The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1961: Who is king?

"Little brother."

In the mysterious space, where the Three Kings Palace was, Susu's face changed drastically, and was dealing with some things, and waiting for Emperor Xiao Qing to arrive.

"who is it?

Her eyes were cold, and she was about to leave the Three Kings Palace to save people.

At this time, the two old men walked over with a smile and bowed to Su Su, "I have seen the saint."

"Elder * Elder, are you going to stop me from helping my little brother?" Su Su's eyes showed a cold color.


The elder said with a serious expression, "First, he has not officially taken office and cannot be regarded as the official king of the Three Kings Palace. Second, even if he is already regarded as the king, if something happens to him, you, the saint, must not have an accident, otherwise, The Palace of the Three Kings was destroyed."


The second elder, who has always been at odds with the great elder, also nodded rarely, "Last time you asked you to run to help him and scared us to death. Fortunately, you are okay. Otherwise, if you are a saint in the Three Kings Palace, No, then something big will happen."

"Can you stop this saint?"

The killing intent flowed in Su Su's eyes, and an immense force burst out.

At this moment, her killing intent rushed into the sky, her anger almost ignited the surrounding void.

"Very well, you all want to support others to become the king of the Three Kings Palace. Now that the new king is coming, you dare to stop like this. Could it be that you sent the person who attacked and killed the little brother this time?"

When the voice fell, Susu seemed to understand something, and his eyes were murderous. "Very good, you two, do you want to force me to completely clean up your two veins?"

"Although you are a saint, you are not yet a king, and you can't slander us like this, and you are not qualified to be in charge of us." The elder said with a smile.

The second elder sighed and said, "In the previous Palace of Three Kings, there were three kings, but this time, you only selected one king. You want to monopolize the power of the three kings, which is a bit wrong."

"If the three elders were here, I am afraid they would not agree."

The elder also smiled and said, "Well, let's take a step back, and you will restore the three kings system, and the people we choose will become one of the three kings. Then, not only do we not stop you from saving people, but even help you?"

"Do you dare to disobey the meaning of the three old guys?"

Susu smiled angrily, "Very good, since you are persecuting me like this, then don't blame me."

"The sword is coming!"

She grabbed it in a volley, and in the mountains behind the temple, with the sound of a trembling sword, a terrifying sword intent rose up.

This sword intent was terrifying, and it felt like tearing apart the secret realm where the entire Three Kings Palace was located, and even annihilating the rules of the universe.

Even the great and terrifying powerhouses such as the Great Elder and the Second Elder felt trembling in their hearts at this moment, and their eyes were shocked, "This is..."

"Wang Jian left by the old guy."

"They actually passed Wang Jian to you?"

The two elders, who were still very indifferent, had a look of horror in their eyes, and they no longer dared to stop Susu.

Instead, just bow and bow to Susu, "Since the saint wants to save people, we naturally dare not stop it. I wish the saint a smooth trip."

With that, the figures of the two of them stepped aside and made a way.

"After I come back, I will ask you to settle the account. Besides, if you let me know that the people around my brother are caught, if you use your hands and feet, don't blame me for being cruel."

Susu is frosty and noble.

A word fell, a sword light suddenly flew over in the forbidden area of ​​the back mountain, leading her to disappear.

It was not until he left that the first elder and the second elder straightened up at the same time. They looked at each other with solemn expressions, "This is a little troublesome."

"The saint actually got the king sword."

The Great Elder glanced at the second elder and said calmly, "But I don't know how many three-handed king swords she has obtained."

"The saint was originally brought up by the three kings. In the eyes of the three old kings, the saint is their daughter. Do you think they will only leave a king sword to the saint?"

The second elder said calmly, "Now that the Three Kings Sword is in the hands of the saint, you should be obedient if you think carefully."

"What do you say to the deity?"

The Great Elder shouted angrily, "Your thoughts are not less than mine, and don't think I don't know why the Temple of Blood Devouring grows so fast, hey..."

He sneered, "Blood Devouring Temple, is it the real Blood Devouring Temple, or did you support it in secret?"

"Old guy, do you think this deity is the master behind the blood-devouring temple?"

The second elder laughed, "Hahaha...Guess, am I its owner?"

He walked away with pride on his face.

At this moment, the elder frowned and fell into deep thought, "This old fellow, do you really think I don't know the truth, but I also...hehe."

He glanced at the Houshan Forbidden Land, his eyes flashed with cold light, his figure suddenly appeared, and he was about to break into it, "I want to see what the three old guys left behind here."


However, when he just wanted to enter it, a ray of light rose up and directly bounced his whole person out.

"Who dares to break into Lao Tzu's forbidden land without authorization?"

However, a phantom rose up in the back mountain, turning into an aggressive white-haired old man.

The old man stared at the elder, and sneered, "This time I spare you, and next time I dare to break in again, I will kill you with a single sword, Mad, thinking that I once followed Laozi and I can mess around after I leave?"

"Don't think that I don't know what you think, and if you dare to mess around, I will kill you."

"Wang, I dare not."

This old man's words changed the look of the great elder, and he bowed down and bowed, "I just broke in by accident. Please forgive me, Wang."

He didn't dare to move, so he bowed and bowed, dripping with sweat on his forehead.

In my heart, I was terrified.

The three old guys left, but there are still incarnations left behind in the Forbidden Land?


He secretly scolded the old guy for insidiousness. If he had known that the three old guys still had their avatars here, how could he dare to mess around?

It's better now. I have done all the things that should be done and the things that shouldn't have been done. The saint and the new king have been offended so badly that this old guy jumped out?

What can he do?

In my heart, there is a wave of despair rising.

I'm afraid that after the old guy checks everything out, he will start to destroy him.

However, after waiting for a long time, nothing happened. He raised his head cautiously and found that the figure of the old guy had disappeared.

"Even running away?"

He breathed a sigh of relief, "In this way, this incarnation doesn't have much intelligence, or it's just bluffing?"

"However, the old guy is the most insidious, and the other two are the same. Maybe it's just waiting for me to do something. No, this time has to stop for a while. As long as you follow the rules, you should be fine."

While he was thinking, on the surface, he once again bowed to Houshan before turning and leaving.

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