what true despair is."

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