The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1996: The palm drags the universe, invincible like an ant

Outside the source star, all the powerhouses looked at Emperor Xiao Qing cautiously.

If someone finds out, they will be stunned.

These are all peerless powerhouses among the tens of thousands of clan in the starry sky, some are the pioneers of a clan, and some are truly supreme kings, and there are thousands of gods and demons under them.

Even when the Xuanyuan Holy Emperor and the Wild Emperor crossed the starry sky and were extremely domineering, facing these existences, they were equally cautious and polite.

But now, facing Emperor Xiao Qing, they are like younger generations.

Time, a little bit passed.

Emperor Xiao Qing just sat calmly, but he brought endless pressure to everyone, and some strong men even started to sweat on their foreheads.

One hour later, no one came.

Emperor Xiao Qing said calmly, "It seems that they don't take this king in their eyes."

"In that case, the king had to personally invite them over."

He stood up, and suddenly, in the eyes of the peerless experts in the fourth stage of longevity, Emperor Xiao Qing at this moment changed suddenly, as if a supreme heavenly **** had awakened, and a terrifying breath exploded.

At this moment, Emperor Xiao Qing was clearly still just a normal person tall, but in the eyes of everyone, it became terrifying, as if the entire universe could not accommodate Emperor Xiao Qing.

Everyone was shocked, no longer dared to sit, but quickly stood up, looking at Emperor Xiao Qing with reverence in his eyes.

"So strong."

At this moment, their hearts trembled, and they only felt that Emperor Xiao Qing's figure was carved into their hearts like a supreme god.

"Everyone, this king is sincerely inviting, but you wait but not come, can you look down on this king?"

Emperor Xiao Qing spoke.

His voice is magnificent, like a thundering red name blowing up in the depths of the universe.

As the voice came out, he grabbed his right hand and said indifferently, "Since he kindly invites you to come and does not come, then, as long as this king personally invites you to come."


At this moment, in the depths of the universe, in three different corners, there are three strong people hiding in the formation.

They thought that by blocking their aura with the formation technique, they would be able to block Emperor Xiao Qing's senses. What they didn't expect was that no matter how powerful the formation technique was, it would not be able to block the induction power of Emperor Xiao Qing.

Accompanied by a sound of earth-shaking sound, almost at the same time, a big earth-shaking hand grabbed from the depths of the starry sky and just grabbed it towards them.

"Do not."

"Emperor Xiao Qing, you deceive people too much."

"Why do you tell us to go, we have to go, if we don't want to go, you have to be tough again, do you really think you have become the true **** of the universe?"

The three powerhouses roared at the same time, but they did not dare to head-to-head with Emperor Xiao Qing, but turned into a stream of light and fled towards the distance.

However, it didn't work.

Emperor Xiao Qing's big hand with nine-colored rays of light circulated, and a whirlpool burst out in the palm of his palm, and the unmatched suction directly sucked the three powerhouses into this palm.

The three powerhouses only felt that the sky was spinning and the earth was spinning, and they, who were originally in three different directions in the universe, were caught in the same palm.

At this moment, they were horrified, "Emperor Xiao Qing, what magical power is this?"

"Join hands and rush out."

The invincible existences of the three heaven and earth realms each broke out with their strongest strength, and they were about to cut through the palm of Emperor Xiao Qing and escape, but it was still useless.


The palms merged together, a vast and boundless aura exploded, and the nine-color sword light flowed, directly blocking all their attacks.

Then, Emperor Xiao Qing grabbed it, as if the power of the entire universe had been suppressing the three, even if they had reached the peak of the heaven and earth realm, they couldn't stop the blow.

Their figures trembled at this moment, unable to resist anymore, they were directly held back by Emperor Xiao Qing.

Outside the source star, everyone only saw Emperor Xiao Qing’s hand penetrated into the void for a while, and the void vibrated, accompanied by three unwilling but horrified screams. Three strong men were in his palm. Jumping, just got caught.

"It's them, the light **** of the angel race, the dark **** of the dark **** race, and the golden devil."

Everyone was shaking, "These three guys are rebelling against Emperor Xiao Qing, this is simply looking for a dead end."

"Hey, after all, they are powerhouses who have appeared since the beginning of the world. If they are not reconciled to being put on the top of their heads by Emperor Xiao Qing, it is naturally impossible to agree."

"Whose status is everyone inferior to them? These three can't see current affairs, so they're going to die by themselves."

Everyone sighed, but felt that these three guys were asking for their own demise.

"Three great pomp."

Emperor Xiao Qing’s palm turned upside down, and suddenly, it was as if the earth was turned upside down. The three powerhouses only felt that there was a terrifying force pressing them down, making them unable to move at all of their cultivation, and they could only shrink their bodies, like ants. It was thrown out directly.

"He used supreme magical powers to crush our physical bodies."

At this moment, the three powerhouses were all shocked.

It is not that Emperor Xiao Qing has grown bigger, but that they have been compressed.

Looking up, whether Emperor Xiao Qing or the others, they are all extremely tall, but they are as small as ants.

This feeling makes them* feel very weak.

"God of light? God of darkness? And this golden demon, one of the nine demon, is interesting."

Emperor Xiao Qing knew the identities of these three people just by looking at them. Although they didn't know their specific names, the energy in their bodies could instantly recognize the origin of each other.

Looking at the three guys who looked like ants with a smile but a smile, Emperor Xiao Qing continued to sit on the sofa and said calmly, "Do the three look down on this king or what?"

"Dragon King Xiao Qingdi, junior, what are you going to do?"

"Let us go."

"Do you dare to compress our physical body like this? After we recover, we will definitely want you to look good."

The three powerhouses all roared.

"The Origin Star Bright Church and the Dark Council are both passed down. Tsk tsk, the people from the Bright Church and the Dark Council were dealing with this king before, and I want to come to the two to be familiar with this king."

Emperor Xiao Qing lowered his head and looked like ants, but they were roaring constantly. They smiled and said, "There is this one, one of the nine demons. Among the nine demons, besides the sky demons, you belong to you most. Strong."

"Real people don't show their faces."

Emperor Xiao Qing smiled softly, looking at this golden devil, one of the nine demon, really surprised.

Among the nine innate demons, the strongest is the heavenly demons. I thought that none of the other demons could reach the fourth realm of longevity, but I didn't expect there to be one.

"Emperor Xiao Qing."

The God of Light and the God of Darkness raised their heads at the same time to look at Emperor Xiao Qing, with indifferent expressions in their eyes, "Don't be mad, it's too powerful, this universe cannot tolerate you."

"Do you know why Xuanyuan Holy Emperor and Barbaric Emperor left this universe? Since you are the new king of the Three Kings Palace and the heir to those three old kings, do you know why the three old guys left this universe? "

"That's because this universe cannot accommodate an overly powerful person like you."

The God of Guangming sneered and said, "I thought you got the Secret of Origin, and you should know something. Unexpectedly, you didn't know anything."

"Boy, you are dead."

"It won't be long before weirdness will come to you, and you will undoubtedly die, rampant, just momentarily."

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