The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1962: This king wants to kill, who can live?


In the void space, infinite divine soldiers slashed towards Emperor Xiao Qing.

At the same time, all the rules of the universe converge here.

Even if he was as strong as Emperor Xiao Qing, he felt an aura of vast rules suppressing himself, causing him to frown.

"The ninth elder of the blood-devouring temple, it can be regarded as allowing you to calculate that the punishment will come."

He shook his head and looked at the rules of the universe converging on top of his head. He smiled softly, "However, the ninth elder, you are a bit wrong."

"This king, not only is not afraid of heaven's punishment, he even looks forward to its coming."

The holy emperor sword in the right hand was cut out, and the sword light appeared, intertwining with the divine soldiers that had been cut down in the void.

At the same time, he directly grabbed his four feet from the emperor hall and threw them into the void, "I have a good understanding of the rules of the universe."

"Boss, you are asking me to take care of you."

All four feet screamed and rushed into the magical soldiers, and suddenly, the infinite magical soldiers all slew towards him, causing it to scream.

However, Emperor Xiao Qing's sword light circulated, slashed out with a sword, and the void burst open.

Seeing the rules of the universe gather more and more, his face showed expectation, "Heaven Punishment, come on, this king’s body is not strong enough, my soul is not strong enough, I need Heaven Punishment to help me get my body. He Yuanshen is tempered to an invincible state."

He wants to become stronger quickly, even reaching the level of being able to contact those powerful demon gods on the other side of Tianyuan, the easiest way is to temper his body with heaven's punishment.

Such behavior is absolutely crazy.

Even the Ninth Elder of the Blood Devouring Temple couldn't think of Emperor Xiao Qing's plan.

At this moment, the ninth elder stood quietly in the void a million miles away, watching Emperor Xiao Qing bear the suppression of the rules of the universe, with a bright smile on his face, "This kid, if he is not dead, It must be punished by the heavens, so that's good."

"Kill me the Great Elder of the Blood Devouring Temple, do you really think you can do nothing?"

He was able to look at Emperor Xiao Qing in the void incomparably, just waiting for the punishment to come.

Of course, he didn't dare to get too close, if Xiao Qing emperor found out, and dragged him to fight against the punishment, then his trouble would be great.

After all, the last time Emperor Xiao Qing spent the longevity robbery, he used the Heaven's Punishment Pit to kill many strong men.


At this moment, a sword light came in the distance, and before the ninth elder did not react, it directly slashed on his body.

His flesh exploded and turned into countless **** streamers. After quickly retreating, he recondensed into a figure a hundred thousand miles away. However, at this moment, he was pale and unstable.

"The saint of the Three Kings Palace."

The ninth elder roared, "Do you dare to hurt this elder like this, do you want to die?"

Susu Baiyi Shengxue, holding a king sword, looked at the ninth elder murderously, Bing Han said with a voice, "The old ninth of the blood-devouring temple, you dare to move the new king of my Three Kings Palace, you want Did my Palace of the Three Kings make an all-out effort to destroy your blood-devouring temple?"

"If it were the previous Three Kings Palace, it would really have the power to destroy my Blood Devouring Temple, but now the Three Kings Palace will not work."

The ninth elder smiled and said, "Miss Susu, you have been in charge of the Three Kings Palace for a while. You should be very clear that the Three Kings Palace without those three old things is already torn apart. It is better to carry the one under your command. Forces come to my blood-devouring temple."

"My house master said, as long as you are willing to come, let you be a saint. Of course, you can also be the deputy master or the wife of the master."


His voice had not fallen yet, and a tens of millions of Nine-Colored Sword Qi killed him from a distance, almost tore his whole person in half.

"Dare to insult this king's fairy sister, you are looking for death."

The cold voice of Emperor Xiao Qing came.

The next moment, the ninth elder's face changed, and around him, infinite sword aura emerged out of thin air, exploding with incomparable sword emperor power.


Emperor Xiao Qing screamed, in the void, infinite sword energy gathered, and once again slew towards the ninth elder.

"Emperor Xiao Qing, you can't take care of yourself, and you dare to come and do it to me. You are asking for your own death." The ninth elder roared, and a terrifying force erupted.

"Can't take care of yourself?" Xiao Qingdi sneered, "If you didn't wait for the punishment to come, do you think you can stop this king with this little trick?"


The ninth elder was startled, "You, are you waiting for the punishment to come?"

Even Su Su showed a look of astonishment, "Brother, Heaven's Punishment is no small thing. The last Heaven's Punishment can be said to be your longevity. If you pass it, it will be gone. If it is triggered again for no reason, it may be It can never be terminated."

"Sister, don't worry, I have my own measures."

Emperor Xiao Qing chuckled softly, and even facing the attack of the divine weapon transformed by the infinite rules of the universe, he no longer attacked with the Holy Emperor Sword, but directly controlled the Holy Emperor Sword to kill the Ninth Elder. .

"You are looking for death by yourself."

The ninth elder was not surprised and rejoiced. In the face of the suppression of the rules of the universe, Emperor Xiao Qing dared to deal with him distractedly, and even lost his divine sword. How could he stop the rules of the universe?

It's just asking for a dead end.

"Since it's here, leave your sword."

The breath of the ninth elder rose up, and the mighty power of the fourth stage of the longevity burst out and confronted the Holy Emperor Sword.

He believed that as long as he could entangle Emperor Xiao Qing, the holy emperor sword, then the power of the entire universe would surely be able to easily destroy Emperor Xiao Qing.

"Brother, you take back your divine sword, and I'll kill him."

Susu's expression also changed slightly, with anxiety in his eyes.

"It's okay."

However, Emperor Xiao Qing's voice was still flat, "Isn't that just a ninth elder? I can kill him with three swords."


In an instant, the Sacred Emperor Sword suddenly turned into a million-foot-long divine sword, slashing directly towards the Ninth Elder with terrifying power.

"I underestimate this elder, don't talk about Three Swords, even if it's three hundred swords, you don't want to kill me."

The ninth elder was furious and tried all means to use all kinds of abilities to resist the sword of Emperor Xiao Qing.


With a sword slashed, the ninth elder was smashed away from a distance.

He vomited blood and an incredible color appeared in his eyes, "How come..."


A blood stain spread directly from the top of his head, and in the blink of an eye, it directly tore his whole person in half.

"Emperor Xiao Qing..."

But he didn't perish just like that, but his figure condensed again in the void, his face paler than before, and I don't know how many times his face was, and his breath also dropped countlessly.

He roared, looking at Emperor Xiao Qing who was pointing and pointing into a sword against the magical weapon that the rules of the universe gathered, he panicked.

"Today's matter, I don't care about you. If you can survive, I will kill you again."

After leaving a harsh word, the ninth elder of the Blood Devouring Temple was about to flee.

However, Emperor Xiao Qing wants to kill him, can he go?

"No one can leave alive under the sword of this king."

Accompanied by the icy voice, an unmatched sword light with unparalleled sword power, suddenly cut towards the ninth elder.

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